Resident Evil Remake VR.

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Nick Springthorpe.

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2021
Bay Village Ohio
I'm sure you're all aware that the PS5 version of Resident Evil 4 Remake has a VR mode, which got me thinking: What if Resident Evil Remake got a VR Remake?

I did something similar in 2021 when I wrote down my ideas for an Extended Cut of Resident Evil 3 Remake. Just an idea I've had kicking around in my head for the past few weeks. Why I procrastinate so much I don't know. Anyway here's my pitch for Resident Evil Remake VR.

The game opens with us inside Alpha Team's helicopter. Looking to our right we see the Character we didn't pick as well as Joseph Frost. To our left, we see the Arklay Forest below. A dark sea of trees was illuminated by the passing searchlight of the Helicopter. In front we see Wesker, Barry, and at the controls Brad. This moment is to practice the look function while the opening narration plays. Jill also has her narration for when we choose her. Suddenly Jill spots the Bravo Team's helicopter crashed in the forest. Wesker orders Brad to set her down and tells the rest to check over their equipment. It's here that we pull up the Inventory screen.

Here we can select, equip, and examine items as well as see our health status. Everything works by touch controls kind of like a plasma screen iPad. Right now we need to equip our handgun and flashlight. Once we're done the helicopter lands and we disembark. Our next tutorial covers aiming and following the sounds of the forest with our flashlight. Once we arrive at the wreck, We see Joseph back out upon discovering Kevin's body. This is where we learn how to examine an area. Instead of just the action button, we have to examine an area carefully with our flashlight to find clues as to what happened. Ex, the cockpit window was smashed in, not out. The lacerations on Kevin's face and throat, as well as his gouged-out eye. The burn marks around the outside of the helicopter's turbine.

Once we finish examining the scene we split up to the moment where Joseph is mauled to death by Cerberus. Depending on whether you are Chris or Jill, you either make it too late or see the whole thing unfold.

Once the chase begins, we are introduced to the run and 180-degree turn tutorials. When executing a turn during a pursuit, you enter slow motion and can pull off a shot to stun or slow down an enemy. We look up to see Brad flying away before turning around to see one of the dogs blown away by Wesker. Now united, We run for the distant mansion with the dogs hot on our heels as the title voice says the game's title before the screen fades to black. A message appears to the sound of typewriter keys.

Enter the Survival Horror in Virtual Reality.

We fade into the entrance doors as our character throws them open. The four S.T.A.R.S members race inside as Barry shuts the door behind him catching a Cerberus's head between them. A well-placed shot from his .44 Silver Serpent severs the rotting head from its body allowing him to shut it.

Now would be a good time to mention that the game doesn't use the scenario setup that the original and the remake used. Instead, it combines elements from both Chris and Jill's scenarios using the A/B Scenario from Resident Evil 2. Each character's story is divided in two, with half the events going into their A game and the other the B game. Then the A games are stitched to the B games of the opposite character. Showing what they were up to at that time. The game also introduces the zapping system where certain actions in the first game affect the second game.

As the Alpha Team catches their breath we are given a breathtaking view of the Main Hall showing us the level of depth and detail of the game. A shot rings out and we along with our partners (Barry with Jill, Wesker with Chris) go to investigate. In the dining room, we see our first typewriter and ink ribbon. To save our game we have to insert the ink ribbon, adjust the page, and then zoom into it to save our game. Once done, we zoom out to see the page with the save entry typed on it.

Our partner calls us over to the fireplace where fresh blood has been spotted. After the scene plays we turn the knob and slowly open the door to the sitting hall where we meet our first Zombie. This begins our tutorial on targeting specific body parts. A shot to the forehead or back of the head will kill a zombie or crimson head with one hit. The problem is we must steady our aim either by holding the gun with two hands, or crossing our wrists when duel-wielding with the flashlight or knife. and using the proper stance. It also doesn't help that Zombie's heads tend to sway back and forth with each shuffling step. Shooting limbs has a chance to cripple them limiting their ability to grab you reducing them to a crawl.

Reloading is also more intuitive requiring the player to press reload to eject the clip. Then you must reach for your belt where you'll find a fresh clip if you have ammo. Insert the clip, release the slide and you're ready to shoot. If a zombie lunges for you, you can either duck and dodge to either side (Jill) or duck and shove them down. (Chris) This is done with proper timing and body movement or an onscreen prompt. Dodging requires movement of your head while shoving uses hand movement.

If you are grabbed, you'll enter a struggle where you must either push the zombie off or slip out of his grip. The secret is to use leverage to turn the zombie's momentum against him. This is also where the knife comes into play. You can stab a zombie in the head to escape or slash an arm to loosen his grip, giving you a chance to escape. If you are grabbed while aiming or reloading, there is a chance you'll drop the weapon or the clip, leaving you defenseless. Finally, zombie bites not only inflict damage, but they also have a chance to inflict bleeding status, which like poison causes you to continually lose health.

The point of all this is to illustrate the danger of a single zombie and how just one could kill a member of STARS like Kenneth. They will relentlessly pursue you, even following you through doors if they see you enter. Now imagine fighting a group of them. Even if you aren't in sight of them they can still hear your footsteps. Especially if you're running. And they can begin moving toward you before you even see them. In addition to speed, the amount of noise your footsteps make is determined by the surface you're walking on. Ex Carpet is quieter than wood or stone.

Anyway, once you've dealt with or run from the zombie, you'll find the rest of the team has joined your partner in the dining room. After filling them in on what you saw, the team will begin to examine the bodies of both Kenneth and the Zombie. You and your partner will examine Kenneth while the other character and their partner study the zombie. This starts the tutorial on picking up and putting down items and objects as well as putting items in your inventory. On Kenneth, you'll find some ammo as well as his film and a bottle of serum. What was he doing with this?

Once you are done you will return to the Main Hall. The team discuss their findings and agree to split up. You and your partner will investigate the Gallery, while the other two head back to the Dining Room. If you're playing as Jill, Barry will give you the lockpicks. To take them simply hold out your hand.

The statue of the woman with the vase is our first puzzle. To solve it, we need to press a series of buttons on the base in the right order. To find the order, we must search the painting on the walls for clues. Once we solve it, the statue will pour its pitcher releasing a map. Unrolling it reveals a set of plans for the first floor of the mansion. In the corner are the words Trevor and Chamberlain. This map not only shows the different rooms but also provides clues to the mansion's secrets. However, we must remember Spencer changed a lot of Trevor's designs without him knowing. The door to the dog corridor is locked. Jill has her lockpicks which function as a minigame where you need to find the correct pick and turn the rings of the lock. Chris will have to push aside a drawer to allow passage to the back room. Inside a dresser drawer will be an old key. Keys simply require to insert them and turn the lock.

Inside the doggy corridor, you'll probably be feeling a sense of dread, since this is one of the greatest jumpscares in the series. This time you will be safe unless you're playing on hard, or make the mistake of looking out the windows one too many times. But if you come back this way...well you know. If you do trigger the dog attack, you can escape by running at an unlocked door. This works like in Resident Evil 4, Just remember to close the door behind you.

The Winding Corridor, I've taken out the double doors leading to the Dark Corridor to make it one continuous hallway. I want to emphasize the sense of disorientation that comes with exploring the mansion with its winding corridors and sharp turns. Not knowing what's behind the next turn or corner forces the player to take it slow and keep their guard up at all times.

The bathroom is where we'll find our next tutorial, dodging. Reach into the bath water for the drain and be ready to pull back when the zombie rises. When he falls over the tub, aim at his head while the sight resembles a boot to crush his head. The door to the boiler yard requires an old key which Chris can find in the tub. But I know what you're waiting for.

In the sitting room, you'll find the shotgun hanging on the wall. To take it, reach out and grab it with your hands. This begins the tutorial on larger guns. Get a feel for holding it, and look down at the sights. Just put it back when you're done with it. (Unless you're playing as Jill.)

The Jill Sandwich scene is one I particularly want to experience in VR. Noticing the dust on your shoulder, then looking up to see the ceiling coming down on you. The panic sets in as you futilely try to force the doors open. Then Barry's voice on the other side before he shoots the lock off and drags you to safety before the ceiling hits the floor.

At the end of the corridor, we find the covered path leading to the garden shed as well as a doggy. The indentation for the Stone and Metal Object is well detailed to the point we can read the small print that is written down.

Through the door to the East Staircase, we find our first save room and our first item box. To open it, simply lift the lid. Like the inventory screen, it is touch-controlled. We also find a note warning us to cremate any bodies lying around. The files are touch-specific depending on whether they are a book or simply a collection of papers. Books can opened and closed and their pages turned, while papers can be shuffled back and forth. When you're done reading pick up the fuel canteen. To fill it, we need to unscrew the lid on the kerosene container, equip the canteen, unscrew the cap, pick up the container, and pour the fuel in. Finally, there is a whetstone. Like in Resident Evil 4 Remake your knife wears down the more you use it, limiting its effectiveness. Every save room has a whetstone for you to sharpen it.

When you're done, head back out into the stairway and pay attention to that corpse on the floor. Equip your canteen, unscrew the lid, and pour it onto the corpse. Once you have a lighter, equip it, open it, roll the spark wheel, and light it up. Upstairs we have more zombies to deal with. In the study, you'll find the file on mixing herbs with a new piece of information. Red Herbs once useless on their own can now stop bleeding status. The Red and Blue herb combination also returns from the Resident Evil 2 Remake with an addition of bleeding resistance. On the shelf, you will find the wooden mount with Trevor and Chamberlain's floor plan for the mansion's second floor. Jill will also find George's lighter here.

Further down the U-shaped corridor, you'll hear a voice. Opening the door to the columned corridor, you'll find Richard (along with Rebecca if playing as Chris) in the death throes of the venom. Despite giving or administering the serum. Richard dies soon after giving you his radio. (Alternatively, it's possible to save him by entering the U-shaped corridor from the second floor of the main hall after the team splits up.)

From then on we head back to the Main Hall where we meet the other character and their partner. After discussing their findings they agree to split and search again. (If playing as Chris, we must head back to the columned corridor where we found Richard. Rebecca will tell us about the medical storage room under the west staircase. Chris will head there next while Rebecca stays here. Either to care for Richard or to process her grief.

Through the double doors on the second-floor mezzanine, we come to the dining room balcony. The darkness is only illuminated by our flashlight and the distorted moonlight through the stained glass windows. There is a zombie to deal with as well as the statue with the blue gemstone. Our mission is to clear the zombies from the West Staircase to access the Medical Storage Room. (Once this is done Chris will have to head back to Rebecca to tell her the news.)

The next thing I want to touch on is the Northern corridor. Its pitch darkness illuminated by the light through the windows and its loud floorboards makes for a terrifying experience. The door leading to the small room with the tiger statue is now gone. Instead, the corridor takes a U-turn to a dead end where you find the statue.

In the Keeper's bedroom, we find his diary and it's one of the game's audio files, complete with voice acting and tense background music that slowly builds as we read on. When done the closet door bursts open as the Keeper lunges right for us with a cry of TASTY!!!

Next is the Bar with the piano. Once you've found the complete musical notes Jill (or Rebecca if you're playing as Chris) will have to play the piano. This puzzle is simply to play the notes in the correct order. Once you've opened the secret room with the Gold Emblem you'll find Trevor's diary, another audio file, and switch out the Gold Emblem with the Wood one. A point I want to emphasize is the hands-on way you interact with puzzles. You take out and put the Emblems in your hand motions giving you a feeling of immersion not just in combat but also in exploration and puzzle solving. Once the Gold emblem is placed, it's time for the clock. To turn the hands you have to move the gears with your hands. From there grab the Shield Key and it's on to Yawn.

When you arrive in the attic, the first thing you'll notice is no giant man-eating snake. On the floor, you'll find Richard's Assault Shotgun. This triggers Yawn's appearance. If you saved Richard (playing as Jill.) He will join you (With Jill throwing him the shotgun.) And the rest plays out as in Resident Evil Remake. As for the fight itself, the closest I can compare it to is Umbrella Chronicles. Watch the movements of its head. Shoot the mouth when it opens, and dodge its lunges. When retreating listen for the distinctive hiss before it lunges. When you hear it, use the 180-degree turn and aim for a slow-motion critical shot. Lastly, if you get behind it, hit its body with your knife.

If you were bitten the screen will go blurry and you'll either pass out and wake up in the Medical Store Room (As Jill) Or play as Rebecca to retrieve the serum.

And that's the mansion done. When you head out to the covered path you'll find the Stone and Metal Object in place. But wait isn't there a lot missing? What about the Backyard Crypt? And the Death Masks? and Forest Speyer? Well, all that takes place in the 2nd Playthrough which I'll write about next time. Till then take slow deep breaths and keep your hand on your gun.