RE5, you make a good point. For anyone who wants to know a way for the AI to be more helpful, let it carry health items these are livesavers. Especially if your health stuff isn't on a cardinal position on your grid. In addition, the AI's aim is amazing. Yet when we look at it the AI just sticks to the damn pistol. What do you do? Give it the HK machine gun and the first rifle you find. Sounds ludicrous, but if you upgrade these weapons with your own and let the AI use them, or even something better, it WILL NOT let you down ...too much. Also, if you aim at something in the distance long enough, like the speakerphone Majini in Public Assembly from the shanty house the AI will automatically switch to rifle or other accurate guns and shoot it, often with a headshot. The AI always uses the gun with the least firepower as its primary weapon. So...
Machine gun
I don't know where magnums and shotguns rank because I don't use magnums and I keep the shotgun to myself, but the magnum is most-likely last and the shotgun probably ranks above machine gun. The special weapons like the longbow and gatling gun are dead last for obvious reasons.
(Back on topic)
Yep, Pro is pretty badass. Much more enjoyable, just cheap every now and then with the random ridiculous deaths that shouldn't happen.
Ex. A Bottle strike killing you and a partner in one shot without even going critical.