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Resident Evil 6 Resident Evil 6 Will Not Feature a Weapon Buying System Confirms Yoshiaki Hirabayashi E3 2012 Re


Super Saiyan Member
Remember in RE1,2,3,CV,CVX,Outbreak,ect You had to skip zombies so you can save ammo for later, You had to think about what you're gonna bring with you stuff like that It was enjoyable i'm aware everything is changing now but still keep a little bit of the old in and ability's is one of them
I hated them in ORC but dealt with them and if you have 2 people even worse RE5 i enjoyed cause of this no CoD sort of system implanted just You and you're partner but i can't really talk because capcom makes the games not me
Everything is changing, and those games are games of the past...Great as they are, we can't compare the NEW games to the originals...And they are replacing upgrading weapons, with upgrading the HUMAN aspect...A much more important aspect...And we've even SEEN how this game is bringing the old back in many ways...


Lurking is my jam.
Everything is changing, and those games are games of the past...Great as they are, we can't compare the NEW games to the originals...And they are replacing upgrading weapons, with upgrading the HUMAN aspect...A much more important aspect...And we've even SEEN how this game is bringing the old back in many ways...
I must always be the odd one out eh?
I loved ORC but i'm not that into 6 it just ruined it for me
I swear i wanted to quit RE after the 1st trailer but if i did i had nothing else to play so i didn't and for the the sake of my boredom i'm just gonna buy it off of extra cash


Super Saiyan Member
I must always be the odd one out eh?
I loved ORC but i'm not that into 6 it just ruined it for me
I swear i wanted to quit RE after the 1st trailer but if i did i had nothing else to play so i didn't and for the the sake of my boredom i'm just gonna buy it off of extra cash
How does are you the odd one out? I loved ORC as well...Still do...


Damm... To be honest I suck at looking for weapons... To be honest, I never found the magnum in RE or RE2, skipped a few things in CV, discovered that I could upgrade my weapons in RE4 in the 2nd or 3rd round AND found the locations of the M3, VZ61 and PSG in Youtube...
I hope they're not too well hidden, 'cuz if I have to run across hordes of zombies doing meeles and saving ammo for bosses then I'm screwed :(


Chief Researcher
Damm... To be honest I suck at looking for weapons... To be honest, I never found the magnum in RE or RE2, skipped a few things in CV, discovered that I could upgrade my weapons in RE4 in the 2nd or 3rd round AND found the locations of the M3, VZ61 and PSG in Youtube...
I hope they're not too well hidden, 'cuz if I have to run across hordes of zombies doing meeles and saving ammo for bosses then I'm screwed :(

But RE is about survival horror. Having to run through hordes of zombies with 2 bullets and a knife is what used to make RE such a good game. I htink that in RE6 you will have to run through a lot of enemies, at least in the demos you don't seem to have enough ammo to kill all of them.
You just have to explore the scenarios in order to find the weapons. The magnum (?) in Jake's scenario doesn't seem hard to find.


Well-Known Member
Probably chickens will give golden eggs, crows will drop grenades, and stuff anyways. lol
I don't think, you will have difficulties finding ammunitions


Chief Researcher
Probably chickens will give golden eggs, crows will drop grenades, and stuff anyways. lol
I don't think, you will have difficulties finding ammunitions

I hope not. I'd rather have ammunition on those boxes (some of them) and the enemies only dropping skill points.
I think some skills might allow you to find more ammo in the game so you can adapt the game style to what suits you best.

Anyway, I'm sure this game will have a lot less ammo than RE4/5.


S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team Weapon Specialist
That makes it more frightening and challenging. Times without merchant will be harder for me, but still, Resident Evil is meant to be horror game. :)


Master of unlocking...
I'm glad to hear this. I think it would be great if they limited the amount of weapons you can carry too. Like maybe your main weapon - shotgun/rifle and a sidearm - hanguns etc. It'd make it even more challenging.


Let's face it, when has the weapon carrying system been realistic?
When you think of it... Just where in the world could Leon carry a case that probably weighted as much as he did?
RE5 made this a bit more realistic, you could see the handgun holster and one or 2 large weapons at a time, still it makes no sense that you can carry a Shotgun, Machinegun, Rifle, RPG, Grenade Launcher, ammo and grenades at the same time...
The original RE-0-2-3 and CV approach of large weapons taking 2 spaces of a limited inventory was a bit more logic... I hope they use that one again...


Well-Known Member
^I see what you're saying but at the same time magic boxes that contain all of your items no matter where you find them are hardly any more realistic.

I must say, while I love my weapons in a RE game I felt alittle more scared and on my guard in Revalations when Jill awoke in the room and you have to go without weapons for a while. A pain in the ass but acceptable for a survival horror.

Also, I think it is appropriate to compare old games to the new to a point. Some new things can be for the better depending on what it is and how it's done. While some olds things might be signature or even vital for the series' identity.

Lil Nuggets

The guy who spins his pencil thinking its cool
I see what your going at for some old things having to identify the series, that's why i always liked the fact that RE4 and RE5 still made you stand still while you shoot, while other people hated it, i enjoyed it. Though it seems like they got rid of that now, darn =(


Mr. Redfield
I'm not sure if it's cause i'm sorta new to this series, but this news isn't all that jaw-dropping, for me. I thought the RE5 weapon upgrade was a sort of perk that could easily make the game go a lot smoother for the person playing, but it really didn't make it less fun or too easy (unless you had unlimited ammo -_-). I could also do without it. Actually... now that I think about it, I'm kind of eager to try it out. I could already see myself going crazy looking for ammo... >.<
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