Needs more Tingle.This is hilarious. Fans have noticed something in the upcoming new LoZ game. Its lack of male characters.
Link's Awakening is my favorite Non 3D game in the series. REALLY worth a play if you get the chance, and the ending...Oh God that ending...Zelda used to haunt my childhood. It was the one game (two actually) from my brother's NES collection he WOULD NOT let me play because he had the special gold cartridge and was afraid I'd mess it up. There was even a time where my mom thought the game was too violent for me to play. It took mega convincing to finally get Ocarina of Time and I bought that sucker before I even had a N64 to play it on. I went over to my friend's house and played it on that. It's still my favorite Zelda game today.
Overall I played The Legend of Zelda, The Adventure of Link, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, The Wink Waker, Twilight Princess, and Four Swords. I own all of them except Link's Awakening. Other favorites include the first Zelda game and the Oracle games for GBC. My least favorites are Adventure of Link and Majora's Mask. I haven't been able to play anything that came after Twilight Princess.
Marin. :,(Link's Awakening is my favorite Non 3D game in the series. REALLY worth a play if you get the chance, and the ending...Oh God that ending...
You guys have been slacking!
Aside from Ocarina 3D, what other remakes have they done? I just don't get why you stressed the "Again" part.F*cking FINALLY. It's not just Ocarina of Time again. SO sick of that game. -__-
This game is going to be so brilliant. Still though, I'm wondering what is up with the blue outfit we see Link wearing. I mean, normally we see him in civilian style clothing at the beginning of recent games, but he never does action packed stuff like shooting arrows while wearing it. It has me curious.Well, if you guys didn't already know, new Zelda U footage was unveiled last night at The Game Awards which given the atrocity it was last year, I only watched due to Xbox Live being down. Anyway, here it is and be warned, it looks amazing.
Original Footage
Zoomed Footage