Ok, i was thinking about this this morning:
I think we can all pretty much agree that 1-3 were absolutely amazing (they pretty much defined my childhood!) BUT around the time CV and subsequent titles came out they started being criticized for being "more of the same" without introducing anything new. i ran across an IGN review of CV for ps2 that gave it a 6.5! the main contention being that the gameplay was dated. Outbreak seemed to recieve mediocre reviews as well and pre-resident evil 4 the series seemed to be in danger of dying. It seems to me like capcom was trying to do whatever they could to breathe life back into RE, and after trying everything they could with the current gameplay (i.e. online play, dual wielding etc.) they took a more action oriented approach, which seemed to have worked.
now on the other hand, there's been alot of criticism of 4 and 5 for getting away from the roots of the series and not being truly survival horror in favor of a more action oriented style.
heres my question (finally)- if the mainstream seems to be bored with "dated" gameplay and the diehards (us) want the series to go more back to its roots whats the happy medium?
I think we can all pretty much agree that 1-3 were absolutely amazing (they pretty much defined my childhood!) BUT around the time CV and subsequent titles came out they started being criticized for being "more of the same" without introducing anything new. i ran across an IGN review of CV for ps2 that gave it a 6.5! the main contention being that the gameplay was dated. Outbreak seemed to recieve mediocre reviews as well and pre-resident evil 4 the series seemed to be in danger of dying. It seems to me like capcom was trying to do whatever they could to breathe life back into RE, and after trying everything they could with the current gameplay (i.e. online play, dual wielding etc.) they took a more action oriented approach, which seemed to have worked.
now on the other hand, there's been alot of criticism of 4 and 5 for getting away from the roots of the series and not being truly survival horror in favor of a more action oriented style.
heres my question (finally)- if the mainstream seems to be bored with "dated" gameplay and the diehards (us) want the series to go more back to its roots whats the happy medium?