Well, I've never played the Last of Us but I think this is a bit much. I
http://residentevil.org/threads/revelations-2-should-not-be-released.8328/page-2#post-162496get where you're coming from, I also get that way with games that I think are in some way shape or form a rip off of another title, but after playing RE:R2 I got to say, I like it. Comparisons or similarities, the game works and aside from some bland settings as long as a game delivers I'm willing to overlook it. I just got off playing REHD, too, and my biggest outrage at that is that those fu****s at Capcom still won't release it in a physical disk outside of Japan, so I definitely wanted more RE and this was a good way to scratch that itch.
I'm curious, though, what about it was like Last of Us? Did the girl in that game have the power to sense monsters and weapons through walls, too?
By the way, this might be the wrong place to pitch yourself. As far as I know this site has no affiliation with the developers on Capcom. I don't know if a more direct approach would work but I'm pretty sure that no one here has any direct influence on the development of RE titles.