Resident Evil 2 (2019) RE 2 Weapons

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I'll try to sum up my impressions according to what has been already said.

I found the MQ11 useful, especially for the Ivys. You shower them with it, this way it's very fast to bring them down by hitting many bulbs. And then, as some said, one use the flamethrower or fire grenade launcher. In the normal mode with Claire, I even used exclusively the MQ11 for this purpose.

Otherwise I love handguns. This is what I regulary use throughout the whole game when dealing with zombies. I keep with me the shotgun or grenade launcher just in case of emergency. I reserve those weapons, and also the magnum for bosses only.

I agree about the sparkshot, I used it on one zombie to try it (looks like you're tasing someone :biggrin: ) but never used it again, not even for any boss. Oh wait, yes, I tried it on the G virus on the final sewers plateform and failed dramatically, like Rain611.
Morover, it's visually ugly, it looks like a crane arm, with an old supermarket checkout screen on it. :geek:
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Y'all are really sleeping on the Sparkshot. Watch some speed runs of the game. The Sparkshot is the weapon they will use to take out bosses like 7 out of 10 times. The trick is to continually increase the damage while moving away from the opponent. This trick is especially useful against Birkin's 3rd form when the eyes pop out.
My thoughts on the weapons.

Matilda, Kendo custom Samarai edge, M19, SLS60, Quickdraw Army, JMP HP3 - These weapons are seem to do the same damage, same rate of fire minus the quickdraw which is still balanced because of slow reload... This would be a 6 way tie to me.

Yes the 0.45 and 9mm in this game seem to be on par for damage. Notice you dont see 9mm in B scenario unless you make it. This is a difficulty designed into B scenario to give the player an additional struggle.

Matilda with all upgrades - waste of space. better to use matilda with extended mag and compensator, no to the 3 round burst stock plz.

JMP HP3 with extended mag - great side arm for Claire. I always use this over the SLS since the reload is quicker and I prefer less reloading. Damage is the same.

Shotgun vs grenade launcher - I would prefer shotgun over almost every other weapon in the game. In its base form, the W-870 kinda sucks when you miss a 1 hit headshot but you can instakill all "sleeping" zombies which is wonderful when you have to run from X later in the station. W-870 is really worth taking two slots for the full upgrades. The trade off is, its terrible at killing lickers. The Grenade launcher on the other hand is wonderful for killing lickers with flame rounds. Most of Claires scenario, I would save as many flame rounds as possible as it seems to deal more damage in a short period of time. You could perma kill plants (2 shots) and lickers (1 shot). The acid rounds on the other hand are extremely lackluster. I still havent figured out the strength to using acid rounds. It made be better for boss fights, Damage over time is extended and you can easily switch between weapons to deal additional damage while DoT is ongoing. Both flame and acid rounds are terrible vs zombies.

Lightning Hawk vs MX11 - This is a no brainer. Lightning Hawk wins in every category. Damage is high, can 1 shot zombies, 3 for lickers unfortunately (sometimes 4). MX11 is only useful for stunning or de-legging zombies to run by. The real benefit of MX11 is the silencer upgrade allows you to shoot it around lickers and Mr X (next room, havent tested same room yet) without alerting them. The 50 round extended mag for MX11 is useless except for getting some extra ammo. In hardcore, extend mag should be skipped everytime.

Sparkshot vs Flame thrower - This is tough. On one hand I love the range of the flame thrower and that you can kill a whole row of zombies at once, but it doesnt stun enemies so its useless against bosses and stronger enemies unless you previously stun them already. Flame thrower destroys G2 and G3 when they go down on their knees. Sparkshot requires some skill since you can acccidentally fire through your full ammo by accident. When it does work, its great for getting past G adult creatures and eliminating Ivys and lickers. I love using the spark shot on G4 as it does deal damage over time and stuns very well. I would place sparkshot and Flame thrower as a tie.

Minigun vs Anti-tank rocket launcher/ATM-4 - I would put these both as a tie as well. Love the rocket launcher as its a 1 hit kill weapon for almost everything. Minigun is a blast to use as well. Theres really no need to compare these as you dont see them all game until the last minute or so. The infinite weapons are fun but I cant judge them.

Side-Character specific weapons :
Ada and Hunk handguns. The MUP and whatever Adas is called are tied with previous mentioned side arms. same damage, same fire rate, same reload speed. Hunks has more ammo per magazine but that doesnt matter much.

Hunks MP5: As much as I like using it, its the same as the MX11 but with no upgrades. Nice that it has 32 rounds instead of 24 but rate of fire and damage is about the same as MX11. The reload speed seemed slower too.

Final Verdict: Out of all the weapons in the game for use and versatility. I perfer the fully upgraded shotgun. You get gobs of ammo for it, 1 hit zombies and dogs, decent damage against boss fights, you may not be able to kill an Ivy but you sure cant miss a bulb blasting him in the chest real quick.
Flamethrower beats sparkshot for me purely down to the fuel you get, plus flamethrower is like fire and forget, torch something, move onto the next while its burning, sparkshot you need to hold eye contact with the enemy just that little bit longer, fine in boss battles but when its two lickers in the nest you cant focus on one for 5 seconds
Yes, in 2nd scenarios getting ammo is much harder. I can see it now, I am about to go back to the RPD basement to get out of the parking, with Leon and I have not any single handgun bullet left, I have about 15 in the shotgun, and 8 in the magnum. Is it normal, or am I wasting to much ammo throughout the game ? :neutral:
Yes, in 2nd scenarios getting ammo is much harder. I can see it now, I am about to go back to the RPD basement to get out of the parking, with Leon and I have not any single handgun bullet left, I have about 15 in the shotgun, and 8 in the magnum. Is it normal, or am I wasting to much ammo throughout the game ? :neutral:
Depends, what difficulty are you playing? In hardcore many of your ammo drops, herbs and defensive items are replaced by ink ribbons. If you're playing on standard, however, you could be wasting.

Are you killing everything?

Are you missing shots?

Are you picking up and mixing your gunpowder?

Are you taking unnecessary shots at Mr. X?

These are questions to ask yourself. There will never be enough ammo, even with gunpowder, to kill everything - unless you're using an unlimited ammo weapon - so don't try to. Take out a leg, or two, and keep it moving; just watch the floor next time you come thru. And don't go busting off shots with the shotgun either; wait till a zombie is close and take off his head.
I actually did manage to kill everything on my first playthrough, but that was on Easy, and I knew beforehand not to waste ammo on Mister X. Now, on Hardcore, I would have been out of ammo several times if not for my infinite weapons...
The game actually progressively gets easier as you go. The RPD is the hardest section of the game due to the increased amount of enemies. The sewers have a middle difficulty level due to having to dodge the G-spawns repeatedly. At least, that is the way I do it. And the NEST is by far the easiest section of the game, but mostly because it is setting you up for the final confrontations.

I think you are at a normal pace right now. I wouldn't worry too much. Try to run away from some enemies in the future especially in RPD areas you know you don't have to come back to.
Serisouly we need a Bolt Action rifle for this game
Hmm. While it would be pretty cool to pick enemies off from down a corridor or in the sewer, I don't know if the rifle really has so much of a place in the game. The corridors are pretty narrow a lot of the time, making it a straight easy shot, and there's not often enough distance involved anywhere to justify a rifle, in my opinion. But that's just what I think.
I agree with Jen. The maps in this game are made for lots of corners and being able to hear enemies without seeing them. A Bolt Action wouldn't work super well in close quarters. But definitely far from useless. haha

And in regards to the Sparkshot VS Flamethrower debate. I'll put it like this:

For groups of enemies: Flamethrower > Sparkshot
For bosses and large enemies: Sparkshot >Flamethrower
By the way, why is the Minigun called a Minigun? It's not exactly "mini", is it? I mean, just imagine a conversation like this...

Leon: "Hey Claire, wanna see my Magnum?" *points at his crotch*
Claire: "Yeeeaaah!"
Leon: "Actually, it's not just a Magnum, it's really a machine gun!" *opens his pants*
Claire: "OH MY GOOOOD!"
Leon: "I know, right?"
Claire: "That's not a machine gun, it's a full-blown MINIGUN!"
Leon: "Ha ha, yeah! ... Um... Wait, what??"

Doesn't sound so great now, does it?
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I found the flame thrower much more useful in boss fights. In fact, after playing Hardcore and getting a lot better at item management, I pretty much just use the pistol and knife most times. I will use the shotgun after I get to the lab to save time on the run generally.

Hardcore is a good mode to learn how to dodge and what you can get away with not killing.

Of course if I want to have fun I will use the LE-5 and infinite knife, but in either case whether I'm using infinite ammo or not, I never use the flamethrower until boss fights as I just run around the ivy zombies or save my sub weapons and I walk past lickers.

As for the spark shot, I only really use it to kill the G adults in the sewer and then I put it away.
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I feel like I'm the only one who hardly ever used the flamethrower. To be honest, I was quite scared to use it on Mr. X on the elevator seeing as how that explosion and fire were part of the reason he was all like "crazy arm." For all I knew both arms could've went crazy if I'd set him on fire. I really think I only used it for the ivy and that was it.
I was the same as you, Magnolia. I saved the flamethrower for the Ivy and used the other weapons for the bosses. But I did experiment on my most recent playthough and I have to admit, using the flamethrower more has definitely given me an advantage with certain bosses, like G3, which I didn't expect.
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