Resident Evil 6 Res 6 Easter eggs

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
hey guys, what are some other cool Easter eggs in the game? I know a few like the playground and the arcade...but are there any more? let me know, also if u want to make up ur own for the game and tell me that would be fun.
In Leon's campaign he encounters a rookie cop who's first day on the job, during a zombie outbreak, so it's like a blast from the past.

Having to clear out zombies in front of a church before being allowed inside with the survivors also happened in Dead Island.

A visual theme in RE6 is spiders/coccoons/spiderwebs. A spiderweb is like a web of lies. What a tangled web we weave. The character's sorties are interwoven. A spider will sometimes inject poison into it's pray to paralyze it, before wrapping it in a coccoon. A carla injects a c-virus into her pray before it forms into a coccoon. The spiders in the opening sequence are mostly dark blue with some red eyes standing out. Carla has a dark blue dress with a red scarf standding out. That's pretty neat.

The whopper is a large fat enemy. A whopper means something very large. It is also the name of a burger, popular in the US, which is where most of the whoppers in the game appear. People who eat too many whoppers become large, therefore the whoppers in the game are a whopper and perhaps have also eaten whoppers.

Leon's gun is the wing shooter. The expression "shoot the wings off of a fly" means to have good aim. Leon has good aim. Leon can shoot the wings off a fly, metaphorically. Leon's final boss is basically a giant fly. When leon finishes it, it falls to it's death, similar to the way a real fly would fall if it's wings were shot off.

Helena's gun is the picador. A picador is a type of character involved in bullfighting. When fighting Simmons in T-Rex and quadruped form, you often have to dodge him while he is running at you, and then shoot him again once your away, almost like a bullfight.

Helena's other gun is a hydra. A hydra is a snake-like sea creature with 5 heads, more than what you'd expect from a normal creature. The hydra gun is a shotgun with 3 barrels, more than what you'd expect from a normal shotgun.

The exploding swollen torso J'avo reminded me of the flood creatures that looked pretty much exactly like them from Halo.

Mutated Deborah reminds me of the witch from L4D.
The whopper is a large fat enemy. A whopper means something very large. It is also the name of a burger, popular in the US, which is where most of the whoppers in the game appear. People who eat too many whoppers become large, therefore the whoppers in the game are a whopper and perhaps have also eaten whoppers.

Haha. Nice.
Would Jake's sunglasses and all black clothes at the end be considered an Easter egg?

Aparently the song Jake's whistleing in th beginning of his campaign is Code Veronica"s Alfred Music Box song.
Jake's whistling always stands out to me, yet it really doesn't sound like the Ashford lullaby.
In Leon's campaign he encounters a rookie cop who's first day on the job, during a zombie outbreak, so it's like a blast from the past.

Having to clear out zombies in front of a church before being allowed inside with the survivors also happened in Dead Island.

A visual theme in RE6 is spiders/coccoons/spiderwebs. A spiderweb is like a web of lies. What a tangled web we weave. The character's sorties are interwoven. A spider will sometimes inject poison into it's pray to paralyze it, before wrapping it in a coccoon. A carla injects a c-virus into her pray before it forms into a coccoon. The spiders in the opening sequence are mostly dark blue with some red eyes standing out. Carla has a dark blue dress with a red scarf standding out. That's pretty neat.

The whopper is a large fat enemy. A whopper means something very large. It is also the name of a burger, popular in the US, which is where most of the whoppers in the game appear. People who eat too many whoppers become large, therefore the whoppers in the game are a whopper and perhaps have also eaten whoppers.

Leon's gun is the wing shooter. The expression "shoot the wings off of a fly" means to have good aim. Leon has good aim. Leon can shoot the wings off a fly, metaphorically. Leon's final boss is basically a giant fly. When leon finishes it, it falls to it's death, similar to the way a real fly would fall if it's wings were shot off.

Helena's gun is the picador. A picador is a type of character involved in bullfighting. When fighting Simmons in T-Rex and quadruped form, you often have to dodge him while he is running at you, and then shoot him again once your away, almost like a bullfight.

Helena's other gun is a hydra. A hydra is a snake-like sea creature with 5 heads, more than what you'd expect from a normal creature. The hydra gun is a shotgun with 3 barrels, more than what you'd expect from a normal shotgun.

The exploding swollen torso J'avo reminded me of the flood creatures that looked pretty much exactly like them from Halo.

Mutated Deborah reminds me of the witch from L4D.
awesome! you really enjoyed the game and did ur research, I praise u for that. love it when ppl take their time on my threads its so nice. And u brought up some interesting information I never thought about. like Carla resembling the spider. I always knew the spider was a key symbol to the game but I didn't know it was actually her, I kept looking for a boss spider but never found one. and I like the spider metaphor! is that true or did u make that up your self? smart and i like what u said about the whoppers, just like BK there is a whopper supreme and a whopper jr! did u know that? and I think the Spanish name of Helena's gun has a lot to do with her Mexican fighter style moves too.. just a guess. I know bull fighters and Mexican wrestlers come from separate lands but it is still a Spanish name. did u find any interesting references on Jake or sherry? i really liked their campaign
In all honesty I didn't do any research, it's all just stuff I noticed and thought was neat.

About Jake/Sherry, the only thing I can come up with that might be neat is Jake and the apple.

If you're familiar with Christian lore, before Eve takes a bite of her apple, she is without knowledge of good and evil, and therefore cannot actively choose to do either one; she is in a naive state. In Jake's first cut scene, he is unable to take a bite of his apple, because a J'avo cuts it in half. At this time, he is without knowledge of the C-virus, his own importance, or any of the events that he will be involved in. He naively follows after money.

After Eve bites her apple, she knows about good and evil. In Jake's last cut scene, he receives an apple from a kid and actually takes a bite of it. By this time, he has knowledge of who he is, why he is important, the dangers of the C virus, and he actively chooses to do good, instead of just following money regardless of morals.
yes I am familiar with christian lore and that is very interesting. Do u think Capcom gets that in depth with symbolism and religion? I think u are right, they did put made in heaven in the back of Clair's vest and they gave Ada a cross necklace. Also I belive Leon mentions something about praying for the casualties in Re6. I think Jake mentions God once to sherry
In Leon's campaign he encounters a rookie cop who's first day on the job, during a zombie outbreak, so it's like a blast from the past.

Having to clear out zombies in front of a church before being allowed inside with the survivors also happened in Dead Island.

A visual theme in RE6 is spiders/coccoons/spiderwebs. A spiderweb is like a web of lies. What a tangled web we weave. The character's sorties are interwoven. A spider will sometimes inject poison into it's pray to paralyze it, before wrapping it in a coccoon. A carla injects a c-virus into her pray before it forms into a coccoon. The spiders in the opening sequence are mostly dark blue with some red eyes standing out. Carla has a dark blue dress with a red scarf standding out. That's pretty neat.

The whopper is a large fat enemy. A whopper means something very large. It is also the name of a burger, popular in the US, which is where most of the whoppers in the game appear. People who eat too many whoppers become large, therefore the whoppers in the game are a whopper and perhaps have also eaten whoppers.

Leon's gun is the wing shooter. The expression "shoot the wings off of a fly" means to have good aim. Leon has good aim. Leon can shoot the wings off a fly, metaphorically. Leon's final boss is basically a giant fly. When leon finishes it, it falls to it's death, similar to the way a real fly would fall if it's wings were shot off.

Helena's gun is the picador. A picador is a type of character involved in bullfighting. When fighting Simmons in T-Rex and quadruped form, you often have to dodge him while he is running at you, and then shoot him again once your away, almost like a bullfight.

Helena's other gun is a hydra. A hydra is a snake-like sea creature with 5 heads, more than what you'd expect from a normal creature. The hydra gun is a shotgun with 3 barrels, more than what you'd expect from a normal shotgun.

The exploding swollen torso J'avo reminded me of the flood creatures that looked pretty much exactly like them from Halo.

Mutated Deborah reminds me of the witch from L4D.
The hydra, I don't think, is an easter egg.

Did you try
Lol, I could be wrong but I think Jake just likes apples. The mentioning of god is common, it's kinda expected of people to turn to that in those situations. Not to mention alot of times it's just a figure of speech.

If I recall correctly the made in heaven thing was influenced by a band one of the creators liked or something like that. And a cross is a common accessory even for people that arn't really religious.

Just my observation.
I never knew easter eggs could be defined like that. I thought they're just hidden references and secrets put there on purpose. The cop was the most obvious one I think. Especially Leon's campaign felt like constant deja vu.

And by that wide definition the laser grid was definitely stolen from the absolutely awesomely brilliant movies, though it's not hidden either.
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I never knew easter eggs could be defined like that. I thought they're just hidden references and secrets put there on purpose.
That's what I'm saying, I don't think those were purposely put there to look religious. As for the rest of them as well, I am alittle skeptical, no offense to anyone. I was kinda hoping for Eastern eggs that were certain. :confused:
You Got Jakes's whistle which bugged me to no end...but if you listen closely it kinda does sound that way

And if you also think about about Sherry's and Jake's relationship...Wasn't Wesker always taking risks while William backed him up? seemed that way in Zero

Leon's :Welcome Back Stranger is one that made me crack up

Bloodshots act somewhat like lickers

Neo-Umbrella J'avo look like enemies from killzone

Piers's whole character is a bitch slap to Re1 all though two chris's? uhh...

Agent=Hunk (In a way)

UC Arcade

I consider the Ubistivo to be the next Jason....he doesn't wann f-ing die

Helena's Chap 4 outfit ****ed me the hell off and you know why

Leon's Chap 4 Outfit Reminds me of S.T.A.R.S

Ustanak....Nuff said

The Yawn look-a-like

The Neptune look-a-like

The El Gigante look-a-like

Piers Vs Jake

J'avo sound like there saying ''He's a gangman!!!'' (Leon counters and say's ***** please! "I'm a pretty boy)

Helena's and Sherry's Alt Merc Costumes

That's all i got

But on a side not on Leon's Chap 1 Leon say's "Adam...i'm sorry"

Didn't they say the presidents name in Re4 being like Adam something..?
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You Got Jakes's whistle which bugged me to no end...but if you listen closely it kinda does sound that way

And if you also think about about Sherry's and Jake's relationship...Wasn't Wesker always taking risks while William backed him up? seemed that way in Zero

Leon's :Welcome Back Stranger is one that made me crack up

Bloodshots act somewhat like lickers

Neo-Umbrella J'avo look like enemies from killzone

Piers's whole character is a bitch slap to Re1 all though two chris's? uhh...

Agent=Hunk (In a way)

UC Arcade

I consider the Ubistivo to be the next Jason....he doesn't wann f-ing die

Helena's Chap 4 outfit ****ed me the hell off and you know why

Leon's Chap 4 Outfit Reminds me of S.T.A.R.S

Ustanak....Nuff said

The Yawn look-a-like

The Neptune look-a-like

The El Gigante look-a-like

Piers Vs Jake

J'avo sound like there saying ''He's a gangman!!!'' (Leon counters and say's ***** please! "I'm a pretty boy)

Helena's and Sherry's Alt Merc Costumes

That's all i got

But on a side not on Leon's Chap 1 Leon say's "Adam...i'm sorry"

Didn't they say the presidents name in Re4 being like Adam something..?
I don't think those are really Easter eggs and the president that was in RE4 is a different president from the one Leon killed.
I'm allowed to alter how Easter eggs are defined because I'm special, that's why. :cool:

Uroboros (Ouroboros), the main threat that Chris faced in RE5, is also historically defined as a cycle, or repetition. Chris finds himself fighting the same kind of bioterror that he did in RE5, and finds himself also dealing with a reflection of Wesker, his son. History repeats itself. At one point Chris tells Piers that he is planning to retire, and he says something like "I have to end this cycle of revenge" or something like that. In a sense, Chris is still fighting against Uroboros, or a cycle. The concept of Uroboros is represented by a snake eating its own tail. Chris actually faces a snake, and ends up repeating the history of losing all his men again like he did with Finn, so he is fighting the symbol of Uroboros, while living the cycle of Uroboros, double entendre there. Very neat.
i've noticed that Leon and Ada both say "Back for More?" and after reading a file on RE6, that Leon and Ada's relationship is "complicated" after relizing this i've "Blown My Own Mind" :eek:
I suppose this is more of a throw back to part one rather than an Easter Egg, but here goes.

On Chris's chapter 2, Finn says "yes sir" in the exact same way as Rebecca on part 1. The way he says it really doesn't fit him, so I would be surprised if it wasn't intentional.

Like this:
at 2:31

Edit: Sorry about the double post before :(
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There's also that music from RE2 they play while Leon and Ada have their last encounter where she is unconscious for a bit after Simmons throws her around. That music is the same one that is played during an RE2 scene, just not sure which one? Don't think it counts as an egg, but it was nostalgic for sure. It was pretty cool.:cool:

Edit - Just in case.
RE 2 - Minute 3:25 -
RE 6 - Minute 1:00
The only one's of these that are 'easter eggs' in the traditional sense are the STAGLA gas station, Leon's rookie cop thing, and the tune being whistled. What 013 said was spot on, easter eggs are deliberate, something out of place put it for a laugh, shout outs to other games/previous games in the same series etc.
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