Resident Evil 3 Remake Shop and Record Points

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Kahnum of Outworld
Apr 21, 2010
I don't know about everyone else but I'm really glad that RE3 remake gave us a shop to spend points in. I really enjoyed that aspect of RE5, and even the original R3 though the shop in that game was not nearly this expansive.

I'm currently working my way towards farming enough points to grant me the infinite rocket launcher. I can see the benefits to buying some of the smaller prizes to help me in my travels, however I'm a little skeptical about buying anything before buying the launcher.

Has anyone started purchasing items in the shop to help them out? If so, what did you buy first and how much did it help you out? Would you buy it again? etc.

I've been looking at the coins as they're pretty inexpensive, however I'm not sure how much they actually impact your assault, defense and health stats. Has anyone purchased them yet? Did you see a difference in the game after buying them?
After finishing my standard run I bought Jill’s alternate costume and the Crafting Companion. The Crafting Companion seems to double the amount of ammo crafted so it definitely looks like it puts you in a more comfortable position. I’m playing Hardcore now an I feel like it’s helping.
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I don't know about everyone else but I'm really glad that RE3 remake gave us a shop to spend points in. I really enjoyed that aspect of RE5, and even the original R3 though the shop in that game was not nearly this expansive.

I'm currently working my way towards farming enough points to grant me the infinite rocket launcher. I can see the benefits to buying some of the smaller prizes to help me in my travels, however I'm a little skeptical about buying anything before buying the launcher.

Has anyone started purchasing items in the shop to help them out? If so, what did you buy first and how much did it help you out? Would you buy it again? etc.

I've been looking at the coins as they're pretty inexpensive, however I'm not sure how much they actually impact your assault, defense and health stats. Has anyone purchased them yet? Did you see a difference in the game after buying them?
I first buyed jill stars costume of Course... If you are going to play the game on higher difficulty that coin will definitely help and make your run a joke, i also suggest you tu buy that energy pistol, it kills every enemy in one shot if hit they re weak point
I bought the infinite rifle first. It's not bad but I don't think it's as strong as Carlos's rifle. Then I bought an assault and iron defense coin. They helped noticable. I've now just bought the combat manual but I haven't played since acquiring it. I beat it 2.5 times yesterday and decided to finally take a short intermission.
So last night after I created this thread I started a new playthrough and got to where Carlos has to defend Jill and Tyrell against the horde. I played through most of the RPD and the hospital with my handgun in preparation for the fight and I didn't use a lot of hand grenades so I think I went into the fight with maybe 2 and I think you get 4 or 5 more.

I played the scenario over and over, delaying placing the detonator on the C4 as long as I had ammo left and racked up 2,000 game kills in no time. This also helped me get the last achievement for the handgun because, not only did I use the handgun for the hospital and RPD areas but I would also stun the ones coming in with the generator and pick them off while they were stuck in place when I ran out of grenades.

This also helped with the assault rifle achievements.

First purchase was the infinite rocket launcher and next were the two recovery coins. With those I got 4 records in 1 run: under 2 hours, 1 healing item or less, beat hardcore mode and beat hardcore with S rank. (Not gonna lie, first playthrough was on standard. I'm just a standard kinda person.)

After this run I started nightmare, a game difficulty I would honestly have no interest in without the rocket launcher. For this run I purchased two assault coins, two defense coins and the combat manual.

I have to say that Nemesis is a bitch for me even with the rocket launcher. He's so fast in nightmare and he dodges every attack you throw at him unless you perfect dodge+attack or you fire the launcher near him and he gets caught in the blast.

I'm honestly having so much fun going through and trying to get records though. Farming in the hospital was a really enjoyable experience for me.
I'm a little disappointed that there are so few costumes. I honestly thought there would be more than just Jill's S.T.A.R.S. uniform... The classic outfit doesn't really count since its unobtainable unless you preordered the game.

I find it tedious to replay this game because of the large amount of linear action chases. I'm happy to hear that so many of you enjoy it though, good for you. To be honest I think I'm going to replay the demo right now, that level is still incredible.
I'm a little disappointed that there are so few costumes. I honestly thought there would be more than just Jill's S.T.A.R.S. uniform... The classic outfit doesn't really count since its unobtainable unless you preordered the game.

I find it tedious to replay this game because of the large amount of linear action chases. I'm happy to hear that so many of you enjoy it though, good for you. To be honest I think I'm going to replay the demo right now, that level is still incredible.
Yeah i was hoping in more costume too, just one costume it's kinda bad ans Carlos have no costume at all
That's true, Carlos's "classic outfit" doesn't actually change his outfit but just his hair and beard. That was laughable.
I don't really like how you can use the bonus buffs and weapons for your first run through Nightmare and Inferno as it really nerfs the challenge, worse I heard you can even use them to easily get S ranks.

While I like the shop and what it offers I think they should have been exclusive to a New Game + mode like RE4's New Round mode.

Hell I want a New Game + mode so I can replay the game from the start with a fully upgraded shotgun, I like that shotgun!
I wish I had saved my points a little to get closer to the Infinite Rocket Launcher.

I have purchased: 2 Recovery Coins, 2 Defense Coins, 2 Hip Pouches, and Jills Classic Outfit.

The Recovery Coins are ridiculous. On the normal setting, you don't need any other healing at all assuming you can wait 10-15 seconds before getting hit again. I am not saving for the Infinite Rocket Launcher, but I am going to try Hardcore with just these added items and see if I am strong enough for it. I've never played a RE game on Hardcore mode before and I am a little scared, but I think I have pretty good knowledge of how to get things done now, so here goes!
So far I have purchased the tactical book by Chris Redfield. It’s really helpful with the dodge and counter mechanics of the game. I also purchased an extra pouch bag and Jill’s S.T.A.R.S. uniform.
I wish I had saved my points a little to get closer to the Infinite Rocket Launcher.

I have purchased: 2 Recovery Coins, 2 Defense Coins, 2 Hip Pouches, and Jills Classic Outfit.

The Recovery Coins are ridiculous. On the normal setting, you don't need any other healing at all assuming you can wait 10-15 seconds before getting hit again. I am not saving for the Infinite Rocket Launcher, but I am going to try Hardcore with just these added items and see if I am strong enough for it. I've never played a RE game on Hardcore mode before and I am a little scared, but I think I have pretty good knowledge of how to get things done now, so here goes!
Hardcore isn't that hard, it was harder in re 2 remake in my opinion, you could easy beat the game on hardcore even whitout those coin or any other extra item

I played the first time on hardcore, it was pretty normal actually
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I guess I must just be a wuss because hardcore, even with the launcher, was a little hardcore for me. At least the last two fights were. In a boss battle it's a bit tough to not get hit in the time it takes your recovery coins to do their thing and this was the run that I didn't use recovery items for.
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Well, no wonder! You're on Hardcore using no recovery items! I am a well established RE wuss. I can't even imagine. I am doing so many run throughs on Assisted now to get the bonus achievements to unlock the Unlimited Rocket Launcher. I might want to Platinum this game if it doesn't take too crazy long - But that Inferno S run sounds terrifying. I suppose if I have the Rocket Launcher, I don't need to grab any other major weapons or healing? I can just run from objective to objective.
Well, no wonder! You're on Hardcore using no recovery items! I am a well established RE wuss. I can't even imagine. I am doing so many run throughs on Assisted now to get the bonus achievements to unlock the Unlimited Rocket Launcher. I might want to Platinum this game if it doesn't take too crazy long - But that Inferno S run sounds terrifying. I suppose if I have the Rocket Launcher, I don't need to grab any other major weapons or healing? I can just run from objective to objective.
I guess whit the rocket launcher you can definitely finish tje game in 1 hour even on inferno mode whitout truly bothering about anything else XD nemesis final boss could give some trouble, but i don't really know how much of a trouble if you use the rocket launcher
@Albertwesker959 Even with the launcher, on inferno you die in one hit without coins so yeah, there's no room for error.

@UniqTeas You don't have to do an entire playthrough over and over to score the launcher.

Play up to the hospital with Carlos but, while playing as Carlos try to use the handgun wherever you can and save all your assault rifle ammo. Also try to save your grenades, except in that one room with two hunters; use a grenade in there, lol. Make sure to open the second key card room and grab all the grenades in that room. Save right after you give Jill the vaccine before facing the horde. Play through the horde level and, once you get to the end don't blow the column right away! If you played well enough you should still have a few grenades and some ammo left. Use a grenade to take out the mob after the cutscene and just keep shooting until you run out of ammo. Then use the detonator and some flash grenades to keep everyone busy until time runs out.

Wait for the auto save and then reload your game right before the horde scene. You should be able to get 150+ kills each time you reload the save. You'll get your assault rifle and total kill records in no time and be able to by the launcher.
I will definitely have to try that. I already have a save file with Carlos at that point on Assisted, so I assume he is pretty well stocked with ammo. haha.

I am currently doing an Assisted Speed Run, then I will do your method to get that dang ol' Launcher. Then here comes the rest of the game!
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@UniqTeas It shouldn't take you too long to platinum. I got finished with it on Sunday and finally purchased everything in the store.

The beloved STARS alternate was my very last purchase. (I've always hated Jill's beret. I would love the outfit if not for that dumbass hat.)
First time I finished the game (on Standart) I purchase Jill's STARS outfit and the Samurai Edge (I'm trying the Samurai Edge now on my Hardcore playthrough). After that I'll go for the tactical book and the coins. I rarely use infinite weapons and I'm a bad speed runner, so I'm not that worried about the infinite Launcher, Assault Rifle or Handgun.
Play up to the hospital with Carlos but, while playing as Carlos try to use the handgun wherever you can and save all your assault rifle ammo. Also try to save your grenades, except in that one room with two hunters; use a grenade in there, lol. Make sure to open the second key card room and grab all the grenades in that room. Save right after you give Jill the vaccine before facing the horde. Play through the horde level and, once you get to the end don't blow the column right away! If you played well enough you should still have a few grenades and some ammo left. Use a grenade to take out the mob after the cutscene and just keep shooting until you run out of ammo. Then use the detonator and some flash grenades to keep everyone busy until time runs out.

Wait for the auto save and then reload your game right before the horde scene. You should be able to get 150+ kills each time you reload the save. You'll get your assault rifle and total kill records in no time and be able to by the launcher.
I tried to use this tactic but I don't quite get it. After I used the detonator the game cuts forward to Jill and creates a new autosave with her, so I'm not sure how to reload the game right before the horde scene using this tactic.