Resident Evil 2 (2019) RPD layout forshadowing the possible RE 3 Remake?

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Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2009
It's been rumored around the internet that a RE 3 remake is in the works either by hints in interviews or by credible leakers (not the the ones with the long tongue) on some boards. You can google those and see for yourself. What I want to discuss here is how certain design decisions of the RPD support those claims or that at the very least the developers also had RE3 in mind when developing the game.

In RE3, a lot of the rooms of the RPD were inaccessible, because as nice as it was to revisit the place it would be lazy to have the whole building be part of the game - especially when you only needed to get the lock-pick and get the hell out of there. Wooden boards and barricades were placed on doors to prevent you from entering. However this made certain fans question how all those boards were removed between the two games (note that Jill visits the RPD before Claire and Leon). Some speculated that the zombies broke all of them in-between which is a possibility but also a stretch (for every single barricade to be gone). Moreover, things got worse when the outbreak 2 scenario came out featuring most of the RPD even before RE3. This means that all the barricades needed to be placed by Marvin who was fatally wounded, since he was the only one left at the end of that RPD campaign.

All these theories are nice, yet like I said it's understantable the barricating was done mostly for gameplay reasons and hence one shouldn't think about it too much. However, nowdays critics can be even more severe than they were 20 years ago. I believe Capcom foresaw this and tried to set things up for a probable RE 3 Nemesis Remake without many conflicts between the two remakes. Here's what I got:

Let's start from the beginning - The road just outside the RPD. The end of this road leads to the rpd main gate and is similar to the one in RE 3 - there are cars blocking the way just after the gate and they create a sharp turn to the right basically pointing you to go there. At this point you are still naive. You think "Whoah, nice touch to make it similar to RE 3". This area is not part of the original RE 2 anyway.

The RPD yard. This area is also like in RE 3 even if they could have made it like the original. The left and right sides of the yard are blocked leaving you only with the option to enter the station. At this point you start thinking "Why does it look more like RE3 than RE2?"

The main hall. The double doors on the sides are replaced by rolling ones. How convenient would that be in case of a RE 3 remake? No more boards needed to prevent entering since the rollers are already down.. The inconsistencies are gone just like in the yard! It starts making some sense now..

The final point. A lot people have already pointed out the big hole in the wall of a restroom near the stars office could have been made by Nemesis. Others quickly replied that "duh it could be Mr.X". But hold on! By the time you go there Mr.X hasn't arrived and when he does it's on the opposite side of the station! Why would Capcom place a broken wall without any explanation next to the stars office(note that you really need to go to that room in RE3)?!? One explanation is a future release of course.

final note. The window from which Nemesis breaks into the station is not broken! On the one hand they took the time to make surroundings less contradicting in case of a RE 3 remake and then there is this.. My guess is that should there be a RE 3 remake after all, Nemesis won't enter from there..
They didn't even have the A scenario in mind when they created B, and vice versa, so no, I can't imagine any of this pointing to a remake of RE3. Not that they're not considering it, I just don't think they were thinking about that when they remade 2.
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Regarding the A and B scenarios they were originally meant to not be in the game:

"So for that reason we went with two campaigns that still show all the events of each character’s story rather than have it all split up."

That was back in June and since then they obviously changed that. It seems that the end result being a change of plans was rushed because of this.

This does not contradict the developers at the early stages of the development perhaps making sure some parts of the RPD are more RE 3 firendly in case a sequel remake happens. They don't lose anything!
I concur about the holes being suspicious. Those are large holes in the walls ABOUT the size of a Tyrant. That could be Nemesis for sure.
I think they definitely HAD to think about the RPD layout when designing the RE2 Remake. The developers know where Jill and Nemsis will go for sure. Some of the items we are taking for granted now will surely be Easter Eggs when we finally get RE3 REmake.

However, you have to remember this is a whole new continuity. As far as I can tell, the only games in the REmake timeline are Re0, Re1 REmake, and RE2 REmake since they make bold enough changes to the story to exclude us from connecting to other titles until their eventual remakes or tie-ins. This Marvin is not the same as the RE2 Marvin. Maybe the Outbreak scenarious in this timeline occur a little differently as well?
It really doesn't matter if the holes are made by Nemesis or not. If they remake RE3 (which is almost a certainty at this point) they could easily revamp the storyline to fit a new continuity and have Jill enter the RPD after the events of RE2. But honestly I would hate that, especially if the RE3 remake reuses the RPD station from this remake.

There's just something very appealing about walking around the RPD as Claire and Leon, knowing that Jill was there just 24 hours before. This for me is pure fanboying.
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I mean I guess it could have. The holes don't correspond on the map though to indicate that they're the same wall so I'm a little doubtful that's the reason.


Ahh, yes. They are even further than I thought. At first I thought it was where the steam comes out. But there's an extra small room inbetween
Missed opportunity, I'd say. After having finished the RE3 remake I really wish we'd gotten a chase scene with Jill and Nemesis in the RPD. Scripted or non-scripted, at least Nemesis smashing through the walls would've been a better explanation than Carlos using C4 on just one of them....

It's even weirder they decided to go with the C4 considering the fact that Nemesis smashes through other walls in the RE3 remake anyway.
We just overthink about things, the police station was full of police officer so they could have simply battle ans make some of those hole whit grenade and c4

There are at least 3 - 4 police officer, so they could have easy made that hole, or maybe mr x did them when he was dropped on the station and fought some police officer
Considering that almost all of the rubble from the holes in RE2R are only on 1 side of the hole, it makes it seem more likely to have been pushed over by force from a large being. When you blow something up with C4, the rubble tends to spread around a bit more evenly in different directions.

We cannot know for sure, especially if the rumors about RE3R being developed for much longer than previously thought are to be trusted. Perhaps in an earlier prototype of the game, Jill was still supposed to visit the RPD and encounter Nemesis. But for some reason the developers wanted to give Carlos a bigger playable role, so they changed direction. However at that time the RPD layout for RE2R was already set in stone (no pun intended) so they couldn't just take the holes away.

maybe mr x did them when he was dropped on the station and fought some police officer
That's impossible, since both Leon and Claire can explore those holes before Mr. X is dropped.
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Yeah - I think that the Carlos in the RPD situation is not the best use of him. Not that it's a cop out, because at least they use the story to explain it. But it would have been so much more fulfilling to see Jill in the RPD and the STAR Office. And then to have Nemesis be the entity that made those holes.

Overall, though still an enjoyable experience. But yeah - obviously could have been a better use of the RPD setting. Glad to see the incorporation of Lickers though!
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Considering that almost all of the rubble from the holes in RE2R are only on 1 side of the hole, it makes it seem more likely to have been pushed over by force from a large being. When you blow something up with C4, the rubble tends to spread around a bit more evenly in different directions.

We cannot know for sure, especially if the rumors about RE3R being developed for much longer than previously thought are to be trusted. Perhaps in an earlier prototype of the game, Jill was still supposed to visit the RPD and encounter Nemesis. But for some reason the developers wanted to give Carlos a bigger playable role, so they changed direction. However at that time the RPD layout for RE2R was already set in stone (no pun intended) so they couldn't just take the holes away.

That's impossible, since both Leon and Claire can explore those holes before Mr. X is dropped.
You never saw mr x dropping in the rpd in the remake, he was probably dropped long before leon and claire arrive at the station
You never saw mr x dropping in the rpd in the remake, he was probably dropped long before leon and claire arrive at the station
What? What kind of secret information from the developers office are you sitting on? Just because we don't see Mr. X being dropped at the RPD like in the original, doesn't mean that he's been there before Leon and Claire's arrival. In fact it doesn't even make sense. He's not there, you can explore almost the entire RPD before heading into the underground, and Mr. X is nowhere to be found. There are no haunting footsteps to be heard anywhere. I think that's pretty obvious to most people.
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What? What kind of secret information from the developers office are you sitting on? Just because we don't see Mr. X being dropped at the RPD like in the original, doesn't mean that he's been there before Leon and Claire's arrival. In fact it doesn't even make sense. He's not there, you can explore almost the entire RPD before heading into the underground, and Mr. X is nowhere to be found. There are no haunting footsteps to be heard anywhere. I think that's pretty obvious to most people.
That make sense
Also, i say probably, that was my assumption
I think the RPD design in Outbreak is my favorite. More than RE3, and Darkside Chronicles and RE2R.

Umbrella Chronicles uses the Outbreak RPD, plus playing through there prolly the best versions of Jill & Carlos IMO. Hence the avy