Resident Evil 3 Remake Resistance was actually an other outbreak game

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Deleted member 21244

I just find this leak about a year ago, and this guy talked about a game called resident evil outbreaker, the game he wqs talking about was actually re resistance since he perfectly describe resistance gameplay... I find this really interesting, i didn't know about this leak until today

So re resistance was actually outbreak 3 in a sense, but they changed the name later... What a mistake if they keep the name outbreak the game would probably have received the love he deserve and fan would not have destroyed the game from thr start whitout even playing it
Also re 3 single player campaign was also mentioned in the leak

Here is the leak form a year ago

I can't believe that 99% of thr things he say were true, and the fact that i only find out about this leak today lol

Amazing how every comment was against him, telling it was all fake
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So re resistance was actually outbreak 3 in a sense, but they changed the name later... What a mistake if they keep the name outbreak the game would probably have received the love he deserve and fan would not have destroyed the game from thr start whitout even playing it

Doubt it.

The reason being that maybe fan praise would have initially been up at the announcement of a Outbreak 3 but once gameplay had dropped fans would have been ****ed that it was a asymmetrical multiplayer game rather than what Outbreak games have always been which is a survival horror co op online experience complete with large areas, puzzles, and backtracking.

Fans would have HATED that Outbreak was turned into a asymmetrical multiplayer game especially since todays market are full of them such as Dead by Daylight, Friday the 13th, Left for dead 2, Rainbow Six etc, pretty much I think it would have just made fans more mad that it adopted a gameplay format from todays multiplayer game's rather than keeping what made Outbreak unique and special and thus I think Capcom would have made the right decision to change its name to avoid that backlash if it where indeed originally meant to be Outbreak 3.
Doubt it.

The reason being that maybe fan praise would have initially been up at the announcement of a Outbreak 3 but once gameplay had dropped fans would have been ****ed that it was a asymmetrical multiplayer game rather than what Outbreak games have always been which is a survival horror co op online experience complete with large areas, puzzles, and backtracking.

Fans would have HATED that Outbreak was turned into a asymmetrical multiplayer game especially since todays market are full of them such as Dead by Daylight, Friday the 13th, Left for dead 2, Rainbow Six etc, pretty much I think it would have just made fans more mad that it adopted a gameplay format from todays multiplayer game's rather than keeping what made Outbreak unique and special and thus I think Capcom would have made the right decision to change its name to avoid that backlash if it where indeed originally meant to be Outbreak 3.
Could be
But the difference between outbreak and resistance is very minimal, the gameplay is prettycally the same only that you are facing a mastermind
Could be
But the difference between outbreak and resistance is very minimal, the gameplay is prettycally the same only that you are facing a mastermind

Your joking right?

Not going to spend to much on this since I have no desire to debate the obvious but I gotta say the only thing these 2 have in common is its set in the Resident Evil world and revolves around survivors surviving bioweapons in racoon city, thats where the two similarities end.

Resistance is a asymmetrical multiplayer game in in the vein of Left for Dead and Dead by Daylight while Outbreak both file 1 and 2 are pretty much a classic Resident Evil game in the vein of 1,2,3,CV etc but with online support to play through the traditional RE experience with friends with the only major difference between the classics being that each area is split within a scenario rather than one big world.

The two are so different its not even funny, but you as well as any new fans who do not know any better do not have to take my word for it, look at these two videos below to compare it to see that they are two entirely different games with very little in common,

And with that I'm out.
Your joking right?

Not going to spend to much on this since I have no desire to debate the obvious but I gotta say the only thing these 2 have in common is its set in the Resident Evil world and revolves around survivors surviving bioweapons in racoon city, thats where the two similarities end.

Resistance is a asymmetrical multiplayer game in in the vein of Left for Dead and Dead by Daylight while Outbreak both file 1 and 2 are pretty much a classic Resident Evil game in the vein of 1,2,3,CV etc but with online support to play through the traditional RE experience with friends with the only major difference between the classics being that each area is split within a scenario rather than one big world.

The two are so different its not even funny, but you as well as any new fans who do not know any better do not have to take my word for it, look at these two videos below to compare it to see that they are two entirely different games with very little in common,

And with that I'm out.
Why people always act like this ?
I was just saying that for me the two game look similar and that the only difference is the fact that they are asimmetrical... But gameplay is the same whit the survivor, you are in an open map, you must solve puzzle, you are co operating whit other player, you can share ammo ecc, you can also use meele weapon, there is an infection level and you can heal from it, you can choose different character and every character have differ ability, those part of gameplay i listed ring any bell to you? They are thr same as outbreak... Also i say it myself that the difference was the fact that you have a mastermind and so it's asimmetrical

But as soon as someone share his opinion, people like you just go insane like they offended they're parents XD

I didn't say that you were wrong that you were an idiot or else

I just say that for me the actual gameplay mechanic whit the survivor is very similar if not the same, the only difference is that you have a mastermind to fight against controlled by another player

Sorry if that cause so much trouble to you that you even say your out XD

Stupid me that i was thinking forum were made for discuss XD

Nobody was against you, but this is a forum, if you write something prepare that somebody else will comment on it, if you are not ready to continue to comment just after a single post of discussion than WOW

Also I'm not a new fan, i play resident evil since the first came out, it's more than 20 years i play resident evil, i played all the re game possible, see all movie and cgi, read all book manga ecc... I'm not writing this because i want to be superior to anyone but just to clarify I'm not a new fan, so just take a sit back and relax dude... We are just here to discuss, don't go crazy
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Wow dude RELAX lol, just because I said I did not want to have a conversation about something I think should be obvious doesn't mean I'm mad or angry, I see your desperately trying to paint me as such but anybody with eyes can see to the contrary.

I just did not want to get into a prolonged debate with you since our opinions obviously differ and it would not go anywhere and thus I decided to just leave the discussion and leave two videos for fans themselves to compare the two so other members rather than seeing a prolonged discussion on the matter could simply watch the two videos and see for themselves how "similar" they are.

Weird that you had to go on a heated tangent over such a thing but whatever, Just thought I would address your tangent with the obvious which is that I'm fine and perfectly calm and why I decided not to debate this topic which in my opinion is pretty self explanatory hence the videos I posted.

And with that once again I'm out.:wink:
Wow dude RELAX lol, just because I said I did not want to have a conversation about something I think should be obvious doesn't mean I'm mad or angry, I see your desperately trying to paint me as such but anybody with eyes can see to the contrary.

I just did not want to get into a prolonged debate with you since our opinions obviously differ and it would not go anywhere and thus I decided to just leave the discussion and leave two videos for fans themselves to compare the two so other members rather than seeing a prolonged discussion on the matter could simply watch the two videos and see for themselves how "similar" they are.

Weird that you had to go on a heated tangent over such a thing but whatever, Just thought I would address your tangent with the obvious which is that I'm fine and perfectly calm and why I decided not to debate this topic which in my opinion is pretty self explanatory hence the videos I posted.

And with that once again I'm out.:wink:
Ok, if you are unable to discuss, goodbye than

Edit: also I'm not the only one on the forum and on the internet who see the similarity between the two game

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You can find familiar aspects in every kind of cooperative multiplayer games, regardless of the genre.

Resistance and Outbreak may have more things in common simply because they're both RE games set in Raccoon City during the outbreak, but there are also way too many things that set them aside. The biggest difference is that the Outbreak games are storydriven and actually have a more or less canon story with branching paths and characters. Resistance has no story and is more like an amusement park scenario.

To be honest I found more similarities between Resistance and Raid Mode from Revelations 2. Both feel more like arcade style games that are not really meant to be realistic nor taken seriously.
You can find familiar aspects in every kind of cooperative multiplayer games, regardless of the genre.

Resistance and Outbreak may have more things in common simply because they're both RE games set in Raccoon City during the outbreak, but there are also way too many things that set them aside. The biggest difference is that the Outbreak games are storydriven and actually have a more or less canon story with branching paths and characters. Resistance has no story and is more like an amusement park scenario.

To be honest I found more similarities between Resistance and Raid Mode from Revelations 2. Both feel more like arcade style games that are not really meant to be realistic nor taken seriously.
Yeah, but outbreak didn't have much of story either... There was actually no story, there were just cutscene animated pretty badly whit no actual story connection between scenario...

True, it's more similar to revelations 2 in term of atmosphere objective ecc but in term of pure gameplay whit the survivor it's more similar to outbreak, there are even outbreak reference between character look and ability
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I agree about Outbreak not really having a story and that's probably one of the main reasons I didn't like the game. This is not to say I don't enjoy games that don't have in depth plots, in fact I do enjoy playing those games when I have limited time to play or just want to relax after a hard day. I like playing Killing Floor 2 and Resistance for those reasons. I don't look for them to have a riveting story, I just want to experience a compact adrenaline rush before I got to work or what have you.

It doesn't feel as much like raid to me since you can't upgrade weapons or unlock them through levels. Neither do levels progress in difficulty like raid. Rather, Resistance, like KF2, progressively adds better items for you to buy and all the levels are available all the time regardless of your character rank.

I think of Resistance more like Mercenaries, for whatever reason. Mercenaries main goal is to survive. Combos are good of course, but at the end of the day it's about surviving. You are given a loadout based on your character to achieve that goal, which also happens in Resistance. And for those of us that played Mercenaries 3D, the Skill mechanic is used in a way that is kind of moulded together with Outbreak to give each character their own advantages and disadvantages. Time is extended when you kill zombies (ie Mercenaries) and complete puzzles.

I didn't go into Resistance expecting some pristine, story driven game. I went into it expecting a dumbed down single serving of zombie slaughter. I love the game because of this.
I agree about Outbreak not really having a story and that's probably one of the main reasons I didn't like the game. This is not to say I don't enjoy games that don't have in depth plots, in fact I do enjoy playing those games when I have limited time to play or just want to relax after a hard day. I like playing Killing Floor 2 and Resistance for those reasons. I don't look for them to have a riveting story, I just want to experience a compact adrenaline rush before I got to work or what have you.

It doesn't feel as much like raid to me since you can't upgrade weapons or unlock them through levels. Neither do levels progress in difficulty like raid. Rather, Resistance, like KF2, progressively adds better items for you to buy and all the levels are available all the time regardless of your character rank.

I think of Resistance more like Mercenaries, for whatever reason. Mercenaries main goal is to survive. Combos are good of course, but at the end of the day it's about surviving. You are given a loadout based on your character to achieve that goal, which also happens in Resistance. And for those of us that played Mercenaries 3D, the Skill mechanic is used in a way that is kind of moulded together with Outbreak to give each character their own advantages and disadvantages. Time is extended when you kill zombies (ie Mercenaries) and complete puzzles.

I didn't go into Resistance expecting some pristine, story driven game. I went into it expecting a dumbed down single serving of zombie slaughter. I love the game because of this.
You are totally right

In the end it's a multiplayer game that dosent need to be driven by the story, it's just pure gameplay

Outbreak was in as sense the same, you choose a character and you play into a scenario and you must end it... Those few cutscene were just put there to justify the single player campaign for people who were unable to play the game online, but the outbreak really have no story, there is zero character development, there is no villain, the scenario Start in the middle of nowhere, so i don't really see the story...

Resistance in my opinion is a mixture of mercenaries and outbreak, it takes the survivor gameplay from outbreak, the countdown mechanic from mercenaries all combined whit asimmetrical gameplay..
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