The Evil Within Thoughts

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I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
Mar 25, 2012
Well I've put about 6 hours into The Evil Within myself and I'm sad to say, I stopped playing a week ago, haven't finished it.
It's not a bad game or anything as I really liked the first few hours, but the game just got boring for me after that, I just can't be bothered to go back and finish it.
It plays well and looks pretty good, but the game isn't really trying to be a Survival Horror but rather it's trying to be the RE4 kind of Action Horror all over again.
The Evil Within is DEFINITELY more Horror than what Resident Evil has been lately, even Revelations, however it's just not the kind of Survival Horror we expected from Shinji Mikami.

So far the best way to describe The Evil Within is: "It's no Alien Isolation, but it's what Resident Evil 5 should have been."

What are your thoughts on the game?
I have only played 3 chapters but due to events I an unable to play any more.
I plan on getting it when I get a PS4.
The second (?) chapter reminded me completely of re4.


The whole chapter in the village with pyscho villager people attacking you on side and a chainsaw enemy is very similar.

However in re4 I attack enemies first because I never felt the need to walk around them, in a this game the ammo situation is dire pretty much all the time and i suck as sneaking (which kinda makes it more scary for me).

The psychological horror bits are great and I love them. The constant jump scares are a little annoying after a while and you can see them coming sometimes. But the genuine horror or anticipation is done quite well.

Spoilers maybe:

I never burnt the bodies because of the ways I killed them and never felt the need too, but then I read Laura could appear from corpses so I started running out of matches pretty quickly because I didn't want her to appear

The mechanics are alright, I only played on the PC so a controller will have a much better feel I assume. The sprint mechanic is complete crap though. I'm not even lying or joking here: your charcater gets out of breath and stops whatever he's doing if you sprint for 3seconds, and due to the start and end lag of running the distance covered is nothing short of a few hops.

Being able to make bolt ammo on the fly is great though, I love the crossbow and made sure upgrading my brain on that was a must (brain power increases pocket size).

I must admit I wasn't sure where the story was going but I don't expect it to be a great story, but I want to see how it ends.
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I beat the game, and I absolutely loved it. It had a perfect amount of horror, lack of ammo, and a story that gave you no REAL information until more than halfway through the game. I seriously think it's the single best game to come out since Resident Evil 4. I died rather easily, and health was ALSO a concern. If it weren't for the upgrade system, the game would have been much harder, but it was rather easy to come across the brain goop that you use for EXP essentially. At first I wasn't a fan of the character Sebastian, but the more the game goes on, the more I like him. And as far as the games ending. F*cking. Perfect.
I haven't played this for weeks. I'm pretty close to the end, but it got so boring I don't even feel like playing it...
This game is basically a copy of RE4 with paranormal elements. It has some really good moments (I really enjoyed the introduction, the mansion and most boss fights, except for the big dog and the Dr Salvador copycat), but most of the game between them is pretty dull.
It is basically a repetitive sequence of resource gathering - enemy slaughter - weapon upgrade. They implemented a stealth mechanism, but it is mostly useless apart from some set pieces. Usually you may kill the first enemy using stealth but there's always other enemy who will watch that and start screaming.
The story is very uninteresting and unoriginal. It's not that I don't like the characters - being a shy person, I actually like that Sebastian isn't very communicative - but it doesn't make sense and has been revisited many times before - SPOILERS - a detective solving a mass murder case ends up in a mental hospital where he is attacked by mysterious creatures, partners which are always found in dangerous situations and often lose their minds, a seemingly good guy which ends up being sick and twisted, a guy who suffered several trauma during his childhood and grows up to be a mad scientist and do unethic experiences, etc etc).

I will finish the game just out of curiosity for the story (not that I expect much), but I will never play it again. The real horror in this game is that it was a huge waste of money :/
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I loved the first few hours of the game because it felt like the Survival Horror game I always wanted and I got a few Resident Evil vibes.

Like having to be careful with your ammo made me think of Resident Evil, sneaking around enemies made me think of Alien Isolation and burning the bodies made me think that I would revisit the area and the zombies would be some kind of super zombies like the Crimson Heads if I missed any, but after the 3 hour mark it just started turning into an atmospheric 3rd person shooter, the stealth parts were pretty much gone and the enemies always ambushed you so using stealth was a pretty dumb choice in that situation.

I may go back to the game at some time but since Alien Isolation does Survival Horror SO much better I've just been playing that game more.
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I heard a lot of the story is found within journals you have to find / collect.
Is it true?
Yes, and the files are a big aspect of it, and they're so few and far between, finding out what's going on isn't easy at first.

As far as people saying Stealth doesn't work, yes, the first couple of chapters have a few hordes, but I used stealth just about equally as I did shooting. The trick is, the game doesn't give you ANY warning as to when to use stealth, so you have to guess at it. I was almost ALWAYS in stealth mode, doing stealth kills, until I was caught, at which point I had not choice but to run or fight (Save for the parts that MADE you fight a horde or something).
I beat the game too but I don't really feel like going through a 2nd play through. It's a decent survival horror game and it has a lot of similarities to RE4 but it's just not very memorable imo.
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I'm on the 3rd chapter and i can already see that there are many flaws namely very linear action set-pieces and shabby looking graphics which makes it harder to see anything..

All in all its just like RE4 but slower and with more modern gaming cliches like cinematic set-pieces but it also has great atmosphere and decent gameplay which makes it like a LOT better than RE 5&6.
I bought it over this Steam sale. I'm a little worried because I read it wasn't the greatest port.
It was the stupid design choices of the 30fps lock and the black bars that caused most of the backlash, it wasn't really optimization, it was the idiotic choice of claiming the game looking like crap and running like crap made it seem like a "cinematic experience", however the PC version got a patch that bumps the FPS lock up to 60 and removes the black bars, when I played the game it seemed to run ok, steady performance and such.
But even with the 60FPS lock the game still lags from time to time, I thought the game ran better with the Flawless Widescreen because the framerate was unlocked and I got as high as 150FPS rather than just being locked at 60.

I still haven't finished the game because I just don't feel like going back to it, the game just got boring after those first 2 hours.
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Honestly, I think it's fantastic. I haven't thoroughly enjoyed playing a game from the 7th Gen. so much since Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
People might say it's too hard, and it's definitely no picnic. But I don't think it's too hard, I think some things aren't explained well enough. Like you have to die at least once to learn that 'there's an instant death trap here'. Mega Man loves that sh*t.
But I think that this game is very entertaining, and I've poured over ten hours into this game over the course of a few days and 10 Chapters.
Honestly, I think it's fantastic. I haven't thoroughly enjoyed playing a game from the 7th Gen. so much since Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
People might say it's too hard, and it's definitely no picnic. But I don't think it's too hard, I think some things aren't explained well enough. Like you have to die at least once to learn that 'there's an instant death trap here'. Mega Man loves that sh*t.
But I think that this game is very entertaining, and I've poured over ten hours into this game over the course of a few days and 10 Chapters.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution. i played that game realy i enjoy it everything was perfect story line anmation everything of the best game ever
I've completed it now.
I think length wise was very good for a new gen game (took me over 15hours and 85 deaths to complete on survival difficulty)

Chatacter wise
They were alright, not amazing. Learning Sebastian's and Ruviks backstory was pretty interesting.

Story wise:
Not much to say on this. The story is pretty much left to interpretation and theorising.

There's alot of references to the resident evil games, even if they weren't intentional.

Gameplay wise:
This is a good survival horror example, low ammo and limited healing makes this very tense. I'm usually fairly good at conserving ammo but chapter 11 onwards was making me shred through it aswell as health. The stamina bar was a joke though and had to be upgraded before you can consider it tolerable.

Some enemies were pretty interesting. The keeper and shrieking beast for example.

Not really a scary game, but it's good at making jumpy moments without trying (enemies sneaking up on you or random events)
The low supplies thing really adds to it too.

Sometimes the game is a bit unfair with traps and you have to be killed at least once to know there's something there.
Luckily this only happens a few times.

The puzzles were quite good, although in the later chapters they appear less often if at all.

At first the game seems slow and a bit boring, but as you progress through it and start upgrading it hooks you in.
Well it´s scary and the enviroment is stunning,but what really grinds my gears is that my version has no english in it. It ****es me off , cause my german or spanish aren´t that good.Not to mention french or italian, wich are the only languages available. That simple fact stopped me from playing the game any further.My brother finnished it and even showed me some clips of it but i just lost interest.Maybe, i´ll try again later...
One thing I really like was that I got a real sense that this was the kind of game that didn't really get made anymore. One that forces you to ponder every permutation of every move before you execute it, and punishes you mercilessly if you fail. Like an honest-to-god video game! Holy sh*t!

DISCLAIMER: I like games that test my dexterity as well as tell an interesting story.
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Reactions: KennedyKiller
One thing I really like was that I got a real sense that this was the kind of game that didn't really get made anymore. One that forces you to ponder every permutation of every move before you execute it, and punishes you mercilessly if you fail. Like an honest-to-god video game! Holy sh*t!

DISCLAIMER: I like games that test my dexterity as well as tell an interesting story.
It's really nice to see someone here besides me who thought that this game was brilliant...
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