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Well-Known Member
I really would like to be answered on two different Topics here...

So guys today i finished Ada's story line in RE6 meaning i finished the whole serie up until now...so i would like to share more info and things i should be getting out of RE6...

- Piers dies.

- Jake's Wesker son...

- Sherry was under the US Gouv. Watch ?! Wasn't she under Wesker's hand in RE wesker report ?!...

- Ada had a Twin...Although i had doubt on that because sometimes i see Ada with two types of clothes so.....

Anyway, here are the games i played and finished:


RE1 ( Finished )

RE1 director cut ( I have the game but unplayed )









XBOX 360:
















I hope i haven't missed any title...now i have 2 simple questions...

- Am i considered to be a true fan of RE ? What book/ game have i missed ?

- Should i finish all these unfinished games ? To move into RE7 ? or it's just fine ?! And besides should i replay them or what exactly ? I wanna buy a Nintendo DS for RE Deadly silence ? What do you think ?


Okay now this is the title meaning:

So recently i just finished all games of RE ( The numbered ones ) so i had something very strange coming into me...I wanna first try the VR systrm with RE7 But i know i might get a heart attack or so in the jump scare moment but fine...Because im planing to play the game at the exact date of the Canon timeline July 2017 i will try the game at that exat time and date...so what i think of now is i will play the game but strangely not normaly...I will try to LIVE RE 7 Not play it...I will put the VR Mask my head and i won't remove it until i get the final game credits...if not i won't im planing on Drinking 5 glass of coffe and 3 Red bull drinks so i can stay full energy and concentrated....and Play the game at the exact day and month and hours and for once be the character have some fear as well..im planing on switching my Real life for once...I willtry it this way and im very Serious what do you think ?

Okay i also have a Cousin who is crazy fan of a Another serie and we recently decided to both share the money on the VR 50 Percent each...so the thing is he Played all Silent Hill games without missing one, the only thing he missed was the Playable Demo which he regrets because he hadn't a PS4 at the time. So he explained:

He finished these all and decided to play RE games which i'll be happy to share with him..

there are :

Silent Hill 0 / Origins

Silent Hill

Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 3

Silent Hill 4 The Room

Silent Hill Homecoming ( 5 )

Silent Hill Downpour ( 6 )

Silent Hill(s) is supposed to be ( 7 )

I never ever touched any Silent Hill game before but he changed my mind by explaining that the next Up coming game is a Mix Between RE and Silent Hill, Okay now you say " What ?! What the **** ?! " but look:

Silent Hills under Kojima was the first game to introduce First person jump scare games...At the Time Capcom where still fighting with the Devided fans...Some asks for Action and some asks for suvival horror....Silent hills was going to be a successful game...but with Kojima departure and many other problems...They cancaled it so afterwards RE Snatched the whole project and started working on it by looking into SHs as example..Although RE7 Demo wasn't so Scary if compared to P.T...so at that rate if i explain it on a Marketing Level:

At first they had no where else what to do, they were struggling between Survival Horror and Action they wanted to make a game like RE4 But they can't since Shinji Mikami is gone already so...after SHs they decided to make a First person view game similar to SHs for these reasons:

- We all knew that for us Fans that game of FPS is not a RE but we still loyal to the TITLE.. RE and they used it to their advantage, we won't play it...but if it's a RE Title with 7 in it...we True fans won't miss it.

- They were Fans who were expecting SHs and they were true fans of Silent Hill but they lost their best game...and were so made Capcom on the other hand made a Game similar to their SHs and Removed the Old characters so it will be fresh new for first gamers...do you know what Capcom did ?? They stole SH Fans for good...but that thanks to the cancealing of Their game.

- Also there was another aspect...the up coming Playstation VR, and with VR Era people wanna try some jump scare so people will probebly try it forthe first time to get scared and test some fear on RE7....

I hope you will get the point over this...I never played any Silent Hill before..But i will try to finish all games before July 2017...Because Honestly the Next up coming game is indeed: A unconfirmed Mix between Silent Hill and Resident Evil, so for me it's the reason why we have different characters:

And for me it's:

SILENT EVIL - ( With VII colored on VIL )

Yes, it's the perfect title for these great games in a 7 title. Thanks for reading.


Sexually Active Member
You do not need to play any of the unfinished games that you have listed in order to play RE7... The games that you haven't finished on that list are considered spin-offs and don't really have anything to do with the story of the main numbered series.
That being said, with the drastic changes and all new characters that have been shown thus far with RE7, I would say that brand new fans would be able to play RE7 and still be able to follow along. I'm sure Capcom will throw in some past info to keep everyone up to date.

As for playing RE7 in order of the dates that the game occurs- that is a bit... extreme. I wouldn't recommend it but of course that's just my opinion. Just enjoy the games for what they are and on your own time.

Couple things with your information on the Silent Hills demo:

It was not the first game to ever introduce horror/scares with first person point of view, but it was pretty groundbreaking because of the powerful atmosphere and story, and the effective gameplay.

Also Capcom did not "snatch" the Silent Hills project. Capcom was definitely inspired with the game demo and it probably helped them decide to go a more survival-horror route with first person gameplay, but it is not the same story, locations, atmosphere, etc.
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Well-Known Member
I agree but speaking of inspiration it is true..they made RE7 Based on SHs.
So speaking of this, i think that:
RE7 = Silent Hill + Resident Evil = Silent Evil.
Meaning i finished the Saga of RE up until now still gonna play RE REV 2 in the next months...But i will play all SHs games, the weird coincidence is that both haven't made their 7 Title yet...and after the P.T thing and the inspiration of capcom for me... it's a Mix between both.
And that's why we have new characters.
(( Hey it's just my own opinion, share yours if you like to. )) Thanks.


Stray Jedi
Ummm no... they did NOT base RE7 on Silent Hill based on popular belief. RE7 has been in development for years, longer than Silent Hills has been in development according to an interview from Kojima I believe it was.

Also you haven't finished the Saga until you played Rev 2 :p Trust me, your in for a treat because that story is insane! The characters are great and there's tons of fantastic plot twists. From what you said in OP, you're going to be in for a real treat!

BTW Did you play Ada's campaign in RE6? Remember, she has her own story mode as well :)


Veteran Member
You do not need to play any of the unfinished games that you have listed in order to play RE7... The games that you haven't finished on that list are considered spin-offs and don't really have anything to do with the story of the main numbered series.

Well there is 1 major game from the main series that he did not list that he should play and finish if he wants the full Resident Evil experience, and that is Resident Evil Code Veronica, the game is pretty much a main numbered title in everything but name and is the true direct sequel to RE2 and also marked the comback of main antagonist wesker (the whole Wesker plot is largely absent in Darkside Chronicles).


The Revelations games are important to although not as important as RECV, notably Resident Evil Revelations 2 is particularly important if you want to see what Barry has been up to past the events of RE5 and also get more of a insight on his family that was alluded to in the original Resident Evil.


Sexually Active Member
Wow I didn't realize he had missed those two and they are a couple of my favorites from the series. I only noticed Gun Survivor and Outbreak 2. lol


Well-Known Member
|| SPOILER ALERT - MGS 4 !!! ||


Thanks to Airaku and bSTAR_182 And ToCool74 for your replies.

Airaku, i did play Ada's compaing. It was cool.. in febrary 2017 i will play RE REV2, i do have the Disk game on Xbox 360, but i wanna make a large amount of time between these games and watch trailers like if it going to be released at that time...i don't like playing them in a row.

ToCool74: I did play RE Code veronica X although i forget to mention it, where you play as Claire after she searched for chris in umbrella lab and got caught andfound her self at Rockford island where Hunk used to train, and fight against that Skyzophrenian Alferd Ashferd and goes with steve into antactica and get caught and then chris comes after her at rockford and antactica and met wesker....and kill Alexia and than leave on F-16 with his sister...Nice Summarize this proofs i played it. And Finish it, lol.

But for RE REV2 i haven't played it yet..i wanna take a 3-4 months of break before playing RE REV2 and read interviews and watch trailers of it up until than.

bStar_182 thanks for replying again.

The thing is: I'm starting to like Silent Hill Saga...It's a very very great game same goes for Resident Evil...Although i respect the game play of 6 when it comes to chris becausebhe is a soldier now...not a police officer who need to Investigate...That's why for him there is no more Survival horror....But For Leon I don't agree on that.. they should at least keep the Mix Between Surv Hor and Action..like RE6...Jake was a super human i guess...but for Ada it's supposed to be 100 percent horror.

Another aspect i don't like for RE saga...

Is they move forward and make us fight unknown new characters with epic music...No nostalgia, Let's take the Final boss Fight of MGS4 With Liquid Ocelot wasn't it a great fight with soundtrack and health and gameplay changing for each single loss of his Health during the fight, wasn't it epic ? But for RE 6 why making me fight against " Simmons" and who Puck is Simmons anyway ?! Why doesn't they make us meet with Nicolai RE3 why not meet with an old person/tyrant and the thing goes on...I mean come on...

(( Hey Im a very very huge fan of Metal Gear Saga since MSX versions, so pleasedon't tell me anything about MGS Peace walker and MGS V as well i will try them next summer ))


Stray Jedi
MGS is one of my all time favorite game series. Maybe even more so than RE actually. MGS4 and the remake being TTS are two of my all time favorite video games.

As for Revelations 2. I highly suggest you don't Google anything about that game. The choice is yours but the game was released episodically. So all the interviews will talk about a specific chapter and all the MASSIVE Cliffhanger reveals. You might as well just go to a wiki page link with the story outline. You're basically going to be reading interviews on the story and why the characters behave the way they do at X point in the game. I promise you that almost all the plot twists and surprises will be spoiled, but hey. If you want to know everything that happens before it happens, be my guest.

Furthermore I would take your 360 version of the game back and get it for PS4 or XBO if you can. I don't know for sure, but I've heard some claims that the last gen versions were very shoddy and played like crap. If another member can confirm or deny this that would be great.

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
Furthermore I would take your 360 version of the game back and get it for PS4 or XBO if you can. I don't know for sure, but I've heard some claims that the last gen versions were very shoddy and played like crap. If another member can confirm or deny this that would be great.
The last gen versions play just as good as the current gen versions for me. The gameplay is just as smooth. The graphics aren't that different either, especially compared to the Vita's version. The PS4 and Xbox One version is slightly smoother looking, though. I've also noticed differences in how certain lights flicker in one version and don't in the other, and the grass and trees look a bit different, but overall the graphics are really similar as well.


Stray Jedi
The last gen versions play just as good as the current gen versions for me. The gameplay is just as smooth. The graphics aren't that different either, especially compared to the Vita's version. The PS4 and Xbox One version is slightly smoother looking, though. I've also noticed differences in how certain lights flicker in one version and don't in the other, and the grass and trees look a bit different, but overall the graphics are really similar as well.

Thanks for clearing that up. I have a friend who said the PS3 version of the game looks like a handheld game stretched out and was trash. He refused to play the game on a last gen system and wouldn't stop talking about how bad it looked and that the game was a mess. So I wasn't sure. He's a pretty big RE fan as well and he wasn't able to get far into the game because he just couldn't do it. Which is kind of sad on his part.

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
Thanks for clearing that up. I have a friend who said the PS3 version of the game looks like a handheld game stretched out and was trash. He refused to play the game on a last gen system and wouldn't stop talking about how bad it looked and that the game was a mess. So I wasn't sure. He's a pretty big RE fan as well and he wasn't able to get far into the game because he just couldn't do it. Which is kind of sad on his part.
Hm, they're not stretched out any more than the current gen ones for me.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...So RE Rev2 should be played on:
Xbox 360 or on PS4 ? What exatly are you talking about when you mention last generation console, it could mean both....
Anyhow...As for now you're making me feel ON FIRE, i don't know but i feel very very attached to the serie to the point i wanna try it now (REV2) i already played the first REV but it cool...the part where i though chris and Jessica will save Jill and Parker but you will later found out tgat they where on Queen Sanominas...not Zanobia...that was cool...and Thanks Airaku you were always next to me and responding to my thread whenever i go through a gameplay or a story of RE.
Now for MGS: That game made me LIVE it not only play it...I got banned o n mgs forums, because they thought i was mentaly unstable...when i mention smoking cigars when big boss does..Eat fresh meal and eat fresh fishs and slashing my self with a razor blade just to feel like big boss while wearing the same outfit...I even called my cousin to use my dad's parfum and burn a peace of paper in fron of the spray cane and use it infront of me to feel the batyle against the fear...i threw up pictures diing these stuffs and i got banned for being mentaly unsteable and selfharm... the game i imitated was MGS3...If you don't believe go to there ask them...
Nevermind...I mentioned this because MGS was part of my life....I completly changed my eating sleeping/eating habit....
I feel like all games i played are in one Era but Separated in Two universes...
I will Explain now a little bit:
Silent Hill and Resident Evil both happen in USA...And These two cities are in USA and also the events of MGS did happen in USA and Call of duty and many many more and GTA and all of them...
Now RE6 and The Last Of Us and The Walking Dead all of them happen in USA...
RE6 Starts with Zombies in USA...
Leon is an Agent a trained Man.
But, Joel and Lee are Civilians and they struggled both and lived through the end of the world...In both games they never discussed the origins of the epidimy or the virus so Simmons in both games he was responsable and the things that happens....In other words the world ends in RE6.
I mix games that i play in one story...

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
Hmm...So RE Rev2 should be played on:
Xbox 360 or on PS4 ? What exatly are you talking about when you mention last generation console, it could mean both....
Anyhow...As for now you're making me feel ON FIRE, i don't know but i feel very very attached to the serie to the point i wanna try it now (REV2) i already played the first REV but it cool...the part where i though chris and Jessica will save Jill and Parker but you will later found out tgat they where on Queen Sanominas...not Zanobia...that was cool...and Thanks Airaku you were always next to me and responding to my thread whenever i go through a gameplay or a story of RE.
Now for MGS: That game made me LIVE it not only play it...I got banned o n mgs forums, because they thought i was mentaly unstable...when i mention smoking cigars when big boss does..Eat fresh meal and eat fresh fishs and slashing my self with a razor blade just to feel like big boss while wearing the same outfit...I even called my cousin to use my dad's parfum and burn a peace of paper in fron of the spray cane and use it infront of me to feel the batyle against the fear...i threw up pictures diing these stuffs and i got banned for being mentaly unsteable and selfharm... the game i imitated was MGS3...If you don't believe go to there ask them...
Nevermind...I mentioned this because MGS was part of my life....I completly changed my eating sleeping/eating habit....
I feel like all games i played are in one Era but Separated in Two universes...
I will Explain now a little bit:
Silent Hill and Resident Evil both happen in USA...And These two cities are in USA and also the events of MGS did happen in USA and Call of duty and many many more and GTA and all of them...
Now RE6 and The Last Of Us and The Walking Dead all of them happen in USA...
RE6 Starts with Zombies in USA...
Leon is an Agent a trained Man.
But, Joel and Lee are Civilians and they struggled both and lived through the end of the world...In both games they never discussed the origins of the epidimy or the virus so Simmons in both games he was responsable and the things that happens....In other words the world ends in RE6.
I mix games that i play in one story...
When I say current gen I mean PS4 and Xbox One, last gen is PS3 and Xbox 360.


Stray Jedi
Well I think you should play Revelations 2 right away and don't wait :) It's really going to fall into place with everything you just played. I think should sink your teeth in. Maddy said it doesn't matter which system you play it on and I trust her. The graphics didn't seem next gen at all but maybe just some cleaned up textures. That's probably all it would be.

As for MGS. The remake "The Twin Snakes" helped me get through a depression myself. I beat the game like 4 times back to back. Solid Snake is kind of a hero of mine. They way it plays out in Guns of the Patriots is just perfect and brought major tears to my eyes.


Well-Known Member
I study far away from home, and i wish if i could but i will when i get free time...I have my final year of bachelor degree studies...so i'll need more concentration...
The thing about MGS...Well MGS is and always will be a LIFE not a game for me...I'm still targeting Solid Snake body...yea that fitnessed one...I also have David Hayter voice...that i can mimic...and my dream is to raise many dogs as i can during my early 30's..No kidding im serious..probably describing this and more made me banned of that game forums...And i don't wanna get the same fate here so i'll keep my mouth shut. Anyhow:
MGS TS - i have that game as well..but i haven't complited it...because it gets frozen at the computer room when insering the card keys...thermal ones...
Why i didn't like it much: because it had the Electro type music + Otacon looked stupid with his rounded glasses + At the Rex hanger there were stairs instead of... + Ocelot was a master of Revolver gun when he spin it with both hands...in the torture room he failed at spin it with his left hand...+ it was all Raiden living Shadow moses over VR as it was told and described to him with more and more exagerating like Snake shoot stinger while back fleping while standing on a missile...This proves he never did such stunt because no other game had him doing that...As he told Meryl / Raiden " Im no hero never was never will be.."


Stray Jedi
I don't want to burst your bubble but "The Twin Snakes" is the cannon version of the game. They made one or two small changes to the core story which was acknowledged in MGS4. The big one being Liquid was the superior one, rather than the inferior one.

Also Solid Snake is a hero :p That's a fact. He couldn't see this because he doesn't view soldiers as heroes, but rather tools of the government. He doesn't see things as other people do. He simply does what needs to be done. As for him doing those super solider things.... Well MGS1 was when his body would have been at his prime. Remember he was genetically modified at birth and it makes sense for him to be able to do that stuff. Believe it or not.

The VR thing with Raiden was in MGS2. Not TS, I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Or maybe I misunderstood you.


Well-Known Member
No, Seriously speaking...which game do you play just before the Shadow Moses at MGS4 ? it was MGS1.
Also MGS1 is so great that it was re-produced for MGS GZ as a Deja Vu mission just watched a few scenes on youtube ( plz don't spoil me, haven't played MGS GZ yet )...and for Big Boss he never did some backfliping in MGS3 nor Portable Ops...
so MGS TS Was made by another team...not even the one that made the orginal even Flashbacks of MGS4 were all MGS1...And also it look Similar to MGS2 in gameplay and more...
The fact is Solid Snake is a good soldier and all but he sees himself normal like everyone..but doing that stunt and blowing up a Hind D that's Crazy and exagerating....Plus Raiden think that Solid Snake is a Legend because of the VR simulated on TS...he think that SS is super powerful...but the real events that really accured were MGS1 but MGS TS is just a re-tell of the story...That's how i see it. This is coming from a true fan of MGS, and i owe the Gamecube and the game..but still i say that because it seems logic...

And besides Raiden went through VR simulation of Shadow moses were he got what happened there..and where he leant about Solid Snake and he's power..but SS always says VR huh....I'm not the hero they told you i was.


Stray Jedi
Remember that Big Boss and Solid Snake are NOT the same people. All the Snakes were cloned from Big Boss, yes.... but they were augmented. Kojima himself always said that Big Boss was more human where Solid Snake was a super solider... too perfect and super hero like so he couldn't write all these human flaws into him anymore. Which is why he preferred writing Big Boss even though Solid Snake is the main hero of the series.

Trust me I'm a true fan of MGS much like yourself :p But I won't spoil anything about Ground Zeroes but I will tell you that the Deja Vu went with the original for nostalgia sakes and because it was on the PS1, as it was original a PlayStation exclusive. The other reason is because of the rights issue with Twin Snakes. In MGS4 they used the Audio files from Twin Snakes and acknowledge the changes. There was an interview where Kojima said TS was the canon version, but he then back tracked on those words saying otherwise but he indeed wrote himself in a corner with that statement, which cannot be unchanged. Again a lot of it has to do with right issues as Silicon Knights and Nintendo both have some ownership with it.

Big Boss is the Legendary Solider
Solid Snake is the Legendary Hero.

There are only two heroes that are called "The Legendary Hero" in video games. That is Solid Snake and Link from Zelda :p


Well-Known Member
I like it...
Guess what im doing RIGHT NOW ?
I'm playing the very first Silent Hill game i'm Kaufman...now...
But, look the thing is i wanna beat up all the other SH games before the 7 title came out...Because honestly speaking for me it's a Mixed Game:
For me and my personal thought it's Silent Evil..(7)
Anyway sorry for changing the topic im 70 percent about to finish SH1, which me luck...It's so scary...many doors...and map and crazy sounds and freaking discusting monsters with it's otherworld...woow.
Anyway Airaku, i consider you a nice friend hope we could talk more with each other...here is my facebook add me if you want:
Mirak David Ikbi
My problem is that i got attached to people whenever they show some little kindness...but yea i'm kind my self and i love peace and i hate suffering.


Stray Jedi
We can talk on here, but I thought you said you didn't live in the states?

Anyways you do realize that Silent Hills is cancelled right? And wouldn't it have been the 5th game? Or did ****ter Memories and the other one make it 7? I don't remember atm xD but if you think it's going to tie into RE7. It won't. They have nothing in common or any relationships to each other whatsoever. They aren't even similar at all.
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