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Resident Evil 5 RE 5 for the Wii?


Well-Known Member
RE 5 came out like I guess March of this past year. I figured it was only a matter of time before they ported it to the Wii. But as I was reading about the game on Wikipedia I found this link:


Is it seriously not possible for Capcom to make a port of this for the Wii? I don't mind if I have to wait another year even, over time I can save for a 50 dollar game, but having to buy a 300 something dollar system and then the game on top of that is kind of out of the question.

Just wanted to know what you guys think about it.

I'll be seriously sadpanda if there is never ever ever a Wii release for this game...


Well-Known Member
Definitely, and the comments on that link are worth a read by the way, forgot to mention that. I giggle when I see people say that the Wii is only for casual gamers. It needs RE 5, and I'll expect them to release RE 6 on it too. I mean afterall, it goes without saying that the Wii version of RE 4 was superior to all the other versions. I like saying it anyway. :)


Well-Known Member
Masachika Kawata said:
“We can do more complex stuff with AI; the concern I had in the very beginning is that sometimes an AI partner can become very frustrating. Now she handles fine and you can play through the game without her becoming a frustration.“

This quote from the article I have to disagree with. I can't express how frustrating it was to have Sheva repeatedly shooting me in the back everytime I was trying to target an enemy in front of me. Sheva made the game way too easy anyways.


Well-Known Member
i dont see why the ppl at capcome would wanna go through all the trouble of recreating and redisigning the whole game so its graphics and whatnot would be suitable for the wii.

v iBaxter

New Member
its not gunna come out for the wii they said the wii cant even hold together the main menu u need a next gen console to play it.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
nintendo wii doesn't deserve re5.
and when re5 was released, a statement came out from capcom saying it wouldn't be ported.


Well-Known Member
We Are Ninja;62561 said:
I would think the control scheme would be too complicated and awkward for the Wii-mote and nunchuk...

How are the controls any different from RE Zero? That plays fine on the Wii. And also there's other remotes besides the Wiimote and Nunchuk, I use the classic controller whenever given the opportunity, and I'm pretty sure it has just as many buttuns as the Xbox controller.


Well-Known Member
I have always thought in a way that a downgraded (graphic wise) version would appear this year but there has been really no offical comment on it but has a xbox 360 owner wii fans have enough resident evil games you lucky sods we only have one lol.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
it would be a shame if a game as good as re5 was to land on the wii.
since it doesn't require a fitness mat or whatever the f**k that crap is, nintendo should stick to mario and getting fat players healthy with the ever so "popular" wii fit.

We Are Ninja

Well-Known Member
StarsiderdotSajun;62562 said:
How are the controls any different from RE Zero? That plays fine on the Wii. And also there's other remotes besides the Wiimote and Nunchuk, I use the classic controller whenever given the opportunity, and I'm pretty sure it has just as many buttuns as the Xbox controller.

I never played RE Zero and I don't own a Wii, but I'm not a fan of motion controls and it seems there would be a button deficiency...


Well-Known Member
What is with the hate on the Wii? I have 0-4 and Veronica X for GCN. It would be so much more convenient to just have one system for all of the RE games.

However, good thing my roommate has PS3 so I picked up a copy of RE5 anyways.


Well-Known Member
The Wii has things the PS3/360 don't get, so it's kind of a fair trade off. Capcom is being smart about this from a sales standpoint.

T-Vaccinated Kid

Neo-Umbrella Head Zoologist
Its not just the graphics that are too much for the Wii to handle. Its also the number of enemies on screen. The Wii just doesn't have enough power. They would have to completely remake the game for the Wii.


RE5 looks like crap on my PC, and it basicly looks like early PS2 Models with no fingers, no shine and crappy textures, much like Tomb Raider Underworld on PS2 and Wii
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