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What was your experience like when you first played RE1?


Lord Hamster
Maybe you played RE1 in the 90s in the middle of the night with you friends when it was storming, maybe you ran home from school to pop in REmake and play it until it was time to go to sleep. Everyone has a unique experience of playing RE1 and I think it would be cool to share all of our stories!

Edit: meant to post in the RE1 forum but I accidental posted it here. Sorry!


Well-Known Member
RE1 was my first PS1 game. I wanted to get a PS1 and was saving up for it. Wasn't sure which game I would buy first and my brother suggested Resident Evil, because he saw it being advertised and thought it looked cool. It was on sale, so we went for it.

Then we tried playing it and we didn't know how to play it or draw the weapons (you see shoulder buttons were a new thing those days), it wasn't fast paced enough for a couple of hyperactive kids that we were coming out of the 16bit Megadrive era... and so it was returned to the store and we got a refund for the full price haha.


Liberty Ransom

Well-Known Member
Back in the 90's my boss knew I'm a sci-fi / horror fan and kept saying "you gotta see this new horror game called Resident Evil!" He kept describing it to me and one day we went to his place so I could check it out. Ten minutes on the mansion and I was hooked for life.

Gar Bageman

The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll
Though I had been looking forward to it's release, I couldn't afford to buy it when it came out (the perils of being a kid), so I only got to rent it. On top of that, I didn't own a memory card yet, so if I wanted to beat it, I had to do it in one sitting.

Anyway, since the PS1 belonged to my brother, he always got first dibs on borrowed/rented games, which I could totally respect. The rule was he'd go until he got a game over, then it would be my turn. So, he starts the game as Chris and knifes the first zombie to death, taking massive damage. He goes into the hall, gets Jill's gun and goes the stairs through the double doors where runs right into the first balcony zombie, who immediately finishes him off.

I didn't fare much better.


Resident Critic
I watched my brother play through the game as Chris and Jill before playing the game myself. I always preferred Jill's scenario the most, just liked her character more, and having Barry around was a plus. Made me feel less alone in that big, scary mansion. I had a hard time just exploring the mansion because of how scary it was. Even when I knew there was nothing in that room because I already killed them I still had a hard time going in there.

I remember my first encounter with the crows, it was that room with the paintings puzzle. I always got it wrong so the crows would have a fit and chase me out of the room. I never did like going into that room much. Then I would find Forest and for the simple crime of looking at him the crows chase me out of there too. I much prefer having Barry with me in that room than being on my own. The Bazooka you get as Jill is a nice bonus too.
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