Resident TekTek

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
New York
Now most of you are probably wondering... what the f*** is a tektek? Well TekTek is a website dedicated to Gaiaonline in which you can create your own dream avi and quest for items or simply make avis and get layouts for your own desire. It is an Ultimate Site to say the least.

Now I figured I would show you my versions of what tektek can do for Resident evil by making every character that comes to my mind from each game so sit back, Relax and Enjoy.

For those who know what Tektek is and would like to show me your avi's as well? post them right here :3

and for those who have Gaia....

Account: II XIV II

I always love new friends

Rebbecca Chambers S.T.A.R.S:

"What? OH NO"

Billy Coen:

"Your really going to arrest me with this place like this?"

REmake(And Original):

Jill Valentine:

"Barry Watch out! Its a Monster!!"

Chris Redfield(Updated):


Albert Wesker:

"Tyrant! The Ultimate Life form ..."

Barry Burton:

"Heh, You were almost a Jill Sandwich"

Keep in Note this is the best Gaia has to offer us :/
My apologies if there not the best looking. Also more will be added later I am just to lazy to finish :/
Well, I like mines just the way they are...anyways Your Tyrant is wonderfully done. I also like your STARS Wesker. Barry's is the most accurate, but all of them look nice. Good job. ^^
Heh thanks im sure that means alot coming from you
but more and better tekteks will be added and heres an example of how leon should look

RE4 Leon S Kennedy:

Its an attempt but its close enough
Well, I still like the way mines looks, they're not that bad. I didn't expect them to be 100% I was limited in my choices. It might have been the site. Or the fact that I had no membership. (Possibly limited my selections.)
Yeah you dont need to be a member of tektek but being a member of Gaia helps you know more items which help and now that i look at Leons Avi that jacket seems abit better because Leon has that whole none furry thing
Re3 Nemesis:

Jill Valentine:

"Im sorry about your Daughter, But theres nothing we can do we HAVE to get out of here!"

Carlos Oliveira:

"You wanna ask me on a Date? All the foxy Ladys love my accent"