Resident Evil 3 Remake What would you change about REmake3?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
I felt satisfied with REmake3 which might be controversial but its true. After a classic RE marathon to be ready for this game the more action focused gameplay did feel like a breath of fresh air, however I do not want future games to take this direction. I don't think we need to worry about that though since this entry has not be positively received in general. There plenty of things I wish were handled differently. There will of course be minor spoilers, not that this game had a very complicated story to begin with...

- The skort that Jill wears in her classic outfit is supposedly less sexualized and more realistic but I find it to be more unrealistic that Jill would own such a stupid hideous piece of clothing. We all know Jill has better fashion sense than that.

- The lack of Samurai Edge was very disapointing. Jill has the gun the entire game in the original. Now she loses it permanently at the start of the game. What the hel!! Instead we get a boring standard issue police Glock. They could keep the Samurai Edge and have the uprgade system too. Have Jill start with her basic Samurai Edge that everyone knows and loves and uprgade it, maybe it could end up like Albert's upgraded model from RE7.

- A boss fight that wasn't Nemesis. When I saw the massive bug nest at the substation I got real excited, but then it is just in and out. I think it would have added a lot of substance to game if there was a boss fight with giant Drain Deimos queen. Since the creepy crawlers were cut down to a single location I would have liked it if the encounter was more important.

- More Umbrella please. I among the many missed opportunities one of the most disapointing things that Capcom didn't do was expand on Umbrella. It would have been cool to learn more about the Tyrants and Nemesis and Lickers and Hunters and all the experiments. But now all those experiments and files have been destroyed and we'll never get to learn about the scary and fascinating monsters that destroyed Raccoon City.

- More Nemesis. Nemesis only shows up a couple times where you get to freely engage with him. Other than that you are forced to go one way or its a boss fight.

What would you change?
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I would not Change anything actually, i would only like to add things like the clock tower the park, more section on the street, the grave digger, and especially i will add the original puzzle... There are just two stupid puzzle in this remake, they could have at least added more

Well there is actually one thing I would like to change, and it's nemesis, he should have been less scripted and more random like mr x, image walking down a street and hear is footstep from afar, or all of a sudden hearing stars... Also his second form was better in the original since he retain his stalking mechanic, in the remake he just happear two time as a boss and his face is exactly the same as an alien...
Really, Look at his face, he is not nemesis he is an alien and the 3rd form is an alien queen
yeah i'd say make it longer and nemesis more unpredictable.

i bet in the future they will remake re 3 again because of some of the negetive reception this game got.
yeah i'd say make it longer and nemesis more unpredictable.

i bet in the future they will remake re 3 again because of some of the negetive reception this game got.
Hope not, i have enough of remake of remake... They should just make new game
Honestly? I just wanted to see more of the city. Maybe another block or two after you defeat flamethrower Nemesis and before going back through the RE2 area. Maybe even a small hub area there. Or maybe a stroll through the upper class part of town, before fighting Nemesis at the Clock Tower yard (I mean, that part of the town looked more upper class than the suburbs we explored in the beginning). I actually wanted more of the city more than I wanted the Clock Tower. That's all...more to see. Houses to investigate, shops to...ahem...loot. Maybe even a small mall? Things like that, because I enjoyed so much that small piece of town they gave us. I like to slowly stroll through the streets, to look at the products on the drug store or on the supermaket or the ads on the walls, that I can't help but wonder how many other amazing places they could've crafted for us.

I like Nemesis the way he is and I really don't care about not fighting Grave DIgger. I just wanted more of Raccoon City.
well, how about this besides the obvious that its too short

Changing the intro- things would remain the same until Jill wakes up from her nightmare. Jill wakes up, realizing that something is wrong as she is hearing a lot of commotion outside. A few moments later, she gets a call from Brad telling her that the city is in chaos. She is shocked, but he is coming to her location. As a cop, she has her gear and the player grabs her gun and holsters before hearing a scream coming from outside her door. Jill investigates, opening the door as a man is being attacked by a zombie. This could be the start of the tutorial on how to use the controls. The building would still be on fire though as she reaches the ground level and meets up with Brad in a police car. They drive, Jill cannot believe that the T-Virus reached the city. They are both heading to the RPD station, but the car crashes and has to get out and continue on foot. Brad would stick with her for a short time before they are separated by plot. Of course at some point, she would witness Nemesis killing Brad, turning him into an alpha parasite.

Other Bosses: The original had the Gravedigger besides Nemmy, and I wanted the same. It doesn't have to be the worm maybe it could be a mother Gamma Hunter or something?

Nemesis: There is no doubt that Nemesis is terrifying, but only in the first form. IDK the second and third doesn't seem so...frightening to me. The last boss fight feels like a joke, maybe if they would fix it...

Carlos gauntlet: Remove it is annoying. A boss fight would do better

A Very Barry rescue: Come on, now! How could they miss this? Barry is the ultimate bro!
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Oh boy, oh boy, where to start...?

I'd change the plot so that the escape from Raccoon City doesn't feel like a ticking bomb. The city is isolated and abandoned, but all the characters in the game act as if the city is about to blow up. Which it eventually will on October 1st, but this is something that none of the characters knew about beforehand.

Capcom did this because they wanted to give the game a more cinematic feel, a constant rush of excitement and adrenaline with very few parts to actually take a few steps back, breathe and ponder on about what's going on. This is also the reason why they cut a lot of content, because if they added more levels for Jill to explore it wouldn't fit with this new fast-paced cinematic retelling of the events from RE3: Nemesis. Everything happens earlier and faster, like Jill's helicopter ride being blown up by Nemesis in the first 10 minutes instead of later at the Clock tower. Or like the downtown area being set on fire by Nemesis half-way through adding to the feeling that the city will blow up any second.

In this remake, it feels like Jill's fate is more closely tied to Carlos and other UBCS members. Since Nemesis attacks the train and kills both Mikhail and later also kills Tyrell at the lab, his presence feels more like a threat to everyone instead of just Jill.

So in short, I'd change the story so that it focuses more on Jill's personal escape from Nemesis like it was in the original. Instead of having just one subway train out of town, the train could ride and back forth with civilians as they're being rescued, giving Jill more time to lure away Nemesis. This way there'd be no reason for Jill to hurry back to the subway as fast as possible, as it is now in the remake. This would in turn open up the possibility for more levels.

I'd like the game to be semi-open world with lots of backtracking. Make the game feel huge like its supposed to feel. I've changed my mind about the Clock tower, I'd easily sacrifice it for another city area. We got a tiny downtown area in this remake, but we should've gotten a bigger downtown area as well as an uptown area that was cut. The game actually has a big downtown map if you think about it - its just that all of it is not traversable because of scripted cinematic scenes with Nemesis.

That, together with a park and another boss fight that is not against Nemesis. I liked OP's idea about a Drain Deimos queen at the substation. Oh and not including Barry in the end? Come on...
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- I'd remove Jill's b***hy swearing, it's just cringe and makes Jill seem like an unlikeable c**t.
Claire's swearing was off putting sometimes, but it never made me dislike her.

- I'd also change Resistance to Non Existence.

- Also yeah F**K that hideous skort, mad respect to the modders for fixing that insult as fast as they did.
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Those RE6 style scripted sequences are awful and should be removed!! Keep it faithful to the OGRE3 and drop the player into the map to explore and soak up the horror. I'm beyond SICK of these loud,linear annoying "CINEMATIC" level design elements ruining classic gaming franchises. This also leads into the next point, Nemesis in RE3R is nothing but Ustanak part 2, a "cinematic" monster that is detached from the regular gameplay. Mr.X is what RE3R's nemesis should've been based on. Just make Mr.X's A.I a little more aggressive, that's all! Its not rocket science and yet they ruined Nemesis for me.

The whole point of OG nemesis was that he kept following you randomly for the entire game like Xenomorph from Alien Isolation, REmake Nemesis loses his human form halfway through the game and then he's just like any other random boss. Whoever directed RE3 had NO idea what made the original Nemesis good.
Those RE6 style scripted sequences are awful and should be removed!! Keep it faithful to the OGRE3 and drop the player into the map to explore and soak up the horror. I'm beyond SICK of these loud,linear annoying "CINEMATIC" level design elements ruining classic gaming franchises. This also leads into the next point, Nemesis in RE3R is nothing but Ustanak part 2, a "cinematic" monster that is detached from the regular gameplay. Mr.X is what RE3R's nemesis should've been based on. Just make Mr.X's A.I a little more aggressive, that's all! Its not rocket science and yet they ruined Nemesis for me.

The whole point of OG nemesis was that he kept following you randomly for the entire game like Xenomorph from Alien Isolation, REmake Nemesis loses his human form halfway through the game and then he's just like any other random boss. Whoever directed RE3 had NO idea what made the original Nemesis good.
I agree

Now that you let me think about it, alien isolation had such a beautiful stalking gameplay from the alien and robots, and Capcom took inspiration to make Mr x and Jack baker, so the road was pretty clear for nemesis
Nemesis was the number one stalker in gaming history, yet they manage to ruin him in this remake by making him like any other videogame boss just a normal whit the most stupid AI... It's a total step back from the previous re gamr
I think a lot of the additions and changes for RE3R are pretty well defined in here. But, I'll still add my 2 cents in.

-More Enemy Randomization: Lickers appear only in the RPD. Hunters appear only in the Hospital aside from one surprise one under the hospital. Hunter Gammas only appear in the sewers aside from the few beneath the hospital. Drain Deimos only appear in the power station. I am not saying that every enemy type has to appear throughout the whole game. But a few scattered Drain Deimos in the labs would be nice. Or on or two Hunter Gammas leaping out of the river would be nice.

-More Boss Types: How can we have gone so much time from the original RE3 and have less material and less bosses? The only boss in this game is Nemesis. And while he is iconic and the boss fights felt good, they are a little bit redundant. Especially the Clock Tower and Waste Disposal Nemesis battles. They are almost identical with a slight twist. Grave Digger? A new boss type? They doubled down on Nemesis so hard that they forgot to include the rest of the game.

-More Puzzles: This team will be a great job at remaking RE4 since they didn't include any puzzles in this game. I mean, there are a few - but they are easy and not memorable. Like I have said before, when I played RE3 the first time, I asked myself, "Why do I need 3 gemstones to access a new part of the city!?" Now I want to know why I don't have that opportunity.

-Lack of locations: I mean, this point has been beaten to death, but this is the ultimate disappointment in the game. They didn't care to include a lot of the most iconic locations in the original game. And the new locations are beautiful, but if you're only in them for 20 seconds as a set piece - they're not going to make a great impact. Sure, there are some cool places. The burning construction site. The NEST 2 has some charm even if it is real small and not very ingenuitive. The downtown area is the best part of the whole game, but you explore it for an hour - tops - if you don't know where everything is and the individual locations are kind of bland. Power Station is cool. Hospital is cool. But you rush through the game. No puzzles to solve. No buildings with meaning. This is a great versions of Action RE3. But it is not the iconic game we deserved as fans.
Now that i think about i really miss the street, they should have put more street section in the remake, more raccon city,

In the original, after you arrive in the clock tower there is a section in the street where you must reach the ospital whit Carlos and than the park whit jill... And than we have another section whit a bridge where we must reach the dead factory.... This game didn't give us the time to breath between section, we already find ourself in the hospital and rpd they could have put some road between to give some sort of connection
When Carlos take jill to get her to the hospital they could have made a street section whit Carlos where you must be careful while you have jill on you back and you must decide when drop her in safe place to free the street from zombie or pass whit jill unnoticed or go ahead to see the situation

Also did any of you noticed that huge plot hole in the game?
From the start of the game Carlos mikhail nicholai and jill are trying to make the train to work because they must go out of town, and nicholai himself say that there is no way to fight they're way out on foot, but when the train derail, Carlos say to tyrell that he must go and save jill and tyrell respond whit: fine
Whaaaat? Really?
If it was so easy to move around town like this, why did they need a train?
How Carlos move freely from the rpd to the cloack tower so easy? This is really a huge plot hole
If it was so easy move around raccon city than jill and Carlos could have simply run trought the city and get out, probably claire and leon could have done the same XD
I'm glad they took some of the RC streets out. I thought/still think wandering around the streets is the most boring part of the game.
I wouldn't even change it all that much, just add a few things:

- The clock tower and park areas in the main campaign
- More outfits for Jill, Carlos, and possibly even Nemesis, including some silly ones
- A proper single-playable Mercenaries or Rape Mode starring all the Raccoon City survivors (including those from RE2)
I wouldn't even change it all that much, just add a few things:

- The clock tower and park areas in the main campaign
- More outfits for Jill, Carlos, and possibly even Nemesis, including some silly ones
- A proper single-playable Mercenaries or Rape Mode starring all the Raccoon City survivors (including those from RE2)
Rape mode? Whit zombie trying to rape the protagonist XD just kidding i know you mean raid mode
There's a growing number of disappointed fans in the modding community that are trying to "remake the remake" into something that's more respectful to the original. I'd say this proves Capcom's failure, since we never saw the same response to the RE2 remake.

While I couldn't care less about the first person mod, the rest are spot on. The mod called "Investigation" is definitely the one I'm most curious about. It removes many of the blockades in the Downtown area making every street accessible to the player, instead of just skipping through many of these in scripted action chases. In other words, this mod makes it possible for the player to run freely all the way from the subway to the RPD parking garage. Just like the other mods its still in working phase so the modders will try to add more objects and zombies to these areas, and perhaps even new puzzles. What's interesting is that Nemesis can interact with these alleys.
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I really the RE3make as it is but I do think it's a bit too short. Like others, I wouldn't change the game but rather expand it.

- Add the clock tower and the park/cemetery as playable areas. - A new boss aside from Nemesis.
- some more puzzles
- unlimited ammo for any weapon
- new costumes for Jill and Carlos. I mean Jill only has two costumes and Carlos only has 90's hair
- More backstory on Umbrella, Nemesis, Jill and the UBCS members.
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Hope not, i have enough of remake of remake... They should just make new game

All they have to do is make sure the games we have are future proof and run on at least one modern platform and therefore make it easy to port. If Sony and MS don't screw it up entirely, porting PS4 games to PS5 (and xbox to xbox respectively) won't be rocket science, so all they need is one last mutliplat Code Veronica to have the defacto-mainline everwhere.

Then, from that fantastic basis, I want new games with new stories, instead of retcon over retcon of old lore pieces. Unlike the RE1 remake, RE2R didn't really add anything worthwhile to the lore, while it sure crapped on a few things.