We all know it, the main problem of the Hollywood Resident Evil movies isn't the fact our beloved characters turn into random, empty camos, it isn't the fact the setting and chronology make no sense, it isn't the fact there's a thousand plotholes, bad rhythm and a terrible lack of ideas or even acceptable mise-en-scène...
No, the main problem is Alice. At the center of the story. An original character created by Paul Anderson, played by his wife, which is basically constant masturbation (and a fake "strong female character"), somehow associating objectification, fetishizing and power fantasy in a single catastrophic being. Alice is nothing, has nothing, wants nothing, yet somehow we're supposed to be interested in her. She has no real past (except for a promptly forgotten marriage subplot in the first movie). She has no dreams. She has no tastes. She makes no choices. And the cardinal sin of both narration and character development: she has no meaningful relationship to any other human being. Because Anderson focused so much on her and on how AWESOME she was, he completely forgot to shape up the rest of the cast. In fact, he manages to make them all INTERCHANGEABLE. I cannot name a single event, a single plot point where ANY character couldn't be replaced by another one following these two simple templates: "hero" or "bad guy". For example, Claire could be replaced with Jill, Chris with Carlos, etc. It doesn't matter. Dr Isaacs could be replaced by Wesker at any given point (or the reverse). These characters do not exist, they are flat lies, simple shadows of human beings. Alice does not establish any kind of special relationship (affection, friendship or even intellectual recognition) with anyone. She only knows three modes of interaction with human beings: Kill, Protect (by Killing things) and Play the Dark Solitary Cursed Individual. She's unbeatable, can instantly drive every vehicle, use every weapon, progress in every environment, she kills monsters with kung-fu and bike acrobatics and if it wasn't enough she's also a psionic.
It's all about Alice, Alice, Alice. There's no background or chronology to Umbrella, there's only Alice. There's no master plan for the bad guys, there's only Alice. There's no other character going through all of the movies, there's only Alice. There's no bioweapons stowed in big facilities, there's only Alices stowed in big facilities... wait what?!