Hi, Ive been a RE fan since RE2, Ive played most of the RE games except for Zero,and a few I seen for the wii. I just recently bought RE Remake and zero and have just beat the remake like an hour ago for the second time. I completely forgot you could play GC games on wii and Ive had the wii collecting dust until I got a hold of these two games. I still own all the toy biz action figures and I recently got into playing the RE deck building game its pretty fun if you play with people who know how to play,its usually my lil brother and my girlfriend that get down on the DBG. RE DBG is the first card game ive gotten into since pokemon back in the day. Nemesis is my favorite character, I remember yelling S.T.A.R.S.ZZ during class everyday and getting in trouble. I was such a weirdo.