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Outbreak File 2 What Scenarios or Locales Would You Love If There Was Outbreak #3?


G Virus Experiment
I love dreaming about the What-Ifs of the future of the series. Prior to the Outbreak series, I always dreamed of a Big University location for Resident Evil and they made it! Naturally, this just leaves me thirsty to dream for more. So, here are a couple of quick locales that I thought could benefit from an Outbreak Scenario:

1) Camp Raccoon - In a dark wooded setting, I think this could be really creepy. I would imagine lots of horrified campers diaries being truly sad to read. I think the overarching boss would be some sort of hulking BOW the children nicknamed the "Bogeyman" adding a youthful effect. It could include some of the Green Zombies included in the "Flashback/Abandoned Hospital" scenario the Outbreak series, or even the Ivy Zombies from RE2 Remake.

2) Junk Yard - This would be a location within a scenario, but I could imagine lots of branching paths for our characters to wander through. Junkyard dogs are an easy sell in a location like this. There could be added dangerous traps from falling debris and rusted cars balancing dangerously.

Your scenarios don't even have to be set in Raccoon City! We know that Umbrella/Other Organizations have had multiple locations for them to test their subjects. Tropical Paradises/ Barren Deserts/ Siberian Fortresses could all be places we see in the future. What are your dreams?


Kahnum of Outworld
I would honestly love to see more of Terragrigia. I don't think it was realized to its full potential in Revelations, what little we saw we couldn't really explore because, well, hunters.

I would love to revisit the location with a more varied selection of enemies and different characters; people who had actually settled there to live.


G Virus Experiment
Magnolia Grandiflora, you are a genius.

I would love to see more of Terragrigia! There is so much potential wrapped up in that place despite its FAIRLY quick annihalation. As long as they steer clear of any ships, I am down. Okay. Light on the ships. At minimum. haha


Well-Known Member
Raccoon City University as a location perhaps?

That Junkyard idea reminds me of Rockstar Games, Manhunt 1 where you had a stage at the Junkyard.

Raccoon Camp idea reminds me of Jason Voorhees.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
If they're willing to make a scenario where Claire Redfield is on a BOW infested island during a bikini contest and make it canon then I want something similar in a game!
Claire Redfield really does have a knack for ending up on BOW infested islands.

Another cool scenario would be during a outbreak at a School, I doubt they'd do it due to the sensitive nature of showing dead or undead children, but it would be interesting, even have it a stealth scenario similar to the Sherry segment in REmake 2.


G Virus Experiment
Well, SentryUnity, Raccoon City University is a location in one of the Outbreak games. In the Decisions, Decisions scenario, there is a secret Umbrella Testing lab inside the University complete with a chasing Tyrant who evolves in to a Super Tyrant. There is also a researched T-Virus cure and other BOWs to contend with. It's one of my favorite scenarios! But honestly, they could do more because Universities tend to have a lot more on campus than one building. haha.

In fact, at my alma mater, the University at Albany, NY - There are a system of creepy tunnels beneath all the classroom buildings that you can navigate in the winter months when the snow is EVERYWHERE. I always felt like I was in an RE game when I was in there. Especially because there's tunnels, and then subtunnels, and then subtunnels. And legend has it there are hidden rooms with Archaeological treasures down there. I can confirm they own a mummy. But it is hidden behind a padlocked cage. Then there is a ladder inside the cage that goes down to the hidden depths. That's where he lies. I know this all sounds made up, but if you're ever in Albany, NY - you can check out the tunnels. They're amazing.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why not. That is basically the gist of Mr. X, Nemesis, and The Bakers from RE7.

I played Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl a lot oh boy that game scared me nothing like going to radioactive chernobyl and fighting out mutants and soldiers.

Imagine racoon city not getting blown to smitherens but abandoned at sealed off from the world leads to some soldiers sneaking in for answers or for the trill only to uncover a nightmare. This should be alternate for resident evil perhaps or maybe new location for this type of game.


G Virus Experiment
I have been drawing (amateurishly if it isn't obvious from my writing) T creatures for a fake RE title I have dreamed of.

The scenario plays out like this: There was a sister site to Raccoon City in Nevada. A completely walled in town built upon dry, desert mountains and caves. In 2000, Umbrella created an experimental site to release their most unique creatures with a parasite strain that allowed them to constantly evolve. TWO years later, they gather the world's greatest survival experts - hunters, armed forces, etc. to be dropped in to new location. Each one must agree. They want to test their abilities with prey greater than they have ever seen. However, noy even Umbrella knows all of the creatures and the mutations that exist in this horrifying experiment. The evolutions of their usual counterparts are far deadlier. (And some are useless, since forced evolution isn't always what it is cracker up to be). Now, I have been going back and forth deciding whether I wanted a new character for this hellscape, multiple characters, a classic character who was FORCED to go, OR just use HUNK because he fits the role as I have described.

It's just been fun drawing evolverd version of classic RE monsters and creating brand new ones based on this desert landscape.


Professional Sandwich Consumer
I love the university campus idea, especially if it takes place during the Raccoon City destruction incident.

Campuses can be huge, and there's plenty of space and buildings to play around with. I'd like to play as one of the students in that case.


Healing Item
hmm if it will still take place in Raccoon City, then how about this:

The football or basketball stadium, could go there because it is assumed to be a safe shelter, only to realized that it has been overrun or a trap set up by Monitors


G Virus Experiment
Raccoon University is used in Outbreak File #1 and it is majorly successful. However, you're only in one hall the whole time. It'd be great to explore a campus ESPECIALLY if Umbrella had influence over the whole thing. Worked in Last Of Us.

Stadiums are unique because they offer a lot in space control. Large fields, small alleyways, vendor sites, private booths - and the potential for a lot of infected people to gather in one place.

Theme park and Mall are GREAT options. Both were used as horrific locations in Silent Hill 3 and both were great. I think we could use more of these locations. There is a GREAT dichotomy between places that usually offer fun and respite VERSUS what they can be in a horror situation.

Billy Coen

Well-Known Member
* Raccoon School - we never explored a school bulding in the franchise as far as I know.

* (American) football field - there was a game between the Sharks and another team that ended up in a bloobath because of a zombie attack, it would be cool to explore the field and, why not, face zombies with the football costumes.

* Clock Tower - since in the Outbreak 1 we visited RE3 Nemesis's hospital and RE2 and RE3's RPD in Outbreak 2, why not revisit one of the most iconic scenarios of the franchise?
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