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Which game do you have the most nostalgia withand why?

black 93

Well-Known Member
I have nostalgia with most of the games but For me its RE2. I remember i was about 9 and it was the first one i beat and i played through all four scenarios by myself. I was determined not to get help from anyone and it took me a couple weeks but i finally did it. Can remember it like it was yesterday, if anyone went near the ps1 i screwed at them, i was just so determined to beat it alone and when i did i remember my dads reaction, he couldnt beleive it lol. I also remember that huge aligator was the thing that scared me the most. I picked Leon first cuz i was 9 so i had to be the man lol, and then i played claires and found it much harder, but i remember enjoying claires story the most. I was absoloutly captivated by the game, the story, the birkins, cheif irons, that classic police station music, and i just loved playing all the scenarios to see how things changed like having kendos gun shop in scenario A, and seeing how his dialouge changed depending on whether you were claire or leon and seeing how the burning helicopter got there in scenario B.Then i unlocked 4th survivor and was determined to get through that too, which was the only time iv ever managed it lol then going for the secret key from brad to get the costumes, just so much stuff. Bare in mind, the game you have the most nostalgia with dosent have to also be your favourite. Like the one i have the most nostagia with is RE2 but my favourite is REmake.


Jupiter Jazz
I think, most Zelda games trigger it for me.. Ocarina Of Time, Majoras Mask, The Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. Out of the Resident Evil series I'd have to say RE1 the remake triggers the most. Ive played RE4 & RE5 so much the nostalgia I'd imagine would be bad. Servilely over played them. Maybe the cave in RE5 just after the boss fight with Irvine or whatever his name was, that was visually monumental at the time haha.

black 93

Well-Known Member
All of them, actually. I'm one of those people that gets really nostalgic even if it was just a couple months ago, so Revelations 2 is included.
I could go on and on about all the good times I've had playing RE, but it would be a huge post. xD
Yea, their all pretty nostalgic if your a fan, i just remember RE2 the most because it was the first one i beat myself. RE5 is also pretty nostalgic for me as well, that came out when i was in my last year of school and me and my friend danny played it all year round. I remember we stayed up all night the day it came out and beat it, man that was a long night lol. He had that special edition with the blood red 360 and the tiny little chris figure haha good times


Jill Sandwich Lover Since 1996
RE3: I remember playing it with my friend when I was 8 or 9. RE2 didn't came out in my country so I had to wait until 3 was released. God. I'll never forget the moments when Nemesis showed up xD We were so f*ckin' scared of him like little girls, especially in the RPD when he jumped out that window :0 ... I thought my heart's gonna stop beating or that damn fight in that damn waste room near the end of the game. Jeez, I panicked so hard that I'm not gonna kill him and get out of this damn room in time. Not to forget Carlos lines about his accent and women going crazy because of it xD Overall the story was good, I liked the characters Barry's return ;) and I can't tell how many times I replayed that game. Also, that game made me the most devout Jill Valentine fan ever. This game is very special to me. unfortunately Capcom stopped caring for Jill after RE5 *sadface*

RE:CVX: I remember I had from a PS2 magazine a CD with cheats on it for infinite ammo, all items etc. So the game was a cake-walk for me. Tyrant Battle? No problem. Two shots from my rocket launcher and that damn thing was dead xD I basically nuked everything in my way with the rocket launcher.

RE4: One word: Regenerators. Damn scary things with their annoying breathing. Oh and Ashley constantly yelling "LEON HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!"

RE5: Had a blast playing the game with a friend in co-op or sometimes with my cousin in splitscreen. I remember my buddy killed Jill on purpose just to p*ss me off and I in exchange let him die several times or how we were fooling around xD Ahhh those were fun times.

So much nostalgia.

I guess I am getting older...


black 93

Well-Known Member
RE3: I remember playing it with my friend when I was 8 or 9. RE2 didn't came out in my country so I had to wait until 3 was released. God. I'll never forget the moments when Nemesis showed up xD We were so f*ckin' scared of him like little girls, especially in the RPD when he jumped out that window :0 ... I thought my heart's gonna stop beating or that damn fight in that damn waste room near the end of the game. Jeez, I panicked so hard that I'm not gonna kill him and get out of this damn room in time. Not to forget Carlos lines about his accent and women going crazy because of it xD Overall the story was good, I liked the characters Barry's return ;) and I can't tell how many times I replayed that game. Also, that game made me the most devout Jill Valentine fan ever. This game is very special to me. unfortunately Capcom stopped caring for Jill after RE5 *sadface*

RE:CVX: I remember I had from a PS2 magazine a CD with cheats on it for infinite ammo, all items etc. So the game was a cake-walk for me. Tyrant Battle? No problem. Two shots from my rocket launcher and that damn thing was dead xD I basically nuked everything in my way with the rocket launcher.

RE4: One word: Regenerators. Damn scary things with their annoying breathing. Oh and Ashley constantly yelling "LEON HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!"

RE5: Had a blast playing the game with a friend in co-op or sometimes with my cousin in splitscreen. I remember my buddy killed Jill on purpose just to p*ss me off and I in exchange let him die several times or how we were fooling around xD Ahhh those were fun times.

So much nostalgia.

I guess I am getting older...
Haha nemesis was a great game. Just a shame capcom ruined the surprise by having the beast himself on the front cover. Imagine not knowing anything about him then just having him drop in on you! Still, he makes a great first impression none the less, and as for Jill, i feel your pain! If capcom dont bring her back for 7 they must have some legitimate beef with her lol


Sexually Active Member
Code Veronica holds a lot of memories and sentimental value for me. I mentioned this before but I played it a lot when my grandpa was sick and it took my mind off of things. It was also the first RE game that I ever beat and I worked damn hard for that win! I thought I would never kill the tyrant on the cargo plane. Definitely could have used those cheats @Valentine91 .
I also idolized Claire a lot because of that game (plus my favorite duo Chris and Wesker were in it). Good times; very nostalgic and even certain smells bring me back to those days.

Then of course there is the original Resident Evil (1996) which got me into the series. I was too afraid to play it though (and really couldn't figure out the controls when I did try to play it). I would always try to make my brothers play through it and most of the time they wouldn't. Cowards. :p
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Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
I have two main nostalgic RE games.

The first one is RE3. Me, my brother and sister got 3 and 2 together, but for some reason we decided to start with 3. I was six years old and all the neighbourhood friends used to come around to our house because we had the game. It would scare the hell out of all of us, and whenever we saw Nemesis with his rocket launcher we would shout 'bazooka!!'. We must have played that game on and off for three years. I also had a huge crush on one of my friends, and I later found out that at the time he had had a crush on me too, and we'd sit next to each other and when we were scared we would hold onto each other a bit. :p

The other is RE4. By that point I was the only one who was really still into Resident Evil, and so it was the first RE game that I played alone. I loved the game and there were things that I found quite creepy, such as the regenerators, still being only 11 years old when I played it. I really loved that game.

I have nostalgic feelings towards all of the RE games that I've played, but I think these are the two that stand out the most.

Agent Spike

Well-Known Member
I have nostalgic feelings towards RE2. I used to play that game nonstop for a whole summer.
Now that I don't have it anymore (internally screaming) every time I watch a video or a pic of RE2, I get very nostalgic.

As for non RE games, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awaking DX and Super Mario Sunshine. Yes, it's for the same reasons.

Pro tip for everyone: Don't lend your games.


Jill Sandwich Lover Since 1996
Haha nemesis was a great game. Just a shame capcom ruined the surprise by having the beast himself on the front cover. Imagine not knowing anything about him then just having him drop in on you! Still, he makes a great first impression none the less, and as for Jill, i feel your pain! If capcom dont bring her back for 7 they must have some legitimate beef with her lol
I know but meeting him in-game was much more terrifying. Remember the first time when you met him after you entered the RPD when he killed Brad? Back then I was like "Okay...Am I supposed to fight this thing?" And when the choices popped up I ran into the RPD Building as I was scared sh*tless xD He was a pain in the ass throughout the entire game but still one of my favorite enemies in the series :) As for Jill... I know I tend to whine too much about her, but I'm just not happy that she gets pushed into the background for no apparent reason. I can't tell whether she'll ever appear again or not, it's hard to say, but with the recent RE infos we have .... I have a rather negative feeling about her.

@bSTAR_182 Oh trust me, you'd have a lot of fun with those cheats and life becomes much easier with them ;)

Non-RE games would be probably Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft (once again I cheated to get the rocket launcher as I loved to blow up things:love:Me and my rocket launchers xD) and the Mass Effect Trilogy (I've spend literally houndreds of hours playing the series. Loved the story, the characters... basically everything. Everytime I watch a video on YT of ME, I get very nostalgic but also sad :'( Too bad Shepard's story is over)

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
I agree with @Jen's post entirely.

RE 3 was the first RE game I ever 'played' (and I use that term lightly because I was really only telling my cousin where to go). I remember we had spent Christmas with my aunt, uncle and their two sons - and they got a PS1 and a whole bunch of games for Christmas. We were up all night playing Dino Crisis and Resident Evil 3... I was more into DC because dinosaurs were cute and zombies were not so much but it was so much fun. My parents eventually got us a Playstation for our birthdays along with DC & RE 3. I was so terrified of Nemesis that I'd insist on organizing the item box in alphabetical order just to stall.

Next one was Code Veronica... which I think I liked because I thought Alfred and Alexia were 'teh bomb' at the time.

And then of course was Resident Evil 4... which I came into late because I sort of dropped the series after being unimpressed with RE 0. I think I might have had my biggest scare ever with RE 4... I was playing with a few high school friends and I was looking at something through the rifle, when suddenly a religious zealot ganado moved right in front of my face and it terrified me. I (accidentally) threw the controller into our art project and got paint all over it.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
I think I might have had my biggest scare ever with RE 4... I was playing with a few high school friends and I was looking at something through the rifle, when suddenly a religious zealot ganado moved right in front of my face and it terrified me. I (accidentally) threw the controller into our art project and got paint all over it.
The exact same thing happened to me in that room where you have to raise two platforms out of the water, when you send Ashley to turn the cranks, and I literally screamed! :p

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
The exact same thing happened to me in that room where you have to raise two platforms out of the water, when you send Ashley to turn the cranks, and I literally screamed! :p
I think mine was right before you get into the castle and you have to bomb the door... I had wiped the entire area out but I didn't realize that there are still two ganados that come after you if you wait around too long.


Stray Jedi
For me it's Metal Gear Solid. The Twin Snakes in particular. I was going through a depression at the time that game came out and had a very tough year. That game really helped me get through it. It probably one of my all time favorite games, if not my favorite. I beat the game 4 times back to back and had a speed run of 4 hours and 22 minutes at one point. I've rarely ever play a game back to back and I rarely play a game more than once (save for MGS, Resident Evil, Oni and a few others)

Anyways when MGS 4 came out. I've never felt a more nostalgic moment in my life than revisiting Shadow Moses. It brought back so many memories both in game and IRL from back then. I wanted to cry and was tearing up. One of the most amazing, and unique experiences in a video game. Then there was the Microwave scene..... I cried like a little bitch! But then again, who didn't?


Kamen Rider
Resident Evil 1 for me. I was 10 years old when I played it the first time and that scene when you see Kennith's head scared the s*** out of me. Funny thing happened the next day at school. My science teachetr came to class and he was carrying a human head anatomy model thst looked excatly like Kennith.
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