To the great fans of Resident Evil!...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2009
Scotland, UK.
Im so glad I found this place so I can chill out and talk about the greatest Video Games Series (Notice how I didn't say Movie Series :lol:) on earth, Resident Evil!

So, let me introduce myself. My name is Ryan, Im 16 years of age and I am a big Resident Evil fan. I have played all the games (apart from side games like Gun Survivor etc..) and have enjoyed everyone. I have played the RE5 Demo on Live and have became addicted to it already.

To tell you other things about me, I am a big Wrestling Fan and Movie fan. Actually, I have my own Wrestling Forum (, so if there is any other Wrestling Fans out there you might want to click the link as it could be worth your while. Emm, I love watching Movies and worship my Blu-Ray Collection. I have a pretty impressive collection so far and plan to add onto this collection over the next few years.

Thanks for your time if you have read all the above and can't wait to get started here.

Thanks ;)
- Ryan