Shows Resident Evil 0 will be released in a collection with Resident Evil for PS4/Xbox one on 19/01/16.
An extra mode for RE0! It's weird, but it's something!
Very nice. Now I assume this Wesker mode is non-canon right.
The price is $40 by theway.
I will definitely be buying the physical release without a doubt, I just hope it can transfer saves from the digital version of REmake that I already own. Good that they listened to us and made that happen though. I've wanted a new Resident Evil box in my PS4 collection for some time.
What kinda goodies do you think that will that unlock, transferring saved data?I'm sure the saves will transfer, that happens with all my games, so don't worry.
What kinda goodies do you think that will that unlock, transferring saved data?
I think I am mistaken to be honest.I don't think it will unlock anything, just be able to transfer.
Though I might not be understanding you properly. xD
I think I am mistaken to be honest.
In Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeros you can upload save data
In the next game you can Upload the save data for special unlocks.
I was comparing MGS to Resident Evil. so it's my mistake haha.
But I noticed in the PS4 version of Resi Evil there is a Upload option in the menus.
It could just be a saved progress data transer tho. from Ps3 to Ps4 like you say.