Resident Evil 5 What guns do you have with infinite ammo???

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Yeah makes sence ach level has a different type of badguy, same as RE4 mercs =P But I was talking about the main game though haha my first run off that, I dont really play mercs mode ahaha.. but I know what you mean about gettin moar points on the different levels... I spose with the other players thay have better guns, it seems like all the guns are fully tuned anyway..

I got the Sig handgun with infinite ammo so now thats...
Sig P226, H&K P8, M3, AK74, PSG1, and the Handcanon x2 all with inf ammo muhah!
I think im done with infinite ammo, for the time being... Really you dont need more than 3 weapons, for the whole game. A long range, a ridiculous powerful one and a crowd control. The last thing i REALLY want from the game its the Noise Filter! Thats gonna be fun!!!
Yeah you dont really need that many guns with inf ammo but its nice to have some choice haha, Ive got like 1000 bullets for handgun an machine gun stocked up in my inventory aahaahaha..

did you see that link I posted on ermm... somewhere... hah!
Its got what the noise filter looks like.. but I dont think it looks at all differnet to what the defalt filter is... hmmp... check it out
*finds link again*
OHH noooo i might have gotten the wrong idea for Noise filter! I thought id made all your weapon create a explosion like a RPG!! CHeeee damm it... Really, then whats the speacial effect for Noise Filter? So all filter are just a waste of time!!

PS: Why i thought it cud be possible to all weapons to shoot like a RPG, cause if u remember, there was a cheat code wayyyy back for RE2, where a regular handgun cud fire missile launcher bullet, and it was real fun!! So i thought this time they made it a reality!! SUCKS!! im so sad right now... the last thing on the game i wanted to achieve... Whats the next upcoming new game please.... agghhhh lost the will to keep up with RE5..... :(
ahaha I dont know man, it's probaly gonna be some next crazy ass sh-t with made infected dinosor zombies haha...

but yeah the filter... it doesnt really show you much of it so who knows, I doubt the rocket thing will happen though lol..

I was hoping the last filter was going to be a extra gory mode that made the blood effects stain insted of fading away.. Dunno if youve ever notised blood on your player haha they get blood on there face an down there back etc etc.. But that aint ever gonna happen either =[ it looks really cool though for the few seconds it shows up...
Maybe for the next one, they cud make Ganados/Majini turn into zombies after you kill them! ahahahhahaha Then good old zombies will be back!!! Imagine Zombified Axe Man or Chainsaw man!! aaahhaahhaha
So you basically fight enemies twice, first time as ganados like enemy then unkillable zombies, unless you blow their head off, they start moving again in 15 seconds after you put them down!! So you WILL constantly run out of ammo!
yeah thats sounds cool plus some of em' would have to be crawling... its all about the anckle biters haha that was friggin' sweeeeet on the old games when you would stamp on there heads when the started biting your anckle... But if they constantly kept coming back alive unless you got a headshot on them that would be cool...

plus in the old games if a zombie grabbed you it would take a few bites out of you before you pushed it off haha unless you had a tazer or a knife or.. a grenade x)

figures guns... its up to your man... tbh I dont really think the inf ammo for guns is a must have haha makes the game so much more easy its nice to have but... if im playing proplery I always turn the feature off...
But its fun....
A little update, now i got RPG with infinite ammo too! Wasnt even planning on getting it, was re-doing chapters, and discovered that, if u get better times then your previous run, it will still count as totatl game time. It means u dont have to achieve -5 hours game play in one go to get Inf. RPG.
I had previous game time of 5H:20M after a few chapters i played faster pace, i did 4H40m.
sweeet I was thinking of dong that but I havnt got round to it haha Running through every chapter as fast as I can seems hard.. Ive got a total game time of about 5:40 total I think.

Is the RPG worth the run through? I might chip through the game on easy mode with a AK74 an handcanon or something.
the longest boss fight was proably the one you have to burn with the flamethrower Im still not very god at doig that quick like. I might stock up on Rpgs for the wesker figt as welll....
RE5.;29957 said:
sweeet I was thinking of dong that but I havnt got round to it haha Running through every chapter as fast as I can seems hard.. Ive got a total game time of about 5:40 total I think.

Is the RPG worth the run through? I might chip through the game on easy mode with a AK74 an handcanon or something.
the longest boss fight was proably the one you have to burn with the flamethrower Im still not very god at doig that quick like. I might stock up on Rpgs for the wesker figt as welll....

For the fun of it, yes, its worth it, and the boss with flamethrower, its a one hit kill with RPG. But then, i was doing Easy to get all Chap with S rank. One detail, u dont have to reload each RPG shot!
sweet. and that is exactly how I beat the Uroboros. One RPG killed it. It was getting hard on vet and I was mad so I spent 10 grand and pwned that mutha
On RE4 Leon wud drop the RPG after a shot, then magically getting a new one on his shoulder. Now it magically doesnt run out, it will foverer stay on Chris's shoulder, so its a tinsy bit quicker to use than RE4 if u ask...
hydra,the first magnum,handcannon,gatling gun,longbow,the first pistol,ak-74,the second machin gun,ithaca
I'm working to get the hydra now... Ive bought an upgraded 2 Hydras an 2 Handcanons to the max, haha Just because there awesome! helps when the AI has awesome weapons as well :P
But I just got the RPG with inf ammo for doing the game in 4:43'56" woohoo! but like other people have pointed out you can go back an re-do levels to get faster times which is what I did haha

Not that I like to rush, but Its handy gun to have :D Think I'm gonna go own wesker in the last level now..
*fires rocket at wesker- he stops the rocket in his hands- fires another rocket to blow up the one in his hands*
HAHAH mega owned.


Im wondering what would happen If I had two RPG's ahaha
i have like over 50'000 points i can spend but i havent used them i dont need inf amo i have enough amo i have max of all amo even magnum amo:D so i can just sit there like i do have inf amo lol