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Resident Evil 5 OMG...

v iBaxter

New Member
Never...in my life have i ever...jumped at a game so much that my hands shook and shouted "S***" in my life as i did in lost in nightmares.
just wow this beats the scares of the original, number 3 and 4. The epicness of the scare is something i wish to relive as it was so scary and funny. i was playing with a freind over LIVE and in all honestly we never had a scare in all our lives and are still laughing about it. some suprises will come if playing a differnt difficulty. just wow.
seriously worth the money i will rate it 9/10 now instead of 8/10 just for those few scares. and my appreciantion for capcom has greatly increased i thought i couldnt get scared because of the camera but oh HOW I WAS WRONG ! if resi 6 is anything like the LIN scares it will be completley awesome!


Well-Known Member
I jumped a whole bunch of times. I defiently found it the scariest of all the Resident Evil games. Well, apart from one part in 4, and that was the regenerators.

We Are Ninja

Well-Known Member
EDIT: My mistake, I played it on Veteran.

The corridor was a nice touch, but other than that, I had a decent loadout; I marched around the mansion ready to headshot anything that moved (though nothing did). And the eventual baddies were too slow and plodding; as long as you could navigate the areas, you could put as much distance between yourself and them as you wanted.

v iBaxter

New Member
yeahs but thats what gives it those jumps thinking theres nothing and turn around to see a huge monster behind u is priceless id dont want to say anything i case some havnt played it yet and i dont know how to use the spoiler tag.


Well-Known Member
Well i agree on the harder modes it is creepy and jumpy in parts but i dont think anything will come close to the resident evil remake on game cube for me its the scariest game ive played.


Well-Known Member
I loved LIN it's amazing, I recall jumping pretty bad when I was playing the game on Veteran. WeAreNinja you should play the game on Veteran or Pro, it make's the game alot scarier.

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
I can't believe that I am going to say this, but it actually did scare me.

It didn't get to the scream scare, but the kinda of scare that would make me jump or be startled when catched off guard. The Guardians of Insanity wheren't scary, but when ever they attack when you are cought off guard not knowing that they are there next to you then they actually do kinda of scare me.

However scaring me in just 1 little scenario in a game by startling me dosen't mean that I can still trust CAPCOM when they say that they are going to have horror in a game.

v iBaxter

New Member
well i was playing it at 1.00AM with a freind but some things come out when you dont expect it and it should scare you !


Well-Known Member
Just started playing and I'm super impressed so far. Yes it has made me jump in a couple of paces (much to the amusement of the wife!!!!) I like the nostalgia of the whole affair!

v iBaxter

New Member
Feng-Hi;65917 said:
Just started playing and I'm super impressed so far. Yes it has made me jump in a couple of paces (much to the amusement of the wife!!!!) I like the nostalgia of the whole affair!

haha good to hear !! god capcom they have done a brilliant job with it ! if it keeps going like this i will love it !:lol:

T-Virus Injected

Well-Known Member
I played through it a few times already. I can say the only real scary part(s) could be:

1. Falling body on the steps in the beginning.
2. The bats breaking through the window thinking it's gonna be a Cerberus.
3. In the cells when the two bodies laying on the ground jump up and grab you.
4. Same thing with the bodies except in the water after you lose all your gear.

v iBaxter

New Member
i tried not to say anything but when u play it on veteran unexpected things will come. so Stay Frosty...lol

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
I just got down with Lost in Nightmares today on Professional and it scared me more than what all the other difficulties. I think that the scariest part has to be in the sewers as they are 3 guardians of insanity walking around and the protogenitor zombies like to pop out and grab you right out of the water.

I don't think that I will ever go through it ever again on Professional mode, it is to hard. It is not because it was scary in the sewers, but it was way to hard. If you are grabbed then you only have 5 seconds for your partner to come or you will be impaled by a the Gurdian.

v iBaxter

New Member
did u find the bit in the mansion after the piano scary it did my freind and i thought he was joking when he said behind you !

T-Virus Injected

Well-Known Member
Right after I save Chris from the trap and I go to open the door to meet back up with him and....Wham! No time to react just watch myself die.
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