Between of all the songs that I heard in the Pokemon series as of right now, this is my favorite for right now. It was one of the songs that played on Pikachu's Jukebox, along with Double Trouble. I stopped paying attention to it after awhile because I was wanting to finish the first and second season and so I started to skip passed Pikachu's Jukebox so that I can get to the next episode. But after hearing instrumental versions of it on the 3rd season, it made me started to wanting to listen to it again and I'm glad that I decided. Also I want to dedicate this song to my bestie, besides Netflix adding Pokemon to their service earlier this year, she was one of the biggest reasons why I decided to get back into Pokemon and this song reflects about how I feel about her after we became friends almost 2 years ago (I hope this did not sound creepy).
I bought Pokemon White 2 a few weeks ago (I wanted to get Black 2 so that I can get Zekrom and be able to use Black Kyurem, but the store didn't have it. However, I am just as fine with getting White 2 and getting Reshiram and White Kyurem, I didn't matter to me which one I got since I liked the design of Black Kyurem more, but White Kyurem has better special attack so it balances it out my wants, plus the Electrabuzz line, Skitty line, and Latias are exclusive to White 2. The only things that I will miss not being able to get from Black 2 besides Zekrom and Black Kyurem, I will only miss Registeel and the Gible line.) and completed it last week. I absolutely loved the music from it and I honestly did not have an absolute favorite. I loved each and every song rather it would be because they sound adventerous, epic, calm, or creepy (In the case for the themes for N's Room and the Strange House). There was none that I disliked. I loved them all.
I'm not a fan of Rihanna, but after I was able to get myself a copy of Wreck-It Ralph and watched it for my first time, I couldn't help but notice this song, it was my first time hearing it and just like the first time I heard Rihanna's "Only Girl (In The World)", something about "Shut Up and Drive" just makes me like it for some reason and compels me to keep listening to it.
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