NO Flaming, no debating. Just state your unpopular RE opinion. You can press like, or respond to someone, but no debating nonsense. Freedom of speech people. LRN2 use it! (but not hatefully as stated above.)
Okay... I'll go first. -coughs nervously-
1. I think Jake is overrated. (Not that I don't like his character, I totally do. BUT I think Sherry was overshadowed by his story. The fans had been waiting for Sherry to return only to have the "Jake show" totally overpower her story. They should've at least given her a little more backstory, maybe cutscenes of her in her cell growing up, being tested on and whatnot. They also tried too hard to make Jake "cool". He ended up with more corny lines than I'd like, especially for the voice actor he had.)
2. HUNK isn't a big deal to me. I've never gotten the hype behind his character. Sure, he's cool and all that, but it's like people practically jizz on themselves whenever he's mentioned in a game.
3. Carlos is fine with me, but I'd rather not see him again. I actually thought he wasought cooler in the movies for once. (I hate those movies too, don't get me wrong, but Oded Fehr really brought him to life and made him cooler than I had originally thought!)
4. I only like Barry for the sandwich joke, and funny one liners. 
5. Chris and Leon have had far too much attention lately and need to retire for a few titles.
6. I love Helena Harper. She's the only RE character with a full story arc and I don't understand all the hate she gets. I really think she has a lot of potential for another title. After she lost her sister she seemingly grew some compassion. I think she was really human near the end and not bitchy like she was at the beginning. I feel as though if she's in another title, she'll be sure to do her best to keep everyone alive. Losing her sister made her even tougher IMO. She's essentially a genderbent Chris and I like that. She has her flaws, but that just makes me love her more.
7. I also love Rebecca Chambers to pieces, always have. So sue me. 
8. I think RE needs romance aside from Leon and Ada. I actually think there should be straight romance and even a homosexual character. I mean come on... all those women are in the special forces and you're telling me not one of them is gay? Please... Same with the dudes.