I bought Pokemon White 2 a few weeks ago (I wanted to get Black 2 so that I can get Zekrom and be able to use Black Kyurem, but the store didn't have it. However, I am just as fine with getting White 2 and getting Reshiram and White Kyurem, I didn't matter to me which one I got since I liked the design of Black Kyurem more, but White Kyurem has better special attack so it balances it out my wants, plus the Electrabuzz line, Skitty line, and Latias are exclusive to White 2. The only things that I will miss not being able to get from Black 2 besides Zekrom and Black Kyurem, I will only miss Registeel and the Gible line.) and completed it last week. I absolutely loved the music from it and I honestly did not have an absolute favorite. I loved each and every song rather it would be because they sound adventerous, epic, calm, or creepy (In the case for the themes for N's Room and the Strange House). There was none that I disliked. I loved them all.