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What RE fanfic are you reading?


Well-Known Member
Hello, you guys. With my RE fuel back after finally playing 6 I have been reading lots of fics and decided to share with you guys and ask you guys to share with me.

What RE fanfic are you currently reading? Discribe it. Or do you have a long time favorate that you would like to tell us about? I'll go first.

Predictably I have been reading a lot of Jerry and Shake fics, so far one of the best ones I have come across is one called, "Redemption." It is in-complete but worth a read.

Another fic I am in the middle of reading is, "Chris who?" I am only on chapter 3, but I love the idea of the fic. After RE5 Chris and Jill go to investigate a facility located near Wesker's place of death, they find him there injured...with no memory. Chris takes him in and wants to convert him into a good guy. Note that this is also part humor and Wesker has no memory of his former life, so the writer made him a little OOC on purpose.

A fic I have been on and off with is, "The devil's queen." This fic is REALLY good very well written, and if you're really picky about how in character people are, this is your fic right here. It is how Wesker and Excella met and how they worked together. I'm not sure if it is finished. I think I will check out the chapters I have not read today.

You can find all of the fics I mentioned on Fanfiction.net. Share your fics with me now. Especially some good Cleon fics, or good fics with Cleon in them. ;) Wesker resurrection fics sound great too.
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Goddess of the Dead
That "Chris who?" fic sounds interesting. I think I will read it. Reminds me of another one of that kind I found on fanfiction.net (where I made myself an account just so I can have a list of favourite stories) a few months ago. It's called "Foxtrot" and the plot also revolves around Wesker miraculously surviving RE5.
Chris hears a rumour about Wesker being alive in a hospital near his house, and he decides to go there to find out if it's true. Wesker is indeed alive, but not allowed to leave the hospital because due to his severe injuries the doctors fear he might not be able to survive on his own. And since there are no friends or family to move in with, he tricks Chris into assuming the role of someone close to him. The funny thing is that unlike in your fic, Wesker still remembers everything, he still hates Chris and Chris hates him back, but they have to play best buddies in front of the hospital staff to convince them to let Wesker go. It's hilarious! One of my favourite scenes is when Chris trips and falls on Wesker who is lying on the bed, then the doctor comes in and concludes: "Oh, you're a couple! That explains everything." Wesker eventually moves in with none other than his arch-enemy Chris.
Unfortunately it's only eight chapters long and ends rather abruptly, so there's really not enough time to exploit the story's full potential, and I have to warn people that it turns into an wild, uncensored ChrisXWesker porn in chapter 6 or so. But that's just what I like, so I don't mind. :D

My absolute favourite fic is called "Growing up". Another gay story, I won't make a secret out of that, but the most realistic and serious one I could find so far. (Which doesn't mean it can't be funny at times, though.) Set at some point between RE5 and RE6, it's about Piers's transfer to Europe because he's such a stubborn loner that none of the North American BSAA soldiers want to work with him anymore. Under the surveillance of Chris (who already is the captain of the European division and was named by Piers as his role model when he applied), he is supposed to, well, "grow up" as the title suggests. He has a hard time there at first because he doesn't get along with his fellow Alpha boys, and things get even more complicated when he realises he has feelings for his captain that have no place in his job, or his life altogether.
A very slow-paced story that is updated once a week or so, and so far it has twelve rather long chapters. The author varies between the available points of view, and also some minor RE6 characters like Marco Rose and the ones killed in Edonia are given their very own back-stories and personalities. Even Jill is so cool and funny in this fic that she's actually one of my favourite characters although I don't like her in the games. Right now, the atmosphere is quite tense after what happened "yesterday", and I can't wait to find out what happens next. Unfortunately I'll have to wait until next Thursday, if not longer. :(
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing! I know what it's like to have to wait for an update. I am dying for an update on that Jerry fic, Redemption. It's so good I can't wait. >_<

The characters in well written fics can be more exciting sometimes because in the games they are just being all serious fighting for their lives and others, but in fanfiction you get to see a humorous and/or more human side as they are given different situations. In that Wesker/Excella fic I mentioned, it slightly gives Wesker an affectionate "nice" side every now and then. (If you could call it that lol) But at the same time the writer does it in a way that it is still very Wesker like and believable.

When it comes to yaoi, I'm kinda a part time fan, I have to be in the mood, but I might check out that Foxtrot fic because it sounds funny.


There's one that is my favorite, called Surviving Hell by zombiehugger on Fanfiction.net. It's in-progress, but it hasn't been updated in four months, so I don't know if the author is still writing it.

It's a retelling of the Outbreak games, told from George's perspective. It covers almost all of the scenarios from file 1 and file 2, and all eight characters go through the outbreak. It's very good, and has a certain realism to it.


Goddess of the Dead
When it comes to yaoi, I'm kinda a part time fan, I have to be in the mood, but I might check out that Foxtrot fic because it sounds funny.

I could read Yaoi all day! This has to be a quirk of fate: Normally I don't like reading, not at all, and the few times I actually want to read something, I have to wait ages for updates... MAAAAH! It's so frustrating. :mad: Whenever I start something, I update regularly. I wish other authors would do that too.
Talking about authors and updates, I just found that "Chris who?" story on fanfiction.net. It doesn't seem to be finished yet, but the last update is half a year ago. :confused: Do you think the author is still alive?

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
To be honest, I haven't been terribly impressed by alot of the RE fics I've attempted to read. Maggie is pretty good, but I've been trying to find a solid Leon/Ada one and I have not yet succeeded. I'd write my own but I simply cannot be arsed to at the moment.

A couple years ago there was this magnificient fic called 'Girls will be Violet' with William Birkin by Hello Captain but it was taken down a while ago; I haven't even been able to find it around the net and thats rather depressing.


Well-Known Member
I could read Yaoi all day! This has to be a quirk of fate: Normally I don't like reading, not at all, and the few times I actually want to read something, I have to wait ages for updates... MAAAAH! It's so frustrating. :mad: Whenever I start something, I update regularly. I wish other authors would do that too.
Talking about authors and updates, I just found that "Chris who?" story on fanfiction.net. It doesn't seem to be finished yet, but the last update is half a year ago. :confused: Do you think the author is still alive?
I didn't realize the gap. But I have seen authors come and update even a year after they leave a fic. Perhaps there is hope left. ;)


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I haven't been terribly impressed by alot of the RE fics I've attempted to read. Maggie is pretty good, but I've been trying to find a solid Leon/Ada one and I have not yet succeeded. I'd write my own but I simply cannot be arsed to at the moment.

A couple years ago there was this magnificient fic called 'Girls will be Violet' with William Birkin by Hello Captain but it was taken down a while ago; I haven't even been able to find it around the net and thats rather depressing.
Sorry for the double post, I forgot to respond to yours. If you like William Birkin fics you may like, "Legends." it is a Wesker/Birkin fic. (Non romance) It's how they met and their lifes leading up to Raccoon City. I must add though, it was started before RE5 was released so many of the ambitions and theories surrounding the two are, should I say outdated and different. :( I liked those better though.

It has also been a long time since i've read it, so it may not be perfect but I do remember it being well written.

I know what you mean about being unimpressed. There are many fics that arn't all that, but it's still WAY better than wading through Inuayasha fanfiction. You can tell most RE authors are at least in highschool. Lol
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