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Resident Evil 6 New Mercenaries Gameplay - Leon

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Hi I'm a bit gutted about the whole stamina meter thing but the new mercenaries does look awesome. I liked the whole invincible frames and range of melee moves in RE5. Does anyone know the full mecanics yet such as Context sensitive melee takes one bar of stamina , so after 5 guys in a row will your melee be useless? I know it charges back up but still.
I don't like the melee that can be done at any time but I do know the first one doesn't cost stamina and then the next one does.
Another thing is the menus. I've played the demo a lot and every character seems to have a different hud. I don't know why they have done this but to me it just makes it more confusing. Am I right in thinking you can only press like Left, right , up down, as your quick select as it were. You can swap the down items like the med kit/grenades round as your playing but it seems a bit weirder than the 'box' set up on RE5. Im interested to know other peoples thoughts on whether it will be more awkward .. I dont think we can reload anymore in the menu, unless im mistaken and you can still 'quick' combine ammo?

Also do we know anymore about the perks or weapon options? Really excited just a bit worried mainly about the stamina taking away the special melee moves.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
The stamina system is fine, the huds are all the same just visually different, and the inventory refined. I believe now that inventory reloading doesnt work itll be less abusive. You switch weapons pressing left or right and up or down switches grenades and similar items. Now u can scroll through all of the weapons rather than just 4 by pressing directions as in RE5.

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Thanks Albert- I don't think the visually different huds help things because its confusing. Even the scroll item lists and health bars look different. Of course I will get used to this and it wont be a problem i hope. Just looking for others expert opinions.
I also find it tricky to set up the camera/aim controls effectively! Have they put in aim acceleration? It certainly feels like there is aim acceleration.
but im glad they go a lot more higher (sensitivety) than RE5. Another slight issue the 'sticky' aim (auto aim which slows your aim when hovering over a 'red' target) is really powerful and when trying to aim for a particular zombies head the auto aim drags it away or slows down the movement when aiming in an attempt to auto aim, but can throw my aim off target.l. I hope this is something that can be disabled completely or reduced within the options.? I am passionate about my hate for sticky/auto aim!
I didn't think either the inventory reloads or the stamina free melee were 'abusive' as you say in my opinion more of an advanced tactic it seems they have slightly casualised the mode to me. My point about the inventory been more of a hassle is that in RE5 yes you can only quick select 4 directions but all the other items are Visible and able to select them within like 3 clicks where as in RE6 if you have items in two rows they are less accessible than in an open square by default you are going to be scrolling through 2 lists rather than choosing the item from a 'pool' or square box of items . Again it is going for ease of use rather than power of function !
Also Albert in another thread you told me about the stamina functions. I was wondering if you could inform me anymore about the perk system and how it works. I have heard that points earnt in campaign can transfer over to spend on Mercenaries perks so im planning to save everything to spend on mercenaries when doing the campaigns.
Perks i know about so far are getting more time for a melee or getting extra stamina. Does anyone know the full list of perks or can point me to a link with them?
Can you use more than one perk at once?
Also does anyone know about the weapon set up? Is it like RE5 where everyone has a set layout or is it like RE:Mercenaries (gameboy) where you can change each characters weapons ...? Really would like some additional info if anyones got some thankyou

Leon Alexis

Well-Known Member
Do you really need beautiful music playing the mercenaries? Try this: Duft Punk/TRON:Legancy/Recognizer.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Thanks Albert- I don't think the visually different huds help things because its confusing. Even the scroll item lists and health bars look different. Of course I will get used to this and it wont be a problem i hope. Just looking for others expert opinions.
I also find it tricky to set up the camera/aim controls effectively! Have they put in aim acceleration? It certainly feels like there is aim acceleration.
but im glad they go a lot more higher (sensitivety) than RE5. Another slight issue the 'sticky' aim (auto aim which slows your aim when hovering over a 'red' target) is really powerful and when trying to aim for a particular zombies head the auto aim drags it away or slows down the movement when aiming in an attempt to auto aim, but can throw my aim off target.l. I hope this is something that can be disabled completely or reduced within the options.? I am passionate about my hate for sticky/auto aim!
I didn't think either the inventory reloads or the stamina free melee were 'abusive' as you say in my opinion more of an advanced tactic it seems they have slightly casualised the mode to me. My point about the inventory been more of a hassle is that in RE5 yes you can only quick select 4 directions but all the other items are Visible and able to select them within like 3 clicks where as in RE6 if you have items in two rows they are less accessible than in an open square by default you are going to be scrolling through 2 lists rather than choosing the item from a 'pool' or square box of items . Again it is going for ease of use rather than power of function !
Also Albert in another thread you told me about the stamina functions. I was wondering if you could inform me anymore about the perk system and how it works. I have heard that points earnt in campaign can transfer over to spend on Mercenaries perks so im planning to save everything to spend on mercenaries when doing the campaigns.
Perks i know about so far are getting more time for a melee or getting extra stamina. Does anyone know the full list of perks or can point me to a link with them?
Can you use more than one perk at once?
Also does anyone know about the weapon set up? Is it like RE5 where everyone has a set layout or is it like RE:Mercenaries (gameboy) where you can change each characters weapons ...? Really would like some additional info if anyones got some thankyou

From my experience of playing the demo I can tell theres no real difference between the huds and once u know 1, switching between them was effortless. The different looks of them just help to emphasize the different feels of the campaigns.
As for the aim I am sure the final version will have an option to turn it off. I know it tends to be quite annoying once u get used to a game.
As for the inventory reloading and meleeing - sure they are advanced tactics but still quite abusive.
First of all in RE5 the only way you could top the leaderboards was by meleeing everything and that didnt either require much practice nor skill. Since RE6 is pretty much going into the competitive direction in its mutiplayer modes thanks to the addition of the REnet service then im sure they didnt want people to be able to get the high scores that easily and only in the 1 way.
As for the inventory reload, thanks to it the upgrades for reload speed were virtually useless in RE5 and im sure they didnt want to make the same mistake in RE6. Here you will have to use a skill if you want to get faster reloads, if we still had the inventory reload this skill would have been pointless and no competitive player would ever use it.
About the inventory weapon switching I have to agree its rather made for ease of use but generally the whole game is made to be as easy to pick up as possible since Capcom wants to attract a lot of new people.

Now speaking of the skill system. I am not sure if you can use the skill points from campaign for skills from Mercenaries or vice versa since Mercenaries has some different skills than the there are present in the campaign mode.
You can configure a maximum of 8 perk sets and change them mid game on the fly. A set in campaign consists of 3 skills but a set in Mercenaries seems to consist only of 1 skill.
You can view a video on campaign skills here and a video on mercs skills here.
Im not sure about the weapon sets either, will you be able to change the sets or even change each weapon indiviually, will have to wait and see.

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Excellent those videos were really good. Im looking forward to it. On the mercenaries skill section I watched it really closely and didn't see a skill to give you more stamina, unless he hasn't unlocked all the available skills yet.
There is increased + melee time, which might be the most relevant to melee or increased melee damage (martial master). There is one called second wind that says increases power when life guage is low but nothing about stamina?Perhaps the last one natural healing (increasing healing) will do stamina faster. Maybe some of the skills in campaign dont show up in Mercenaries. Switching on the fly is going to be technical as well? like switching to that combo one or the one that increases points for the 50 combo once you hit 50..I didn't see in the video say about switching perks on the fly either .Thanks anyway Mercenaries is shaping up to be really interesting


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Excellent those videos were really good. Im looking forward to it. On the mercenaries skill section I watched it really closely and didn't see a skill to give you more stamina, unless he hasn't unlocked all the available skills yet.
There is increased + melee time, which might be the most relevant to melee or increased melee damage (martial master). There is one called second wind that says increases power when life guage is low but nothing about stamina?Perhaps the last one natural healing (increasing healing) will do stamina faster. Maybe some of the skills in campaign dont show up in Mercenaries. Switching on the fly is going to be technical as well? like switching to that combo one or the one that increases points for the 50 combo once you hit 50..I didn't see in the video say about switching perks on the fly either .Thanks anyway Mercenaries is shaping up to be really interesting
Its on the Campaign skill video at 1:15 and yes the skills differ in Mercenaries and Campaign but then again who knows maybe you can unlock more. And to switch the skill sets you have to open a menu.


...and to think RE5 Mercs was amazing, dayyyum. Leon's back, too! This might as well be GOTY for me :D

Anyone want to add me on Xbox? My GT is TomVinPrice and none of my mates like Mercenaries :(

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Hi Tom u can add me my gamertag is same (Wake Up Ne0) I still play RE5 mercenaries/ Reunion with a top score of about 750 000 on Public assembly (the best map).
The one thing im not sure about the perks is switching on the fly just cos with 8 diferent skills constantly changing them to enhance the score will be difficult but i guess it will be a trade off with the time it takes to switch in the menu., Mainly im going to be using the enhance + Time bonus for melee kills or possibly increased melee damage (or increased stamina would be best choice)..
Also looking forward to the characters and what weapons. My faves in RE5 were STARS wesker and Barry., whos your favourites? Cheers guys


Pencil Artist
My gt is

I'm no pro on mercs but I can certainly use a sniper to keep a combo going :D

After a very long wait my Internet has just came back up so I wouldt mind playing to get back into the swing of things
My favs are
Excella <- Shea hilarious
Stars Wesker
Sheva tribal


Sorry for the late reply, but I'll add both you guys ^ Wolfant and Ne0, I enjoy playing Mercs/Reunion, Barry and Josh I love because of melee :D

I hope HUNK is in RE6, only a few weeks away now, can't wait!
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