Resident Evil 7 Thoughts on the Dummy Finger

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That's all very true. I get the feeling that the piano has some function, but it will close if you play it before what ever will trigger you to use it. Once it closes you won't be able to prompt it again.

It seems if you approach something with an item. It will show you on screen that you can use it. Only if you have the item first.
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does interacting with anything in vhs mode changes anything in the present?
Just the lock picked drawer.
But here is a list of all changed between them that I can remember:

Differences between VHS and present:
Object/area differences

VHS: outside, basement
present: attic

Corpses on floor: No
Bolt cutters: No
Baby doll: No
Cupboard: locked, can't be opened
Backdoor: white, cant be opened after closing.
Other: ghost can spawn in hallway

Corpses on floor: Yes
Bolt cutters: Yes
Baby doll: spawns in thin air when picking up bolt cutters
Cupboard: accessible with bolt cutters
Back door: red, can be opened with back door key (leading to auto family punch)
Other: manikin spawns after backdoor key is found

cooking pot: can be used once (lid gets placed back on)
Microwave: door can be opened and closed, dead crow inside, no sticker
Fridge: door can be opened and closed, nothing on top shelf
Lockpick: can be found behind microwave
White drawer: can be opened and closed, nothing inside
Blue drawer: can be lockpicked, then opened and closed, nothing inside.
Newspaper: on table
Other: ghost can spawn outside window behind microwave and in ceiling above doorway to stairs.

cooking pot: can be used once (lid gets placed on table after roaches appear)
Microwave: door can be opened and closed, dead crow inside, "SIMPLYGON" sticker on side.
Fridge: door can be opened and closed, body bags on top shelf, jar falls.
Lockpick: none
White drawer: can be opened and closed, nothing inside
Blue drawer: can be opened of lockpicked In vhs (even if vhs tape is stopped), then opened and closed, axe inside.
Newspaper: none
Other: noises and objects move when going to the kitchen after collecting key

Drawer: can be opened and closed
Dummy finger: none
Headphones: found on upstairs table
3 Manikins: not there
Stairs button: cannot be pressed
Other: ghost can appear on stairs

Drawer: can be opened and closed (if finger is picked up)
Dummy finger: in drawer
Headphones: not there
3 manikins: upstairs, will turn around off screen if noticed.
Stairs: can be lowered from ceiling with button if fuse has been placed in piano room.
Other: 4th manikin can appear if room explored before getting the fuse.
Some breakable boxes, nothing inside them.

No voodoo dolls
Ghost can appear

7 voodoo dolls hanging from ceiling

Fuse box: not connected to wire, cannot be investigated
Piano: not intractable
Tv: No vhs player present
Note: Not present
Secret lever: cannot be used by player, only Pete can use it

Fuse box: stairs fuse can be placed at any time.
Piano: can be interacted with once (piano lid closes by itself)
Note: found on table, altered note found on table next to TV after vhs tape completely watches
Tv: has vhs player to play vhs tape
Lever: can be pulled at any time.

Fuse: not there, not is table
Key: not there
Ladder to basement: present
Covered up table in basement: present
Other: ghost can spawn in secret passage when lowering self on ladder

Fuse: can be found if explored before vhs tape is played fully.
Key: can be found after vhs tape is played fully.
Ladder: not present
Covered up table on basement: not present

Not accessible (yet?)

Telephone rings upon initial entry to attic.
Telephone: has 3 possible conversations, all end with family man punch when leaving room after (unless back is facing wall, in which he will grab you at first possible opportunity anywhere in the house)
Photo of helicopter beside phone, with text on back.
Manikin ane boxes in same room, can be brokem but nothing inside.
Glitchy graphics on Wall appear to make shapes, barricaded door can glitch out too.
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With regards to the back door changing to the red door, I actually noticed that the old door is against the wall on the right as you're facing the door. It's not really important at all, but it's just something I noticed. :P
Something interesting was that maybe revisiting the VHS for the second time might trigger something else. You can put the tape back in and go back. The woman on the phone mentioned something about past memories and that appearances can be deceiving. Perhaps that may mean something?
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Something interesting was that maybe revisiting the VHS for the second time might trigger something else. You can put the tape back in and go back. The woman on the phone mentioned something about past memories and that appearances can be deceiving. Perhaps that may mean something?
Yeah it does seem like going back into the vhs tape would do something. I've done it multiple times tho besides getting the lock pick and the key to the door nothing noticeable has happened. I know people are speculating you have to go in multiple times (like 7 going with the theme in the demo) but I dont have the patience to go through that many times ://
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I've been through a couple of times and the only thing that changes is you can see the ghost girl in different places.
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Yeah it does seem like going back into the vhs tape would do something. I've done it multiple times tho besides getting the lock pick and the key to the door nothing noticeable has happened. I know people are speculating you have to go in multiple times (like 7 going with the theme in the demo) but I dont have the patience to go through that many times ://

Neither do I. I am tempted to do so though. It seems no one has still figured it out. Aside from the dummy finger.

There are two things that elude me that I'm trying to figure out.

The boxes say "HAVAWATA" on them With a 7 or an L on the bottom. Could it be an anagram?

The second. Which eludes me the most. Is the fuse itself. I believe it offers a clue on either what to do. Or a hint to something in the main game. Capcom did say there are some hints to be found. I think this is one of them. I currently written my own translation to the fuse, but I would like to compare it to others with their translation.

On the final note. The clock is interesting with it's time. It seems to perhaps be a bilabial reference? I'm not familiar with that stuff and I looked it up. Maybe a clue? I'm pretty much damn sure now that the main villain of the game is female. There are also some theories that the lamp that turns on is a Morse code.
I've seen theories where people have thought that Havawata has something to do with the tap, but you can literally only turn it on and off and it has no bearing on the tap in the video tape. People are also wondering if the box says Harawata, which means 'entrails' in Japanese. Maybe that's what's in the soup... *shudders*

I'm starting to think that Capcom aren't giving us anything because they want people to keep talking about the demo and RE7. It could backfire if they say there's nothing and everyone has spent this much time on it. I've combed that demo with a couple of people and even watched livestreams about it. I genuinely think there's nothing more to it. Could be wrong, but that's just my thoughts.
That could be true. The Havawata has got me going for a while. It still does. That could be what is in the soup, but I guess we don't know for sure. I do believe that Capcom has offered hints in the demo. A lot of them actually. One of them for example is that we know Umbrella is back. Other things are less obvious. Such as the family refers to the family that lives in the house, but it could be suggestive to The Family having some involvement in the game. Of course this is just speculation and I don't see how The Family would be involved in an isolated experiment.

So I think there are tons of little things in there. With the dolls. The pictures on the walls. Little things that we're over looking. Simple things really. Where we are looking too deep into the bigger things. I'm surprise I've noticed a complete lack of mentions every where with the Fuse. I can't honestly be the only one :P Also symbolic things like the clock seems to be set to a meaning after doing some reading up on those numbers. It's really cool with how they set everything up to keep people speculating and talking. Maybe the finger is there for us to do just that. Or maybe it's well hidden.
You know the more i think about it the more i believe that the demo takes place in two cabins. of course there are a lot of things that indicates that. Beside the doors, There is the hall way where you get the bolt cutter and the tape. In the real world its filled with corpses but in the VHS its not. The dummy finger, Headphone and the VCR are also examples that support this. But i still can't figure out the lock pick and axe. I mean think about it one of the messages in the phone says that "don't let appearances mislead you".
Also the fact the fusebox in the vhs is in a different position on the wall, you can tell becsuse the wire is in the same place and isn't connected
By now I really have the impression that all those Capcom spokesmen either lied to us about the other endings and items (which would be very stupid considering that the relationship between Capcon and the Fans has never been very good and wouldn't get better by lying to them.) or the requierments are so stupid that no person with a right mind would try it this way.

According to a reddit user who solved the mystery (at least he claims it) a certain lamp must be destroyed with the axe to obtain glue with that glue you can combine the Finger with the mannequin and that opens a new door. I tried it already and it didn't work out for me.
I really want to know what they mean by Ending? Ending by get punched from that Hillbilly? In that case you can have 4 endings.

Ending 1. Get the key, run to the Back door and get Punched.
Ending 2. Get the fuse , run up the Stairs, get the call and get punched (again)
Ending 3. Get the Fuse, run up the Stairs , get that call and turn your back and the wall, to go out off that Room. Go down the Stairs and get Punched (Again).
Ending 4. Get the Fuse, run up the Stairs , get that call and turn your back and the wall, to go out off that Room. Go down the Stairs. Hug the wall again to go to the Kitchen and now ....Here it comes...Get Punched Again.
you can also do that in the Piano Room.

But Really, many and also me tryt over and over again. I highly doubt that there is a purpose for the Finger atm. You cannot leave this Cabin..Until the Demo comes to PC and XBox.

There is one thing whats seems strange to me. If you get that key then you can see the Hillbilly walking to the kitchen. Now when you follow him you hear a strange noise like rumbling and cans falling down and rolling over the ground, and unter the Table you can see destroyed crates.
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Technically 3 and 4 are the same as 2. You just delayed the trigger by not letting him spawn since you were looking. You better keep one eye open or he's going to go Rocky on your ass.
Would the different phone calls count as different endings?

Well considering they are all different dialogues. Technically, yes they are. Some games will count dialogues as different endings. So Capcom could be referring to that..... I hope not though. I hope there is more.