Hey all; decided to reconnect here. Some of you guys may already have heard this if you're on the Resident Evil Veterans page on facebook as I posted it there; but I'm working currenlty on creating a trilogy of movies based on the Resident Evil games.
Now I want to explain this movie is made with The Sims 4 and a heavy use of a CGI software to bring to life! I have thousands of game mods and graphics changers to make the sims basically not look like the sims any more as you can see below! These are photos from a laptop btw, I was so eager to share them with you all that I decided to take some quick pics. All of the locations and characters designs are made by myself. I went back and played the games through and took notes of all the locations that were visited and tried to recapture those in the movie. Anyway; the zombies are uniquely created by myself and their appearances contain a tiny amount of CGI to make them look scarier. I have hired voice actors and a composer to create a 12 track soundtrack for the movie. A track included in this features a darker remake of Marilyn Manson's Resident Evil theme from the first movie. Just wanted to point out that I'm not going to cut out the fans of the movies (I know some of you exist), these movies won't ignore them completely and do have certain elements from the first movie in particular. So here are some facts:
-the movie will follow the games extremely closely and was made with them in mind! Despite that I have borrowed elements from the first live action movie as I did enjoy that one! But it’s only elements and nothing specific.
-Zombies, Cerberus, Crows, Lisa Trevor and Tyrant all appear. Plant 42 appears but not as a significant role (I honestly felt I’d crammed enough into the script without plant 42 needing to appear).
-Alpha and Bravo team are dispatched at the same time and split into different teams. I did this because I wanted the characters to be killed off on screen rather than us finding their bodies around the mansion like in the game (plus we needed on screen deaths rather than Jill, Chris, Rebecca and Barry having heavy plot armour)
-I did read through George Romero’s script and borrowed elements from that too! For example; the romantic pairing between Chris and Jill is a background plot, but not blatantly obvious. Also Ada Wong appears in this movie rather than just showing up in RE2.
-Each zombie is designed to be unique! There’s no same face zombies showing up; i read through the notes and files found in the RE game and designed zombies to match how I believe they could look. So basically; some appear in those safety suits mentioned in the keepers diary; Some show signs of genuine mutation happening already; there’s also some with gaping flesh wounds as theyve been test subjects previously.
-Lisa Trevor’s story is slightly darker than the games! She was younger when she was abducted by Umbrella and has been tested on ever since. When STARS arrive; she is there but isn’t complete mutation but her mind hasn’t aged; she still believes and thinks like a child in her semi mutated state. I wrote this in the script so the character of Lisa was like a 7 year old trapped inside a monster and with things she says and how she reacts; you can see it quite clearly.
-The script was written with the intention on being a trilogy! No more and no less! The first two movies deal with the outbreak in Raccoon (mansionRE1/cityRE2) but then third movie will follow the survivors as they attempt to destroy Umbrella and Wesker. The 3rd will combine the stories from Code Veronica; Resident Evil 4 and 5.
-Oswell Spencer is a major antagonist and written differently to how he is in the game; rather than him being killed by Wesker easily, he's a feared character who people never really know or understand his capabilities. He will play a massive part in the final movie.
So below I have attached some photo's of the project in progress. These are photo's from my laptop so don't judge too much, the real movie will be in 4k but remain an element of grit and washed out colouring to give off a horror feeling. Attached is also the poster for the movie; it was inspired by the first movie poster as a sort of...'wish we got this' kind of poster
. Please be kind tho! I’m only a simple guy who’s trying to make a trilogy of resident evil movies based off the games
There you have it. The movie will have a trailer first which I will keep posting updates here so you can all keep up to date with it's release. It's currently in the editing process now. As I said, please be kind, if this isn't your bag then I get it, but I've had some pure nasty comments about this and I honeslty don't mean to upset anyone with making it, I'm just trying to make a cinematic movie out of the original Resident Evil story.
Now I want to explain this movie is made with The Sims 4 and a heavy use of a CGI software to bring to life! I have thousands of game mods and graphics changers to make the sims basically not look like the sims any more as you can see below! These are photos from a laptop btw, I was so eager to share them with you all that I decided to take some quick pics. All of the locations and characters designs are made by myself. I went back and played the games through and took notes of all the locations that were visited and tried to recapture those in the movie. Anyway; the zombies are uniquely created by myself and their appearances contain a tiny amount of CGI to make them look scarier. I have hired voice actors and a composer to create a 12 track soundtrack for the movie. A track included in this features a darker remake of Marilyn Manson's Resident Evil theme from the first movie. Just wanted to point out that I'm not going to cut out the fans of the movies (I know some of you exist), these movies won't ignore them completely and do have certain elements from the first movie in particular. So here are some facts:
-the movie will follow the games extremely closely and was made with them in mind! Despite that I have borrowed elements from the first live action movie as I did enjoy that one! But it’s only elements and nothing specific.
-Zombies, Cerberus, Crows, Lisa Trevor and Tyrant all appear. Plant 42 appears but not as a significant role (I honestly felt I’d crammed enough into the script without plant 42 needing to appear).
-Alpha and Bravo team are dispatched at the same time and split into different teams. I did this because I wanted the characters to be killed off on screen rather than us finding their bodies around the mansion like in the game (plus we needed on screen deaths rather than Jill, Chris, Rebecca and Barry having heavy plot armour)
-I did read through George Romero’s script and borrowed elements from that too! For example; the romantic pairing between Chris and Jill is a background plot, but not blatantly obvious. Also Ada Wong appears in this movie rather than just showing up in RE2.
-Each zombie is designed to be unique! There’s no same face zombies showing up; i read through the notes and files found in the RE game and designed zombies to match how I believe they could look. So basically; some appear in those safety suits mentioned in the keepers diary; Some show signs of genuine mutation happening already; there’s also some with gaping flesh wounds as theyve been test subjects previously.
-Lisa Trevor’s story is slightly darker than the games! She was younger when she was abducted by Umbrella and has been tested on ever since. When STARS arrive; she is there but isn’t complete mutation but her mind hasn’t aged; she still believes and thinks like a child in her semi mutated state. I wrote this in the script so the character of Lisa was like a 7 year old trapped inside a monster and with things she says and how she reacts; you can see it quite clearly.
-The script was written with the intention on being a trilogy! No more and no less! The first two movies deal with the outbreak in Raccoon (mansionRE1/cityRE2) but then third movie will follow the survivors as they attempt to destroy Umbrella and Wesker. The 3rd will combine the stories from Code Veronica; Resident Evil 4 and 5.
-Oswell Spencer is a major antagonist and written differently to how he is in the game; rather than him being killed by Wesker easily, he's a feared character who people never really know or understand his capabilities. He will play a massive part in the final movie.
So below I have attached some photo's of the project in progress. These are photo's from my laptop so don't judge too much, the real movie will be in 4k but remain an element of grit and washed out colouring to give off a horror feeling. Attached is also the poster for the movie; it was inspired by the first movie poster as a sort of...'wish we got this' kind of poster

There you have it. The movie will have a trailer first which I will keep posting updates here so you can all keep up to date with it's release. It's currently in the editing process now. As I said, please be kind, if this isn't your bag then I get it, but I've had some pure nasty comments about this and I honeslty don't mean to upset anyone with making it, I'm just trying to make a cinematic movie out of the original Resident Evil story.