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RE2 vs RE3

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
I love them both (Okay, you all know me here. I love all RE games equally.). They both have their own special features. 2 had the different scenarios, characters had special items, there was a bit of zapping, and canonically, five characters you can play as. 3 had one scenario, no zapping (none needed), two characters you can play as (again, canonically), and no special items. But, 3 added the Live Selection, 180 degree turn, and dodging. They both have their advantages.


Kahnum of Outworld
I personally liked 3 better but that could be bias and personal preference talking because I enjoyed the 180 turns and dodging feature. (Jill's also one of my favorites so you can't go wrong there.) I also think that, while they both had their own scares, 3 was scarier. Nemesis is also probably one of the best RE bosses, in my opinion; persistent little bugger.

I do think that RE2 took it to a whole new level though with, not only the different scenarios but the fact that, if you have a save file, your actions in the first scenario effect your second scenario experience.

Really it's all about personal preference.


Super Saiyan Member
I love them both (Okay, you all know me here. I love all RE games equally.). They both have their own special features. 2 had the different scenarios, characters had special items, there was a bit of zapping, and canonically, five characters you can play as. 3 had one scenario, no zapping (none needed), two characters you can play as (again, canonically), and no special items. But, 3 added the Live Selection, 180 degree turn, and dodging. They both have their advantages.
There were actually Special weapons in RE3. To get them you had to play it on hard mode (Or at least medium if my memory serves), and during all the Live Selection events choose the one where you have to FIGHT Nemesis, then you can search his body when you defeat him, yielding the special weapons, or the parts to build special weapons.

As for which one my is my favorite, they're both so different. RE2 is very confined to the Police Station and the Underground, whereas RE3 took the fight to the city itself. Leon and Jill are my two favorite characters, so there is no easy decision there either. All in all, I think when it comes down to which game is SCARIER, I have to pick RE3, but which one has the more compelling story, I go RE2.


Yeah, I'd have to say that 2 has the better story, while 3 has better gameplay features. I like that resident evil 3 has more of that helpless feel to it, and I like the music more as well. Gun powder mixing and ammo was awesome too!
But as far as story-wise, RE2 really delivers a very dramatic story and gets you to feel for the characters far more, which says a lot. But, If RE2 had the 180 turn and dodging, I'd have to say 2 would be better.

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
There were actually Special weapons in RE3. To get them you had to play it on hard mode (Or at least medium if my memory serves), and during all the Live Selection events choose the one where you have to FIGHT Nemesis, then you can search his body when you defeat him, yielding the special weapons, or the parts to build special weapons.

I mean the items in the top corner that come in your inventory and you can't get rid of. In 3 you could get the lighter and lockpick, but they weren't special items like in 1 and 2.


Goddess of the Dead
The first three REs are my favourites, and the order in which I like them corresponds with their numbers, so RE2 wins this round for me. More characters, more story, more scenarios, more extras, more replay value, more everything really. RE3 has a special place in my heart because it's the one that originally got me into the series, the game where I like Jill best, the only one that gives us the ability to not only mix our own medicine, but also ammo, and then there's Nemesis. But all in all, I slightly prefer 2 for the above reasons.

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
For me, I like RE3 more than RE2 and it is mostly due to that I like the setting of RE3 more than RE2 and RE3 had more stuff that I like such as the Reloading Tool and Gunpowder, being able to choose 2 different paths in some cases, and a few other stuff.

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
I love them both (Okay, you all know me here. I love all RE games equally.). They both have their own special features. 2 had the different scenarios, characters had special items, there was a bit of zapping, and canonically, five characters you can play as. 3 had one scenario, no zapping (none needed), two characters you can play as (again, canonically), and no special items. But, 3 added the Live Selection, 180 degree turn, and dodging. They both have their advantages.

Oh, and 3 had the random item placement.


Keyser Söze
Which game do you like more? RE3 was the first RE game I ever played, but I have to go with RE2.
Its a tough call but i would have to go with RE3 because its more fun to re-play even though it has less content than RE2..

as good as RE2 was it didn't really introduce any new gameplay features but RE3 introduced tons of them and is easily the most advanced classic RE game out there and it has more diverse settings than RE2 which consisted of like 70% bat**** crazy mansion like Police station 10% laboratory 10% sewers and 10% of the city in RE3 you actually explore the city instead of being stuck in a place.

these are the gameplay improvements i can recall right now :-
> Enemy randomization everytime you re-enter a room
> Ability to walk freely on stairs
> 180* Turn
> Reloading tool
> Dodging(easily the BEST feature)
> Better puzzles
> Quick Choices&Alternate paths

These minor gameplay features may seem trivial but they really make a big difference once you play RE2&3 back&forth.


Super Saiyan Member
Its a tough call but i would have to go with RE3 because its more fun to re-play even though it has less content than RE2..

as good as RE2 was it didn't really introduce any new gameplay features but RE3 introduced tons of them and is easily the most advanced classic RE game out there and it has more diverse settings than RE2 which consisted of like 70% bat**** crazy mansion like Police station 10% laboratory 10% sewers and 10% of the city in RE3 you actually explore the city instead of being stuck in a place.

these are the gameplay improvements i can recall right now :-
> Enemy randomization everytime you re-enter a room
> Ability to walk freely on stairs
> 180* Turn
> Reloading tool
> Dodging(easily the BEST feature)
> Better puzzles
> Quick Choices&Alternate paths

These minor gameplay features may seem trivial but they really make a big difference once you play RE2&3 back&forth.
To be fair, I'd say that "Better Puzzles" is more of an opinion than a Gameplay improvement...


Keyser Söze
To be fair, I'd say that "Better Puzzles" is more of an opinion than a Gameplay improvement...
that's like saying 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle is just as easy as a 100 piece puzzle most of the puzzles in RE2 are just getting some key items RE 3's randomized music puzzle,water sample puzzle,clock puzzle and that antidote/freezer(?) puzzle was much more challenging than any puzzle in RE2.


Well-Known Member
Its a tough call but i would have to go with RE3 because its more fun to re-play even though it has less content than RE2..

as good as RE2 was it didn't really introduce any new gameplay features but RE3 introduced tons of them and is easily the most advanced classic RE game out there and it has more diverse settings than RE2 which consisted of like 70% bat**** crazy mansion like Police station 10% laboratory 10% sewers and 10% of the city in RE3 you actually explore the city instead of being stuck in a place.

these are the gameplay improvements i can recall right now :-
> Enemy randomization everytime you re-enter a room
> Ability to walk freely on stairs
> 180* Turn
> Reloading tool
> Dodging(easily the BEST feature)
> Better puzzles
> Quick Choices&Alternate paths

These minor gameplay features may seem trivial but they really make a big difference once you play RE2&3 back&forth.

Agreed. However, and just nit-picking here, I would call Outbreak the most advanced classical RE game.


Super Saiyan Member
that's like saying 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle is just as easy as a 100 piece puzzle most of the puzzles in RE2 are just getting some key items RE 3's randomized music puzzle,water sample puzzle,clock puzzle and that antidote/freezer(?) puzzle was much more challenging than any puzzle in RE2.
But you didn't say harder. You said better...Because I enjoy chess, I liked the Chess pieces puzzle in RE2. It could be something a simple as that when people say something is "Better." Now, had you said "More challenging," I definitely couldn't have argued...


Pencil Artist
I preferred re3.
I felt like it was a much bigger and wide spread game than re2.
The persistent enemy really added to it and i think it tied into the first game better (zombie brad, alternate ending with barry, jill)

Also that water cleansing puzzle was so damn hard


Super Saiyan Member
I preferred re3.
I felt like it was a much bigger and wide spread game than re2.
The persistent enemy really added to it and i think it tied into the first game better (zombie brad, alternate ending with barry, jill)

Also that water cleansing puzzle was so damn hard
I have to agree that 3 tied in with RE1 better. Did you know that the only reason Claire was added was to actually tie 2 in to RE1. The developers thought that since no characters had any previous connections to any of the other characters that it didn't feel like the same game at all. So they made Claire instead of whatever her name was, and had her be Chris' sister.
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