jill- can pick locks, kills nemesis single handed while wearing a miniskirt, the only one to switch sides at one point
chris- had the most appereances in the series, the one whos killed most of the main villains (alexia,wesker,excella) strong enough to move whole boulders with his fists, probably the longest running original character
Leon- became a goverment overnight, destroyed the los illuminados single handed(could say ada helped i guess)
just looks pretty cool and can survive near enough anythin
claire- always seems to get stuck protectin a kid(sherry and that rani girl from the cg film)
wesker- just being ridiculously cool
ada- to wear leather pants while on a mission and not chafe, show next to no emotion at all ever
sheva- use a first aid spray for a scratch
piers- the only good guy to die (yet)
sherry- can regenerate (supergirl)
rebecca- the only stars member to survive two nights in a row in arklay mountains ( not bad for an 18 year old on her first mission)
billy- seems to just be able to take more damage than any other character
barry- brilliant dialouge