OK I've been playing Resident evil 1 Remake Dualshock version for the PSX (Playstation 1) and I've already found and used the mansion key to open all the doors it could and have found 2 emblems so far but all the other rooms that reamin locked need anoter key yet to be found and another need a combination yet to be found as well. by the way I'm dissed that the game forces you to find an antivenom serum only to find that the guy that needed it dies anyway. Can one save that guy or is his death an entrenched part of the game ? if so looking for something one cannot use seems like a waste.
anyhow I need to know where to find that other key otherwise I doubt that I'll find the rest of the emblems needed to open the door outside. I already placed the wind and the sun emblem.
Oh the Youtube Wlakthrougs are from the classic RE1 and not the remake so the maps and settings are different. in RE1 classic Jill goes down to a mausoleum outside. there is no mauseleum in RE1 remake, at least none thst i've seen, also there is like an entrace or door where the first zombie is found in RE1 classic that RE rmeake does not have.
anyhow I need to know where to find that other key otherwise I doubt that I'll find the rest of the emblems needed to open the door outside. I already placed the wind and the sun emblem.
Oh the Youtube Wlakthrougs are from the classic RE1 and not the remake so the maps and settings are different. in RE1 classic Jill goes down to a mausoleum outside. there is no mauseleum in RE1 remake, at least none thst i've seen, also there is like an entrace or door where the first zombie is found in RE1 classic that RE rmeake does not have.