Everyone has opinions on Resident Evil characters/games/events.
What opinions did you used to hold that have changed over the years, either just due to age/perception or during the course of the remakes?
Two of my biggest changed opinions revolve around Sheva and Ada. I really didn't like either character but my view of each has definitely changed over the years.
In the beginning, I was very upset that Sheva took a place I believe belonged to Jill. I also saw her as a last minute token to qualm racist claims against the initial RE5 trailer. Her character didn't seem well planned, especially in comparison to other, minor characters like Josh and even Doug.
While I still feel that she wasn't well planned and that parts of her character suffered because of this, and that she shouldn't have been included in the last battle - Desperate Escape should've been a Josh/Sheva teamup and Jill should've finished Wesker with Chris - I don't hold her character accountable for Capcom's actions. I've come to appreciate her and even like her, despite some of her more cringey moments. Her character has merit and potential and it's sad that was wasted.
My feelings for Ada have never been favorable. I always viewed her as a small, weak link that was a poor attempt to tie Leon to the events of the first game. Despite the strength and independence of her character, her existence is very much tied to Leon, which seems uncharacteristic in comparison to how she is portrayed.
A part of me has also unjustly blamed her for blemishes in Leon's character. His naivety, obsession and dependence on her. I now understand that these are flaws in Leon's character and Ada shouldn't be held accountable for that.
Essentially, much like Sheva, I don't blame Ada for the poor choices that Capcom has made regarding her creation, character and inclusion in the timeline. I still find her self-narration in RE6 largely annoying but I really loved Carla and her story and I think this was my first inclination that Ada wasn't that bad on her own. RE2R really furthered my acceptance of her and I think that's partly due Jolene Anderson's amazing performance. I'm still really enjoying her character in RE4R, however I find her VA really distracting. Every time she opens her mouth, I expect Jolene Anderson's voice and when it not only doesn't come out, but the voice that does is so disappointingly bland and not Ada-like, I'm taken out of the moment by the thought that Capcom really screwed the pooch with that decision.
I also find that my opinion on Chris has changed over the years. RE1 Chris isn't bad... But he isn't great either and I think Chris's portions of CVX are overshadowed by Claire's. Claire is just so tied to the events of that game whereas Chris sometimes seems out of place until Wesker shows up. (And even then, Wesker is there for Alexia not Chris.)
In RE5 I feel like the Chris/Wesker rivalry went off rails. I understand that Wesker betrayed them and largely caused the death of their teammates but to make Chris and Wesker mortal enemies when that honestly wasn't the vibe, in my opinion, up to that point was an odd choice. Chris wanted to stop him, but much in the same way that Jill and Barry wanted to stop him. Where did the vendetta come from? The original manual for RE1 didn't indicate that they were super close so I was a little confused by how personally Chris later took the betrayal. (Of course it made a little more sense after what happened to Jill, but even before that the rivalry was there when I don't feel like it was in CVX.)
My opinion on Chris in RE6 is much the same as it used to be, I still sympathize with his character and what all he's been through, and he has to deal with that in addition to Piers' idolizing, hero worshipping guilt trips. I feel like Chris's character needs a reboot or a break, which I guess he's kind of getting with the new direction of the series, but then there's still the DLCs.
And finally Leon. RE2R made me tolerate his character to a certain point. I really enjoyed the focus on him trying to help people. I still really hate the obsessive parts with Ada but I think they did a really good job fleshing out Leon's thoughts and how the events of the game affected him on a personal level.
But I also feel like RE4R went right back to why I dislike Leon so that's sort of a mixed bag for me.
Anyway, those are some of my opinionated U-Turns and I'm interested to hear what everyone else has changed their mind on and what kind of led them to their new conclusions.
What opinions did you used to hold that have changed over the years, either just due to age/perception or during the course of the remakes?
Two of my biggest changed opinions revolve around Sheva and Ada. I really didn't like either character but my view of each has definitely changed over the years.
In the beginning, I was very upset that Sheva took a place I believe belonged to Jill. I also saw her as a last minute token to qualm racist claims against the initial RE5 trailer. Her character didn't seem well planned, especially in comparison to other, minor characters like Josh and even Doug.
While I still feel that she wasn't well planned and that parts of her character suffered because of this, and that she shouldn't have been included in the last battle - Desperate Escape should've been a Josh/Sheva teamup and Jill should've finished Wesker with Chris - I don't hold her character accountable for Capcom's actions. I've come to appreciate her and even like her, despite some of her more cringey moments. Her character has merit and potential and it's sad that was wasted.
My feelings for Ada have never been favorable. I always viewed her as a small, weak link that was a poor attempt to tie Leon to the events of the first game. Despite the strength and independence of her character, her existence is very much tied to Leon, which seems uncharacteristic in comparison to how she is portrayed.
A part of me has also unjustly blamed her for blemishes in Leon's character. His naivety, obsession and dependence on her. I now understand that these are flaws in Leon's character and Ada shouldn't be held accountable for that.
Essentially, much like Sheva, I don't blame Ada for the poor choices that Capcom has made regarding her creation, character and inclusion in the timeline. I still find her self-narration in RE6 largely annoying but I really loved Carla and her story and I think this was my first inclination that Ada wasn't that bad on her own. RE2R really furthered my acceptance of her and I think that's partly due Jolene Anderson's amazing performance. I'm still really enjoying her character in RE4R, however I find her VA really distracting. Every time she opens her mouth, I expect Jolene Anderson's voice and when it not only doesn't come out, but the voice that does is so disappointingly bland and not Ada-like, I'm taken out of the moment by the thought that Capcom really screwed the pooch with that decision.
I also find that my opinion on Chris has changed over the years. RE1 Chris isn't bad... But he isn't great either and I think Chris's portions of CVX are overshadowed by Claire's. Claire is just so tied to the events of that game whereas Chris sometimes seems out of place until Wesker shows up. (And even then, Wesker is there for Alexia not Chris.)
In RE5 I feel like the Chris/Wesker rivalry went off rails. I understand that Wesker betrayed them and largely caused the death of their teammates but to make Chris and Wesker mortal enemies when that honestly wasn't the vibe, in my opinion, up to that point was an odd choice. Chris wanted to stop him, but much in the same way that Jill and Barry wanted to stop him. Where did the vendetta come from? The original manual for RE1 didn't indicate that they were super close so I was a little confused by how personally Chris later took the betrayal. (Of course it made a little more sense after what happened to Jill, but even before that the rivalry was there when I don't feel like it was in CVX.)
My opinion on Chris in RE6 is much the same as it used to be, I still sympathize with his character and what all he's been through, and he has to deal with that in addition to Piers' idolizing, hero worshipping guilt trips. I feel like Chris's character needs a reboot or a break, which I guess he's kind of getting with the new direction of the series, but then there's still the DLCs.
And finally Leon. RE2R made me tolerate his character to a certain point. I really enjoyed the focus on him trying to help people. I still really hate the obsessive parts with Ada but I think they did a really good job fleshing out Leon's thoughts and how the events of the game affected him on a personal level.
But I also feel like RE4R went right back to why I dislike Leon so that's sort of a mixed bag for me.
Anyway, those are some of my opinionated U-Turns and I'm interested to hear what everyone else has changed their mind on and what kind of led them to their new conclusions.