I don't think RE:Verse is abandoned. I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing that sometime this year along with whatever DLC they've been working on for Village.At this stage it's kind of hard to pinpoint exactly when we'll be getting our next Resident Evil game. Sans 2018 we've been getting one RE game every year since 2015, which is honestly kind of unheard of nowadays.
With RE:Verse seemingly abandoned, Outrage cancelled and the rumored RE4 remake turning out to actually be the VR version, there is nothing new to expect until RE9 which is at least 3-4 years away. In that case we're talking about 2024 at earliest.
EDIT: This was my 1000th post. Cool.
I also don't recall it ever being confirmed that the Resident Evil 4 remake was just the VR version but 2 separate projects. DC Douglas even leaked his supposed involvement with some Wesker concept art recently. Though, I don't know how reliable he is these days. Guy seems like a mess.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure we'll still be seeing Resident Evil 4 remake down the road. Probably next year too if they really are going for yearly releases as we'll more than likely get Revelations 3 this year which was said to have not been the cancelled Outrage all along. That would make RE9, as you said, a potential 2024 release.