Outbreak 1 This game is perhaps not for me

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Professional Sandwich Consumer
Oct 7, 2018
I recently purchased the first Outbreak game on an online auction for a very cheap price, and today I dusted off my old PS2 to finally give it a try. After hearing so many good things about it lore-wise, calling me excited would be an understatement.

I started the first scenario as George since his background sounded interesting. First cutscene started to roll, and I thought "So far so good", and I was getting ready to play. I knew before-hand that there were going to be AI-controlled characters around me, so that wasn't a surprise. However, many of the mechanics that I didn't know came as a complete shock. As I began to run around the bar, I immediately realized that checking your inventory does not actually pause the game. Then, the lack of objective and voice acting made me frustrated. I got extremely stressed out and things got even worse as I made my way up the stairs. The zombies would never die, no matter how many times you put them down. They just kept respawning into infinity so I felt there was no way to comfortably explore the area. When I play a game for the first time I really like taking my time to check everything and pick everything up, and then I noticed the next main issue - the tiny inventory. With only 4 slots, there was simply no way for me to comfortably make sure that I didn't miss anything. Cindy died because she ran into a room by herself with a zombie in it. I kept running around, up and down the stairs and got frustrated that I couldn't find the key to the next staircase - plus the zombies just kept coming back and I couldn't reload my gun while pausing or moving, aaaaaghh!
I really thought I had checked every room, until I realized that the freaking key was on the table below another item - the reason I couldn't reach it before was because my inventory was full and every time I dropped another item to pick up the paper I wasn't able to get the key because the character would only pickup the previously dropped item instead... Sigh, I think you see my frustration here.

Long story short... After finally getting the key both mine and Bob's health were on "Caution" mode because of the respawning zombies, and I had been using up all of the available ammo and health items. And with Cindy dead, I decided it was better to just quit and restart. I decided to be smart and pick a character more suitable for my playstyle, and ended up picking Yoko after reading that she is able to carry more items than other characters. Yeah baby! I was ready to go again, but sadly even with my newly added experience I ended up feeling the same way after reaching the next staircase. The lack of objective is just so damn frustrating, because the map really doesn't tell you anything. Yes, so this time I was able to find the first save room with a typewriter, and I also managed to raise the forklift and reach the roof. But now I'm stuck again, and I don't really like where this is going. It feels a bit lifeless with the AI characters, and the objective is too unclear. But the biggest complaint is definitely the inability to permanently down enemies. Seriously, that's just stupid.

I know I'm very early in the game, and obviously I won't give up yet. Like I've said I've heard good things about the lore in Outbreak and I want to experience that for myself. But I really wish the gameplay was different! It really doesn't fit me at all...
To be honest I didn't enjoy Outbreak at all and I gave it the benefit of the doubt and played it all the way through. There was just nothing that really stood out to me as being amazing. I think the game having an online multiplayer capability at the time did make it a little ahead of it's time, but again, I didn't feel that it was anything special.

I think Resistance did a good job of molding together Outbreak and Mercenaries. It brought in the heavy teamwork aspect of Outbreak while bringing in the time limits and time adding mechanics from Mercenaries while adding simple yet engaging goals to keep it all interesting. I know a lot of people are kinda salty about Resistance being released when it could've theoretically been Outbreak with their similar structures, but I'm glad they didn't just spit out an Outbreak remaster.
You are not the only one, i recently tryed to reply outbreak to finally complete it but i reached the third level and give up, it is a Boring game whit no entertaining story and frustrating mechanic, there is actually no meaning to play this game other than take a look at old re place whit new graphic...
The gameplay overall is also pretty boring and there is no time to look at the place ore read file because there is a time limit
I think the Outbreak games were a bit harder than the normal Resident Evil game simply because it was meant to be played online with other people.

There is no pausing in online co-op.

Now does this create a challenge for people who are playing solo? Sure. But it still stands that the game was meant for co-op and plays that way.

If you're having issues managing inventory space I would try playing as Yoko or Cindy. Cindy has an herb box that allows her to carry herbs separately from key items and Yoko has a backpack so she has 8 inventory spaces.

Be advised however that those extra inventory spaces with Yoko come at a price. She's a lot slower than everyone else and I think she might have less health as well.

I honestly enjoyed the Outbreak games, quite a lot actually, but I was never able to play them online. I'm sure it makes the experience vastly different.
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I understand that it was designed as an online game so perhaps I should've known that there would be no pausing... I don't see why they couldn't have included a paused inventory for Single Player however.

For someone like me whom really enjoy reading files and diaries, this game's setup acts like a big middle finger to me.

Thanks for the tip on Yoko. I actually didn't feel her as being that much slower?
I can understand the criticism and I actually felt the same way when I started playing Outbreak, but then it grew on me later. I actually enjoy the different ways the characters are meant to be played (except Jim. Jim sucks).

Also, not every scenario has infinite enemies. Actually, only the bar part in Outbreak (and the very end of the scenario, where you have a clear objective) has respawning enemies.

Yoko is a good choice for an AI partner, since she can carry items for you and she tends to stay close (characters like Kevin and David, tends to go on their own). Cindy is my favorite character to play. She saves spaces with herbs and has a dodge move. Also, her infection rate speed is slow (Yoko is the slowest, I think and Kevin is the fastest on that regard, which isn't a good thing).
@Mr.R brings up a good point about your AI characters. I believe you can't choose who goes with you in Outbreak but you can in Outbreak File 2.

Researching which characters get along and stick close to your core character will help out a lot. If you play as Cindy, don't expect to rely on David. He's a loner around her and you'll only see him at brief points in the scenario, and possibly only dead later. George, Kevin and I believe Mark are good characters to go with Cindy. They'll stick with her and offer as much help as an AI can.
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Yeah - if you compare the Outbreak games to a modern sense of gaming, they're not that fun. The play ability was questionable at the time the games were released and we've had full decade and a half of innovation since then. The levels do no get easier.

But the locations and lore are very fun to explore. I beat both on single player. And it was annoying since you usually have to play through twice since your first playthrough will be marred by level design to the point you will almost definitely die. I wish they would make an Outbreak File #3 with modern sensibility.
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Maybe we should have a look at fanmade custom servers and try and play Outbreak online together at some point.
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Outbreak wasn't for everyone. I thought the ideas, locations, and story beats were a delight. But the game play was not the best. I beat all of the scenarios offline. But I think there is a nugget for future titles to expand on for sure!
It's the only RE game ive ever bought and not finished. I agree with all the OP said, I thought it was an awful frustrating , boring game. That's why there's plenty of them still cheap online, whereas the other old RE games go for a lot more.
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I understand that it was designed as an online game so perhaps I should've known that there would be no pausing... I don't see why they couldn't have included a paused inventory for Single Player however.

For someone like me whom really enjoy reading files and diaries, this game's setup acts like a big middle finger to me.

Thanks for the tip on Yoko. I actually didn't feel her as being that much slower?
I only ever really play online, but iirc there IS a pause function for offline play: press Select button and the options menu that you can also see for online play will pause the game for offline play only. Accessing the item/map/files screen does not pause the game like other RE games. That is correct.
A bit late to respond to this. The first scenario is really the only one that rushes you, the rest give you more time to explore and solve puzzles. Outbreak File 2 is a vastly superior sister game that improves on several mechanics and allows the player to move and shoot at the same time. They are canon to the older games and help flesh out the Raccoon City lore immensely.

I was fortunate enough to play this online when they first came out, so if you can manage to hunt down some loyal forum members, you would get a kick out of it if you have any love for the classics.

Offline I would rate them a 3/5 but online easily bumps them to 4/5 or even higher, they just have a bit of a learning curve. Highly recommend to play on PC for better loading times and online play.