Here's what I believe Resident Evil 7
SHOULD contain.
Number 1) A more compelling storyline than what we saw in Resident Evil 6. Fun, yes. Interesting, not really it was a little dull. Here's a synopsis I'd like to see Resident Evil 7 take. Chris Redfield, along with Jake Muller, are kidnapped by Neo-Umbrella (since this is our new interprise villain): Chris due to his constent interference and Jake due to his value. Claire Redfield is sought out by the BSAA due to her prior experience with BOW's to find her brother and bring him back safely. In her doing this, Claire seeks additional help from the prestigious Jill Valentine, hence, beginning the first Female-Female story campaign. Already calculating possible protectors of justice, Neo-Umbrella does the unthinkable. While flying to Neo-Umbrella's possible base of headquarters, their attacked by something and crash in a forsaken zombie urban enviornment. As the two proceed, welcome forth experiment Nemesis-Alpha 3 (it just sounds cool to me lol

). It's mission,
Destroy Jill and Claire. Also, have points where the two are separated from an extended period of time multiple times within the game. Like 10, 15, 20 minutes alone: that way people who enjoy co-op are satisfied and people who enjoy the tension of being solo are satisfied. I think sticking to
ONE primary story line veers away from too much confusion and allows the players to follow a steady path. But in this case,
TWO would make this story more interesting as Jake and Chris are paired together whom have an unfinished agenda with one another. Whereas Claire and Jill's story focuses on the two trying to infiltrate Neo-Umbrella and escaping the new Nemesis superpower, Chris and Jake's story focus on them trying to escape the facility. I think aide from previous characters, like Ada, Leon, Sherry, Hunk, and any other qualifying character would be great for the game because it allows all characters a cameo and involvement in the storyline. If these characters are however introduced, they should have their own side stories that explain how the FOUR primary characters encountered unexplainable events. (Just like the Ada campaign in 6).
At the climax, it should be revealed that superpower Albert Wesker had never truly died. He should be a villain unimaginable, one that takes ALL FOUR CHARACTERS to defeat. He should also utilize other Alpha Nemesises to accomplish trying to kill the heroes with all of them beholding unspeakable mutations. This is where Jake realizes that Chris had to do what he did so long ago. Now son helps hero kill his father once and for all. AHHHHHH!!!!!
2) The second component that this should have is
THE RIGHT OF AN OPEN MAP LIKE PREVIOUS RE'S!!!!! That was what made Resident evil so fun. There was something to be found in EVERY ROOM and you could not proceed through the game until EVERY ROOM had been opened.
3) PUMP UP THE FRIGHT! I understand with the evolving of technology, some games have to compete with modern times but come on, is it so difficult to try and scare the S@&* out of me?
4) Bring back the usage of four-shaped keys. Though it was annoying in some cases, I felt a sense of accomplishment when I was able to figure out difficult puzzles and locate the keys.
5) Please bring back intricate puzzles. NOT stupid one's like when Ada had to shoot zombies into the walls (swear to God took me a million years to figure that **** out). It just didn't seem relevant enough.
That's how I feel Resident Evil will redeem it's name from RE 5 and 6 and those HORRIBLE Milla Jovovich renditions. God those are aweful.