The Video Games Of Your Childhood

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Crash Bandicoot! :D:D:D I still play the original games now. :)

I also played lots of Spyro, Ms. Pac-man, Game of Life, There's more, I just can't think of them right now.
Well, as for Megadrive/Genesis:
-Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles
-Golden Axe
-Revenge of Shinobi
-Streets of Rage 1 and 2(only played the third years later on emulator)
-Castlevania Bloodlines
-Urban Strike
-FIFA 97
-NHL 97
-Comix Zone
-Super Hang On
-NBA Jam
Sega Saturn:
-Courier Crisis
-Dragon Ball Z: Legends(awesome game btw)
-Duke Nukem 3D
-Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
-Unreal Tournament
-Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3
-Metal Gear Solid
-GTA 2
And of course Gameboy:
-Pokemon Yellow and Red(Only played others on emulators, didn't have a pc back then)
Sonic and Hedgehog (Sega), Alex the Kid (Sega), Wonderboy (Sega), Aladdin (Sega), The Lion King (Sega and Legend of Zelda - Gold Cartridge (Nintendo) were my first favorite games along with numerous commodore 64 and Atari games.

PlayStation 1:
* Metal Gear Solid
* Resident Evil (1, 2 & 3)
* Silent Hill
* Tomb Raider
* Spiro the Dragon
* Gex Gekko
* Final Fantasy Series
* Siphon Filter
* Destruction Derby

PlayStation 2:
* Resident Evil
* Metal Gear Solid
* Silent Hill
* Final Fantasy
* Singstar (>_<)
* Cold Fear
* Obscure

Nintendo Gameboy & 3DS:
* POKEMON!!!!!
* Resident Evil (The original Gameboy Colour game - it was brilliant)
* Resident Evil Revelations
* Metal Gear Solid

PlayStation 3: (More really current however i'm still a child at heart)
* Metal Gear Solid HD collections
* Resident Evil 5, 6 & Revelations
* Uncharted 1 & 2 (Waiting to get 3)
* Call of Duty - Black ops 1 & 2
* Dead Island
* Singstar (>_<)

I am sure there are heaps more from my childhood however
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Nostalgia is my middle name and it's why i made my YT channel... well it's my last name XD
Keystone Kapers-Atari 2600
Donkey Kong-Atari 2600
The Legend Of Zelda-NES
Mario Bros- Atari 2600
Super Mario bros-NES
Final Fantasy 1- NES
Streets of Rage 1/2-Sega Genesis
Sonic the Hedgehog 1/2-Sega Genesis

Nostalgic games that came later:

Resident Evil 1/2/3- PS1
Tomb Raider 1/2/3- PS1
Twisted Metal 1/2- PS1
Metal Gear Solid 1-PS1
EverQuest Online Adventures-PS2
Socom 1/2/3-PS2
Resident Evil CV-PS2
Resident Evil Outbreak 1/2-PS2
Star Wars Battlefront 1/2-PS2
Max Payne 1/2-PS2
Metal Gear Solid 2/3-PS2
Onimusha 1/2/3/4-PS2
Resident Evil REmake- Gamecube

I can go on and on and on. But basically PS1 and 2 era were amazing and i view that as the golden age of gaming.

EDIT! How could i forget the first Monster Hunter and the Silent Hill games?!
Playstation 1:
- Crash Bandicoot series
- Tenchu: Stealth Assasins
- Metal Gear Solid
- Resident Evil series
- Final Fantasy 7 and 9
- Soul Blade
- Tekken 3
...and many more.

Anyway, like mostly people born in late 80's, my childhood was in age of PSX and best games for that system :). Well, even now I buying an used games for PSX on amazon, to make my collection of best titles :)
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Amstrad CPC, homies. Dizzy was the shizzy.
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My most fond memories of gaming from my childhood are probably from Marvel VS Capcom 2. It was surely my favorite game, at least. I never was that great at playing, but I was obsessed with superheroes, so it all balanced out in the end.
Oh wow, there are quite a few:

RE, Tomb Raider, Silent Hill, Mario Bros., Crash Bandicoot, Sim City 2000, Doom, Duck Hunt, Rayman, Myst, Riven, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Super Nintendo), Sonic, etc. I know there are others that I'm forgetting lol..