There is a Problem with RESIDENT EVIL Games Series (this likely will include spoilers about RE8)

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Jun 30, 2010
Outer Heaven
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. There is a problem. You see, it may already started or gonna start soon. Flame war between the old fans of RE and the new fans of RE.

What am I talking about? OK. You see, I'm an old fan of RE games since 1998. The first RE game I ever known/played of all REs was Resident Evil 2 (PS1, 1998). You see, The first RE game since the first one until let's say RE6, the element of Sci-Fi was there all the times. Virus, Labs, yara yara yara. The whole nine yards. If you ask gamers where RE series started to die? To suck. You will hear different answers. Some will say RE4 or RE5 or RE6. Somehow it's all true. Apparently, the Survival-Horror died since either RE4 or RE5. One or the other.

We might gonna have two or three generations of RE fans.

1. Those who started the series since RE1 or RE2 (in some case which it's rare those who started from RE3)
2. Those who started since RE4, and never cared to experience the ones before
3. Those who started since RE7

I know a guy who his first RE game that he ever experience was RE7. He would probably give it a 10/10, but I'm quite the opposite. I would give RE7 zero out of ten. However, I recommended him to play RE1 (Remastered Remake) on Steam. I even went so far by buying the game on Steam for him as a gift. He played it. He expressed his thoughts on RE1.

"I wished RE1 had RE7 style" - He said

That p!ssed me off, but since he is my friend, I can't let him know that he angered me, so I let it go. To give you a briefed idea what do I think of each RE game, here is my opinion in short.
Personal Rate​
Platform(s) I Played on​
Resident Evil 0
NGC 2002, PS4 2016If only this game had Items-Box, it would get a 7.5/10
Resident Evil
PS1 1996Woah! Perfect rate? Why? Well, Barry is partly the reason. There are so much more I wanna say about RE.
Resident Evil Remake
NGC 2002, PS4 2014Oh my God. This RE I would say surpassed the original. If it had the old Barry, I would give it 11/10.
Resident Evil 2
PS1 1998My first experience of a zombie game before any RE. Great game. Good old times of 1998 that I will never forget.
Resident Evil 2 Remake
PS4 2019The scenarios have got ruined. All 4 RUNs have same sequences at most. Bosses moments kinda missed the opportunities, and why encounter William G1 in all 4 RUNs? This makes no sense. Lazy story driven.
Resident Evil 3
PS1 1999Nemesis was the bane of my existence. Good great challenge of survival-horror. Although this RE seems to be short.
Resident Evil 3 Remake
PS4 2020Sometimes, graphics aren't everything, and I think RE3 remake could be a prime example due to how they missed some opportunity(ies). Like the church. Ripping zombies flesh in RE2 remake and all that details was fun. What happened here? Memesis was... Sorry I mean Nemesis was kinda weird.
Resident Evil: Code: Veronica
PS2, PS3This RE game. Ugh! It sucks at some part(s), but... eh... it's an alright RE game. I can't beat it without cheating. Gotta unlock that Rocket Launcher with cheat codes, you know. The dialogue are... weird~!... yeah~! That Wesker too. He's quite something, and that Alfred! My God that Alfred.
Resident Evil 4
NGC, PS2, PS3, PS4Call it the beginning of the fall of RE? Or maybe the next RE one is.
Resident Evil 5
PS3, PS4I feel dead inside. What's going on with RE? I need some Barry in my life.
Resident Evil 6
PS3, PS4This isn't a Call of Duty Zombie game! WTF? RE is dead!
Resident Evil 7
NeverI hate First Person Shooter... and FAQ Ethan. Nobody cares.
Resident Evil 8
NeverSame reason, and again, FAQ Ethan and everything in it.

About RE8. I watched everything...... and~... I'm gonna rant and call names and vulgar language here. Sorry. I'm p!ssed. Really p!ssed.
My oh my. RE7 story sucks, and so is RE8/RE-Village. The story sucks. This RE game is a slap on the face of OG RE fans.

Please forgive me for saying this, but...... if you think RE8 is cool, if you think RE8 is awesome and all, well...... with much love and respect I say......
FAQ you. Go to hell. RE7 and RE8 are gay.

Just I want you to know that you're dealing with an old (apparently toxic me fan of RE). These RE7 and RE8 are not RE games. The way the narratives went with this is garbage. RE is not a fully psychological-horror. It was a Sci-Fi Survival-Horror.
Well, I agree with most of what you wrote (I am currently playing Village, so I am not going to cast a judgement about it) for C:V. It is actually a pretty easy game save for a few moments (Nosferatu, Steve and Alexia's third form - the Tyrant is a piece of cake if you have the 3 anti-BOW grenades). And it has a great atmosphere - I agree with the dialogues though - that was the beginning of the RE villains going all muahahahahah! That's one sin RE5 and 6 didn't commit. Personally, RE4 was the one that ruined the series - I actually have much more respect for 5, as it actually tried to wrap up most of the main plot's loose ends and had a very serious tone (Wesker is closer to his RE1\RE1make personality...actually, he wasn't that over-the-top in the original C:V for DC).
I am going to take a long break from games as a whole after playing RE8. If this is the future of games and what is defined as 10/10 fun then I feel this hobby has outgrown me and it’s time to move on, at least for single player. REmake 2 felt like the grand finale for Capcom to win me back, while REmake 3 was a sloppy dessert that I dropped on the ground by accident. RE8 was a stranger stomping on said dessert while laughing at my face.
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Yes, ladies and gentlemen. There is a problem. You see, it may already started or gonna start soon. Flame war between the old fans of RE and the new fans of RE.

What am I talking about? OK. You see, I'm an old fan of RE games since 1998. The first RE game I ever known/played of all REs was Resident Evil 2 (PS1, 1998). You see, The first RE game since the first one until let's say RE6, the element of Sci-Fi was there all the times. Virus, Labs, yara yara yara. The whole nine yards. If you ask gamers where RE series started to die? To suck. You will hear different answers. Some will say RE4 or RE5 or RE6. Somehow it's all true. Apparently, the Survival-Horror died since either RE4 or RE5. One or the other.

We might gonna have two or three generations of RE fans.

1. Those who started the series since RE1 or RE2 (in some case which it's rare those who started from RE3)
2. Those who started since RE4, and never cared to experience the ones before
3. Those who started since RE7

I know a guy who his first RE game that he ever experience was RE7. He would probably give it a 10/10, but I'm quite the opposite. I would give RE7 zero out of ten. However, I recommended him to play RE1 (Remastered Remake) on Steam. I even went so far by buying the game on Steam for him as a gift. He played it. He expressed his thoughts on RE1.

"I wished RE1 had RE7 style" - He said

That p!ssed me off, but since he is my friend, I can't let him know that he angered me, so I let it go. To give you a briefed idea what do I think of each RE game, here is my opinion in short.
Personal Rate​
Platform(s) I Played on​
Resident Evil 0
NGC 2002, PS4 2016If only this game had Items-Box, it would get a 7.5/10
Resident Evil
PS1 1996Woah! Perfect rate? Why? Well, Barry is partly the reason. There are so much more I wanna say about RE.
Resident Evil Remake
NGC 2002, PS4 2014Oh my God. This RE I would say surpassed the original. If it had the old Barry, I would give it 11/10.
Resident Evil 2
PS1 1998My first experience of a zombie game before any RE. Great game. Good old times of 1998 that I will never forget.
Resident Evil 2 Remake
PS4 2019The scenarios have got ruined. All 4 RUNs have same sequences at most. Bosses moments kinda missed the opportunities, and why encounter William G1 in all 4 RUNs? This makes no sense. Lazy story driven.
Resident Evil 3
PS1 1999Nemesis was the bane of my existence. Good great challenge of survival-horror. Although this RE seems to be short.
Resident Evil 3 Remake
PS4 2020Sometimes, graphics aren't everything, and I think RE3 remake could be a prime example due to how they missed some opportunity(ies). Like the church. Ripping zombies flesh in RE2 remake and all that details was fun. What happened here? Memesis was... Sorry I mean Nemesis was kinda weird.
Resident Evil: Code: Veronica
PS2, PS3This RE game. Ugh! It sucks at some part(s), but... eh... it's an alright RE game. I can't beat it without cheating. Gotta unlock that Rocket Launcher with cheat codes, you know. The dialogue are... weird~!... yeah~! That Wesker too. He's quite something, and that Alfred! My God that Alfred.
Resident Evil 4
NGC, PS2, PS3, PS4Call it the beginning of the fall of RE? Or maybe the next RE one is.
Resident Evil 5
PS3, PS4I feel dead inside. What's going on with RE? I need some Barry in my life.
Resident Evil 6
PS3, PS4This isn't a Call of Duty Zombie game! WTF? RE is dead!
Resident Evil 7
NeverI hate First Person Shooter... and FAQ Ethan. Nobody cares.
Resident Evil 8
NeverSame reason, and again, FAQ Ethan and everything in it.

About RE8. I watched everything...... and~... I'm gonna rant and call names and vulgar language here. Sorry. I'm p!ssed. Really p!ssed.
My oh my. RE7 story sucks, and so is RE8/RE-Village. The story sucks. This RE game is a slap on the face of OG RE fans.

Please forgive me for saying this, but...... if you think RE8 is cool, if you think RE8 is awesome and all, well...... with much love and respect I say......
FAQ you. Go to hell. RE7 and RE8 are gay.

Just I want you to know that you're dealing with an old (apparently toxic me fan of RE). These RE7 and RE8 are not RE games. The way the narratives went with this is garbage. RE is not a fully psychological-horror. It was a Sci-Fi Survival-Horror.

You're worried about a flame war between fans? Just making sure I understand the premise of this post.

I didn't read the Village spoilers because I haven't yet beat the game and don't want to spoil it for myself, but I'll throw my two cents in.

The Resident Evil franchise has arguably been split since Resident Evil 4 came out. It drastically changed the Resident Evil formula in so many ways. Generally speaking Resident Evil 4 is a love it or hate it type game (I fit closer to the hated it end of the spectrum.) and there are justifications for either, which people are entitled to. I didnt care for the 2nd trilogy if you will (4, 5, and 6), but at the end of the day, I still played them. They were not unplayable games.

I like Resident Evil 7. I mean, it wasn't amazing in my opinion but neither was it terrible. I liked the switch to 1st person, although I think it would be cool if players had the option to switch to 3rd person to be more accessible to gamers with different play style tastes.

So far I don't have any issues with Village. I have no clue how far I am into it but I imagine I will beat it at some point this weekend and will be able to offer my opinion on it from a complete perspective.

I guess if I had a bottom line to contribute to this, it would be the fact that there has already been a split in the fan base with Resident Evil 4. Yes, you may see the same division happen with 7 and it will probably happen each time they switch up the formula. That being said, I think maybe Flame War is a bit dramatic.

Like I said before, I very much dislike Resident Evil 4. I have had countless debates since the game came out about why I don't like it. At the same time, whether or not this becomes an all out war... well. I suppose it remains to be seen, BUT I think at some point people have to realize that these are video games and getting SO ****ed off at a video game doesn't make sense to me. I'm pretty sure if you hated Resident Evil 7, it is to be expected that you would at least dislike Resident Evil 8 and so the fact that you expected any different kinda surprises me. I bet you'll hate Resident Evil 9 as well. But I would also bet that you're still going to watch and/or play it.

If you have an educated opinion that you will dislike an upcoming game, just don't play or watch it. It really is that easy. For example. I knew from the start that I wouldn't enjoy The Last of Us 2 even though I loved the first. So I didn't play it. I didn't get mad at the devs or writers, I didn't go on a tirade of hate. There's no point.

We can't control what happens all the time but we can control how we react. This makes you mad because you allow it to. Don't like the game? That's fair. Stop investing so much of your time, energy and emotion into it then. It clearly isn't worth it to you.
For example. I knew from the start that I wouldn't enjoy The Last of Us 2 even though I loved the first. So I didn't play it. I didn't get mad at the devs or writers, I didn't go on a tirade of hate. There's no point.
You should really try it - it's a great game. I actually liked it more than the first one gameplay-wise. It has astonishing visuals. And the story is strong: although I still don't like Abby and her side of the adventure is weaker, the online fanbase has made a big fuss out of nothing. Naughty Dog actually had the guts to do what Capcom or even Konami have never done (killing off a main character for good).

I did enjoy RE7 enough, but, like the RE4 I so much despise, it should've been its own IP imho. Playing a Clock Tower-style game with a family of crazy rednecks out of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with no biohazard would've been good. I am almost at the end of the Castle Dimitrescu section (I think - I killed Lady D's three daughters and I am about to get the last mask - but there's probably some surprise ahead - don't spoil it or anything else, please) in Village: this game should've been a stand-alone title too. It's pretty good (although some parts are annoying - in hardcore mode at least) and it's a better iteration of the ideas from RE4 (it's firmly in the horror genre, unlike Leon's Spanish adventure), but it's not Resident Evil. Too much shooting and, although it's clear some experiment is the reason behind what's going on, it is screaming to be a straight-out supernatural horror. I have always preferred 3d-person games (you identify with the characters more - in 1st person, it's more like a simulation), and Village should've been made in that style. RE7 could've been pretty much either way, but this one is really made with the wrong POV if you ask me.
You should really try it - it's a great game. I actually liked it more than the first one gameplay-wise. It has astonishing visuals. And the story is strong: although I still don't like Abby and her side of the adventure is weaker, the online fanbase has made a big fuss out of nothing. Naughty Dog actually had the guts to do what Capcom or even Konami have never done (killing off a main character for good).

I did enjoy RE7 enough, but, like the RE4 I so much despise, it should've been its own IP imho. Playing a Clock Tower-style game with a family of crazy rednecks out of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with no biohazard would've been good. I am almost at the end of the Castle Dimitrescu section (I think - I killed Lady D's three daughters and I am about to get the last mask - but there's probably some surprise ahead - don't spoil it or anything else, please) in Village: this game should've been a stand-alone title too. It's pretty good (although some parts are annoying - in hardcore mode at least) and it's a better iteration of the ideas from RE4 (it's firmly in the horror genre, unlike Leon's Spanish adventure), but it's not Resident Evil. Too much shooting and, although it's clear some experiment is the reason behind what's going on, it is screaming to be a straight-out supernatural horror. I have always preferred 3d-person games (you identify with the characters more - in 1st person, it's more like a simulation), and Village should've been made in that style. RE7 could've been pretty much either way, but this one is really made with the wrong POV if you ask me.
It sounds like you and I are pretty much at the exact same spot so I can't spoil for you lol.

I watched an in depth plot synopsis of TLoU2 on YouTube and it doesn't seem like it's for me. I'm glad you liked it though.
That's okay, @Rain611 the spoilers part is just him insulting people who liked Re7/8 and saying the games are 'gay' like it's some sort of insult. I'm still trying to decipher if this is some kind of irony or if he's being serious...
That's okay, @Rain611 the spoilers part is just him insulting people who liked Re7/8 and saying the games are 'gay' like it's some sort of insult. I'm still trying to decipher if this is some kind of irony or if he's being serious...
Wow, thanks for that. I think I know what the problem is now.
I was wondering what FAQ Ethan was supposed to mean, but due to him using "gay" as an insult I now think the q is supposed to be a g. That's... unpleasant...
That's okay, @Rain611 the spoilers part is just him insulting people who liked Re7/8 and saying the games are 'gay' like it's some sort of insult. I'm still trying to decipher if this is some kind of irony or if he's being serious...
I am serious about RE7 and RE8. Just for the sake not to spoil RE8, let's just talk about what is wrong with RE7 from my point of view. It's the story and the First Person Mode for Shooter. They stripped the Sci-Fi element from RE7 and turned it into something close to Silent Hill. Since when?
I was wondering what FAQ Ethan was supposed to mean, but due to him using "gay" as an insult I now think the q is supposed to be a g. That's... unpleasant...
When I say FAQ something, I mean **** . The F-word is censored here. :ROFL:
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The use of gay as an insult still isn't very welcoming.
When I say RE7 is gay, means stupid. The word gay has many meanings. I suppose the word gay is stronger than saying stupid.
If age alone isn't bad enough, I would think a teacher would conduct themselves more appropriately.
Age and career won't stop me from doing and saying what I want. I'm not a complete person. I know my flaws.
Flaws or not, you can express your opinions in a mature manner that are more befitting of your age and occupation.

Despite evidence to the contrary, I find it hard to believe that any grown person would behave how you have and I'm personally appalled that anyone would entrust you to educate the next generation.
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Flaws or not, you can express your opinions in a mature manner that are more befitting of your age and occupation.

Despite evidence to the contrary, I find it hard to believe that any grown person would behave how you have and I'm personally appalled that anyone would entrust you to educate the next generation.
It's understandable, but personal hobby has nothing to do with career. I know my responsibility towards the upcoming generation. The mistakes I have done in my life, I don't want to see others do what I did. Don't mix this and that. Being a teacher isn't an excuse to not speak my mind honestly, and no matter how old I grow, the inner child in me won't go away. In the end, I live my life the way I see fit. I don't care about reputation, others opinion, but I know my limits.
It's understandable, but personal hobby has nothing to do with career. I know my responsibility towards the upcoming generation. The mistakes I have done in my life, I don't want to see others do what I did. Don't mix this and that. Being a teacher isn't an excuse to not speak my mind honestly, and no matter how old I grow, the inner child in me won't go away. In the end, I live my life the way I see fit. I don't care about reputation, others opinion, but I know my limits.
Can you explain in more detail what you dislike about Vilage? Otherwise, you just said that the game was bad but did not explain why its bad?!
Not everyone thinks then being gay is OK. Deal with this, SJW!

So is this stuff actually not against the rules here?
Ok, this thread had already gotten a tad heated so let's cool down a bit.

@Wasker1995 I can't tell if you're joking or not, but whilst on the boards can you please not respond like this. If someone asks your express opinion on homosexuality, then by all means enter into a mature and respectful discussion. What you have posted is not conducive to this. If you are joking, it hasn't gone over well and perhaps you should think before posting.

@justliketheplant we absolutely do not welcome any posts that intend to insult and harass others, regardless of their sexual orientation. I get that the word gay is used to mean more than homosexual, but for the purposes of posting here I would say to EVERYONE that calling things gay to mean "stupid" is not a good idea. I've read through all the posts in this thread and I'm just going to ask nicely that nobody uses what can be misconstrued as a slur when there are perfectly good alternatives in the English language that don't insult or offend people.

I'm not issuing any warnings for the content I have seen so far, but if I see it again, I'm going to have to.

By all means, keep the discussion going. But if you are feeling wound up and want to vent, give it a few moments before hitting "reply" - I know this franchise has really divided opinion over recent years, but we are all able to take that luxury of stepping back before posting and checking we're keeping it at least civil.

Thanks, guys.