Uncategorised RE: Remake Mode idea

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Jun 30, 2010
Outer Heaven
Imagine a new mode in RE: Remake. Barry and Wesker's Story Mode. You play as Chris or Jill, but what were Barry and Wesker doing during all that time? I wish CAPCOM make it in form of DLC. Even if it costs few dollars, it is worth it.

If you guys like the idea, is there a way to tell CAPCOM?
I'm not sure about that idea...
If Jill is going around solving puzzles and inserting emblems into things, what role is Barry left with in the same mansion, other than killing zombies that Jill doesn't encounter?
And think of all the locked doors that you encounter as Barry. You won't be able to unlock them because its a job assigned to Jill/Chris.
Hey, I like that idea. When playing the game for the first time, it appears Barry is up to something, we find out later Wesker was threating his wife and 2 daughters.

To touch up on your idea, Umbrella Chronicles (Wii, or PSN download) actually has you play as Wesker during the lab explosion. Him escaping and surviving.

It also goes further in Rebecca Chambers and Richard Aiken's story. You play as the both of them and you fight Yawn, the big snake, the snake Richard got poisoned with and you had to get the serum to save him.

To play as Wesker and Barry in original Resi form would be a cool DLC. Anything that goes deeper into storyline and lets us play is definitely worth it.

Well, just in case you or someone else doesn't know about Umbrella Chronicles or even Darkside Chronicles, there super fun games that add a little bit extra of story, especially Feb. 2003, Russia. The end of Umbrella. Its super fun.
And 2002, Leon and Krauser working together in South America. Also, Ada Wong escaping during Resident Evil 2, and Hunk, the 4th survivor campaign. : )
I'm not sure about that idea...
If Jill is going around solving puzzles and inserting emblems into things, what role is Barry left with in the same mansion, other than killing zombies that Jill doesn't encounter?
And think of all the locked doors that you encounter as Barry. You won't be able to unlock them because its a job assigned to Jill/Chris.
I know that Barry is left with not much to do other than killing monsters, so yeah, that's pretty much what he does in the story mode. But who knows? Maybe CAPCOM could use some things written in S.D. Perry's book, like:
Shots echoed through the tunnels. A lot of them.


Barry's head snapped around. He reached for his weapon automatically, the sounds spurring him to action as anger flushed through his system. There could only be one explanation; Wesker had found Jill.

Barry turned and ran, sick at the thought of another S.T.A.R.S. member dead by Wesker's treacherous hand, furious with himself for believing the captain's lies.

The door in front of him slammed open and Barry stopped dead in his tracks, all thoughts of Wesker and Jill and Enrico wiped away by the sight of the crouching thing in front of him. His mind couldn't grasp what he saw, his stunned gaze feeding him bits of information that didn't make sense.

Green skin. Piercing, orange-white eyes. Talons.

It screamed, a horrible, squealing cry and Barry didn't think anymore. He squeezed the trigger and the shriek turned into a bubbling, choking gasp as the heavy round tore into its throat and knocked it down.

The thing flailed its limbs wildly as blood spurted from the smoking hole. Barry heard several sharp cracks like breaking bones, saw more blood pour from its fists as long, thick claws snapped off against rock.

Barry stared in mute astonishment as the creature continued to spasm violently, burbling through the ragged hole in its throat as if still trying to scream.

The shot should have blown its head off its neck, but it was another full minute before it died, its frenzied thrashings gradually weakening as blood continued to pump out at a tremendous rate. Finally, it stopped moving and from the dark, noxious lake it had created, Barry realized that it had bled to death, conscious until the end.

"What did I just kill? What the fu..."

From the tunnel outside, another shrieking howl resounded through the clammy air and was joined by a second, then third. The animal cries rose up, furious and unnatural, the screams of creatures that shouldn't exist.

Barry dug into his hip pack with shaking hands and pulled out more rounds for the Colt, praying to God that he had enough and that those shots he'd heard before hadn't been Jill's last stand.

Hey, I like that idea. When playing the game for the first time, it appears Barry is up to something, we find out later Wesker was threatening his wife and 2 daughters.

To touch up on your idea, Umbrella Chronicles (Wii, or PSN download) actually has you play as Wesker during the lab explosion. Him escaping and surviving.

It also goes further in Rebecca Chambers and Richard Aiken's story. You play as the both of them and you fight Yawn, the big snake, the snake Richard got poisoned with and you had to get the serum to save him.

To play as Wesker and Barry in original Resident Evil form would be a cool DLC. Anything that goes deeper into story-line and lets us play is definitely worth it.

Well, just in case you or someone else doesn't know about Umbrella Chronicles or even Darkside Chronicles, there super fun games that add a little bit extra of story, especially Feb. 2003, Russia. The end of Umbrella. Its super fun.
And 2002, Leon and Krauser working together in South America. Also, Ada Wong escaping during Resident Evil 2, and Hunk, the 4th survivor campaign. : )
I have Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles, but wished they were in fixed cameras on angles like it used to be instead of first person shooter.