Asides from paintball or sporting RE or Umbrella/Capcom/we apparel,
what are some IRL connections you've made with the series?
As a film student major drop-out I often used to fantasize walking home from work
that my complex of neighbourhood residences (Resident Evil) could be made
into a pretty good low-budget action/horror movie.
What are some projects you've done INDIRECTLY associated with the franchise?
Later may be posting some fan art I have done, currently at work.
I work as a security guard for a frozen produce company.
what are some IRL connections you've made with the series?
As a film student major drop-out I often used to fantasize walking home from work
that my complex of neighbourhood residences (Resident Evil) could be made
into a pretty good low-budget action/horror movie.
What are some projects you've done INDIRECTLY associated with the franchise?
Later may be posting some fan art I have done, currently at work.
I work as a security guard for a frozen produce company.