What's your favorite and least favorite canonical outfits of the RE characters?

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Cheese Mchamfield

Da man with an Icy Gaze
Jun 20, 2017
Raccoon City
Just what it says on the tin. What are your favorite and least favorite appereances that are canon for some of the RE characters?
I'll start: Chris, Favorite: S.T.A.R.S, Lost In Nightmares and that snow outfit he uses for the unlockable scenarion in Umbrella chronicles.
Least: Code Veronica, The outfit is cool but Chris looks way to scrawny in the game for someone that can climbs a mountain and carries around all that crap.
Jill: I like every outfit for her except for when she's brainwashed in RE 5.
Chris: Favorites include Wesker’s slave outfit, STARS outfit, and his Lost in Nightmares uniform. Least favorite is RE7 Chris everything.

Jill: Favorite is the STARS uniform (and the camo pants if we were including the extra costumes). Least favorite is her Revelations wetsuit.

Leon: Favorite is RE4 outfit and RPD uniform. Least favorite is Darkside Chronicles look.

Ada: Favorite is tied between RE2 and RE6 outfits. Her Damnation outfit is fugly.

Claire: Favorite is RE2... least favorite might be Code Veronica.
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Claire: Favorite is RE2... least favorite might be Code Veronica.

But . . .
> Chris's olive STARS outfit with black vest is the best and his sailor outfit is the worst.

> Ada always wears some dumb party dress, the only time she wore something appropriate for her mission was the military gear alternate outfit in RE4.

> Jill's RE3 outfit along with RE5 BDSM Spandex is the worst, her best outfit by far is her BSAA outfit, i would like her original RE1 outfit too but i have a passionate hatred for beret.

> Leon looks cool in just about ANYTHING though, if i had pick the best one it has to be his mafia outfit.
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Chris: Favourite outfit is his OG RE1 outfit, least favourite is Safari from RE5.
Jill: Favourite outfit is her Revelations wetsuit, and I don't hate any of her other outfits enough to have a least favourite. I guess her Lost in Nightmares outfit is kind of generic.
Leon: Favourite outfit is his RE4 outfit, give or take the jacket. Least favourite is either of his unlockable costumes in N64 RE2. Yuck.
Claire: Favourite is CODE Veronica, least favourite is Rodeo in Revelations 2. Seems like a bit much.
Chris: Not much to pick from if we limit it to canon outfits, is there? Yay to his original STARS uniform, still looks great after 20 years, nay to the RE6 BSAA uniform, very generic and boring, and I can't even mod it properly with the bulky vest and all the other crap attached to his body. Of the non-canon/extra/unlockable outfits, my favourite is Sailor, least favourite is Samurai.

Claire: I love her very first outfit (RE2), or more precisely, the very first version of it (red/pinkish biker jeans combo). I don't like the newer versions where the vest appears more orange and the pants are blue. But the most hideous thing I've ever seen her in is that... thing from Code Veronica. Who told her that was the appropriate attire for invading a French enemy base in winter?

Jill: As little as I care about her as a character, she's always a pleasure to look at. I like most of her costumes, especially the BSAA uniform and the casual outfit, the only ones I dislike are the Revelations wetsuit and Wesker's battlesuit. I'm just not into women in skintight shiny clothes, but to her defense, the wetsuit was needed and the battlesuit wasn't her choice.

Leon: I used to prefer his RPD uniform for a long time, but newer graphics have made it look slightly oversized and washed-out colour-wise, so my new favourite is the Tall Oaks leather jacket / formal pants combo, a perfect mixture of "casual" and "bring on the zombie apocalypse".

Ada: I like all of her dresses, not so much the formal wear from Damnation, even though it's fitting for the occasion... Oh well, at least the bra is nice.

Chris: Favorites include Wesker’s slave outfit, ...

What?? I'm interested.
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More or less the same as everyone here. I also love the UBCS uniforms.
I don't mind Rebecca but I always hated her original outfit her collar and rolled up pants have no place on a police uniform and it makes her look unprofessional and out of place compared to the other STARS members maybe her clothing was designed that way to show that she is a rookie and hasn't served in the Military previously like most of the other members did while that makes sense still personally I never liked her outfit and I would have redesigned it a bit if I was a developer of the remake because to me it looks awkward.
Chris - Best outfits are his STARS uniform from 1, his Code Veronica outfit and his snow outfit from the Fall of Umbrella thing in the "Umbrella Chronicles". Worst are his RE6/Vendetta and 7 outfits.
Claire - Code Veronica, Degeneration and RE2 are her best outfits. Worst are her Heavenly Island and Memories of a Lost City design. Pink shorts ftw. Hard to choose since she doesn't really have a "bad" outfit.
Jill - Best are her STARS uniform and, again, the snow one. Worst are her god awful brainwashed uniform and that wetsuit in Revelations.
Leon - I don't particularly love any of his outfits. Best is his RPD uniform in 2 or 4 shirt. Worst is his Vendetta jacket.

If non-canon works, then Claire's Rodeo outfit in Revelations 2 is the worst outfit in the series. Ever.
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Chris - Best outfits are his STARS uniform from 1, his Code Veronica outfit and his snow outfit from the Fall of Umbrella thing in the "Umbrella Chronicles". Worst are his RE6/Vendetta and 7 outfits.
Claire - Code Veronica, Degeneration and RE2 are her best outfits. Worst are her Heavenly Island and Memories of a Lost City design. Pink shorts ftw. Hard to choose since she doesn't really have a "bad" outfit.
Jill - Best are her STARS uniform and, again, the snow one. Worst are her god awful brainwashed uniform and that wetsuit in Revelations.
Leon - I don't particularly love any of his outfits. Best is his RPD uniform in 2 or 4 shirt. Worst is his Vendetta jacket.

If non-canon works, then Claire's Rodeo outfit in Revelations 2 is the worst outfit in the series. Ever.

Not as bad as Moira's Urban Ninja Outfit.
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If we also take bonus outfits into account, then yes, I agree Moira's is one of the worst. That first picture showing only her head was misleading, I thought it was going to look cool, until I realised in the game that the rest of the outfit was... well, missing. (Perhaps if I had taken a closer look at the picture, I would have noticed the bra.) If they were so hell-bent on sexualising her, why didn't they just put her in a revealing evening dress instead? Not that the real Moira would ever wear such a dress, she doesn't seem like the type, but at least it would have been more tasteful than that other thing she would never wear either...

In Claire's case it was at least more fitting for her character. She has bared her midriff before, and while that cowgirl outfit may not have been her best pick, I could actually see her slipping into something like that for a costume party.

Speaking of Revelations 2 outfits, am I the only one who never used Natalia's default again after unlocking the others? That dirty nightgown is just so ugly, the cardigan makes it a little easier on the eyes, but not much. I always dress her up as Lottie or Dark Natalia.