Resident Evil 6 What are you guys Excited for?

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RE5 is OK at best. The first half of the campaign is around RE4 level but after that it becomes truly dreadful.

The story is passable. The themes and ideas that are in the story are good but the direction they took it was less than savory
I'm excited that are three lengthy campaigns (supposedly) that will be focused on three different styles of gameplay and I'm equally excited for The Mercenaries Mode of Re6. I would probably be excited for other multiplayer modes if they were announced already.
Isn't Mercenaries unlocked from the start? I believe I read that somewhere, if so I don't know if I'm gonna jump right into a campaign or give that a go first.
- play through resident evil 4 then 5...and youll say to yourself, didnt i already fight all these same bosses and characters ???......but its not as good ??? the only rewarding aspect is albert wesker was in the game and they continued chris ,jill, and alberts story from 2. example- gigantes, plagas people that were just differrent races, the krauser fight and wesker fight were the same- except the end of the fight was like the end boss battle fight in 4 !!!!! with missle launcher kill.....gee resident evil 5 was ohhhhh soooo original !!! thats why no one likes that game kennedy killer... Dont get me wrong I love Albert wesker and all resident evil games, but that was on the low totem pole of all games story wise ! - I dont hate it at all, as a matter of fact i play res evil 5 gold edition all the time still:D , but if I had only one residnet evil game to ever play allowed..ID choose RESIDENT EVIL 4 HANDS DOWN !! heres my game ranks in great ness for res evil playability: ( res 4, 2, veronica x, outbreak files 1&2,Orc, res 1,res 5, res 3 .)
- cant wait for all the true zombie action from Leons camapaign too!!! The catacombs looks awesome !!! reminds of zombies from the blind seagull movie collection or Fulci films. A FULCI ZOMBIE GREATNESS style zombie look shown in leons catacombs section !!! For you youngsters out there that dont know Lucio Fulci is and love horror and especially zombies !!!-His movies are the ones to see my friends !!! you will not be disappointed and also there are many great italian made zombie flix from the 70s; and 80s' you guys will love!!;)
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- cant wait for all the true zombie action from Leons camapaign too!!! The catacombs looks awesome !!! reminds of zombies from the blind seagull movie collection or Fulci films. A FULCI ZOMBIE GREATNESS style zombie look shown in leons catacombs section !!! For you youngsters out there that dont know Lucio Fulci is and love horror and especially zombies !!!-His movies are the ones to see my friends !!! you will not be disappointed and also there are many great italian made zombie flix from the 70s; and 80s' you guys will love!!;)
Please don't double post, just edit the first one.
I'm excited for the story. I want to see what happens to the characters in the game, and if they address any of the characters that may not be in the game, but that we all know and love.