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Operation Raccoon City No way in hell!!! >:(


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
After watching some playthroughs of ORC and such I thought I would give it a shot, but then I saw the NZ price for it and I have vowed to never ever buy another Capco...........CRAPCOM game ever again, not even RE6.

This is how I feel>>>>>>

Look at this rip off: http://www.ebgames.co.nz/xbox360-15...eration-Raccoon-City-Special-Edition-Xbox-360


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
Its costs around $60 for the normal version in the USD and that in NZD is around $70, there is "NO WAY IN HELL" I am going to spend another 60 bucks for a few cards and DLC weapons :mad:


sometimes dead is betta ..(Jud Crandall)
i only paid 69 dollars and tax for collectors edition, but then again i preorderd, im a fan, and i live in the united states..


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
You could just wait for the price to come down or get the regular edition.

Thats what I said I would do a lil while ago, but with Capcoms games I'd say it will take till RE6's release to get a price drop. Plus that version I linked is the only one my store has


Ugh ORC (imo) sucks so terribly and is one of the worst games in the series. Idk why you would you even spend 60$ on it.
It took me about two weeks but I got all gamer score and got max rank. The second I got that last acheivment, i took it out and havent played it since. Ive been doing RE5 versus which is depressingly better than the entire ORC game. ( I will get back on it for Spec Ops DLC though :p)


Umbrella Security Service operative
my god, if you dont like it dont buy it, end of it sorry i dont want to start a flame war or trolling, just tired of everyone that says "OMG!!! REORC SUCKS!!" i know you are all giving your opinions but enough allready, simple, dont like it? dont buy it, dont like the price? then save for another game you like. I know its not the classic RE everybody loves but damn i mean.. do everyone that didnt liked the game need to talk so freaking bad about the game?, i didnt like dino crisis 3 and im not like omg the sucks b**** its a lot of cr****..... if you didnt liked it and played once and never again, sell it, buy something else, end of the problem!
again, i dont want to offend anyone, this will be the last time i see and repply to a thread like this.
VeCtOr out


Well-Known Member
I love it when people say its the worst game in the whole entire Resident Evil Series! Obviously you don't appreciate being able to move while gunning? The game was designed to bring the series up to par with other 3rd person shooters! With huge sale numbers on the likes of Call of Duty and Battlefield, Capcom had to make a choice! Either fade out the series as the next gen of kids wouldn't even think to touch Resident Evil, or join in the battle of what people are wanting to play now a days and I'm sorry but that is action shooters! Simply what Resident Evil Orc has provided in order to gain a new generation of players so that it further populates the release of Resident Evil 6 sale figures! I really don't see why other people can't see this point!!!!!


The Survivor
I have to agree with VectOr and Midgie. I can understand your frustration about the price, but people that bash RE:ORC so mercilessly are really starting to get on my nerves. I'm beginning to think they didn't even buy it to see for themselves, just watched a couple of videos, read the "OMGZ IT SACKZZ" comments and were quick to judge and reproduce them.

I don't like Capcom, they're just a game company for me and nothing more, nothing less. I respect EA for giving me constant gems like Dead Space, Mass Effect, Shadows of the Damned and more like them, but I generally don't like Capcom's approach to its very audience. But, I understand why they had to release Revelations, a mixture of old and new RE games, and ORC, a Western-developed pure shooter in the RE universe. No one wonders why both were released prior to RE6, but in the same year? They tried to bring together the old fans with Revelations, and attract younger fans with ORC, merging them into one fanbase that will buy the upcoming RE6. They're building up hype for RE6, and are trying to maximize the numbers of people buying it, something completely logical. They even were clever enough to add a RE6 demo code to Dragon's Dogma's copies (I'm getting it regardless), to attract even more people who are completely irrelevant with the RE franchise.

Now, people argue ORC is a terrible piece of crap that doesn't even function. Is it? I find people have selective memory. Does anyone remember BF3's launch? Or Black Ops' launch? Or even how Gears 2's online is, even years after its release? Hell, does anybody remember Skyrim, the game I bought on 11-11-11 on my PS3 and finally got in working condition on the 9th of February? I assume not, why would they? These are AAA, blockbuster games, so their flaws are automatically crossed out and they're only remembered for their "innovations" or "mind-blowing gameplay", which was buggier than a forest most of the time. Of course I'm not comparing ORC's production values to these previous mentions, and no one, safe of mind, would. But taking this in account, I can say ORC is, technically, even better than those titles. Given the considerably smaller budget and studio's inexperience, I can say ORC is more of an achievement than Skyrim or Gears 2-3. I got it on launch day, and had zero matchmaking problems, zero match problems (i.e., spots not filling after someone leaving), zero hangups (except for ONE freeze), zero lag problems. Being a multiplayer-centric game, these are what should bother people the most. What did I have with that "amazing singleplayer experience", Skyrim? An unplayable dust monger for 3 months. What do I still have with Gears 2 and 3? Crap matchmaking, incompetent or marksman (nothing in between, ever) bot AI, because the game fails to fill the empty spots, and constant lag although I was promised to play on "dedicated servers". What do I have with BF3? Although I love it, lag and overall gameplay bugs, that affect the experience, are still present.

To sum it up, I hate people that have grown too attached to their precious franchise, so much that they're afraid to point out their huge flaws, and are very quick to bash on something new, from a small, inexperienced studio. You're cutting off Slant Six's wings, and support bug-ridden, unplayable, unfinished messes like Skyrim and outright lies from the developers of it. At least Slant Six didn't come out and tell me I'm not playing the game "as intended", and that "only 1% of the people experience these problems". I don't give a flying ****, I paid the same money as the other 99%, and I demand that it's in the same condition. Slant Six is quietly working on the bugs, I'm sure of it, no one who has a chance at something that will boost their rep would drop the chance and stop working on it. If they're not, you have my word, I'll come back and retract all I said about them and label them "incompetent", just as Bethesda is for me right now.


Well-Known Member
Well said, Spoken like a true gamer! Everyone is far far too quick to jump on the band wagon and start hating on a game even without trying it! My friends sent me messages through psn when they seen me playing Orc and first thing they said was 4 out of 10 by IGN!!!! I told them to play the game and once they did they are on nearly everyday! A game is only good as to what you make out of it! As Vector said! No one is forcing you to buy the game! If you don't like then don't buy and keep your mouth shut because you can't contribute to a game you haven't tried. As for the ones who bash compairing to previous Resident Evils? Eh hello those were for Ps1 - Great for their time but we are in 2012 now! Enjoy killing zombies until November!


The White Wolf
:Haters gonna hate but re orc is probally the funnest exp :ive had :in a long time. Before i bought it i hadnt played my ps3 in months i was on the verge of sellin it but i thought id give it one last shot with this game. I thought it would end up like a cod game and i would get bored in one week. I was wrong it did the oppisit it got me hooked. For the last year before i played re orc i was nit happy when i played games. Not only that but because of that "trash" you speak of i found this site and i made new friends that share my love for resident evil. A game is not fun by how long it is but by how much fun you had playin with people who love this game too.


Well-Known Member
People don't like this game, so what? Just because someone doesn't like this game doesn't mean they're on a bandwagon or they are too attached to the old games or they're not a true gamer. They all have their own reasons for not liking it and they are entitled to it. If you love the game, enjoy. No one is stopping you from liking it just cause other people don't like it.
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