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My Version of Resident Evil Online!

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member

NOTE 2: Actually the camera can be over the shoulder just like in RE 5. First person or third person the controls can be the same. ;)

The majority of gamers usually thinks what different or what more it would like to see in its favorites games. Some gamers go further by creating in their minds a whole new personal game. I am one of them. So, I proudly present you one fantasy beta version of the first MMOFPS with some RPG content Resident Evil Online (REO)!
First of all, I would like to say that the game takes place in Raccoon city just after the outbreak of the virus. Except from the whole city you would also be able to travel to places of the first and the Zero RE(Spencer's Mansion, train), the arkley mountains, sewers, the underground facilities e.t.c All the places that exist in previous RE titles(including the Outbreaks) will also exist in the game unchanged. The rest of the city will be created from zero. As it was said the game camera will be of first person and the number of the players will be massive just like in the MMORPGs. The purpose of REO will be to survive(you can't escape) inside the -full of mutants- city for as longer as possible. When you die you respawn to another place of the city. The cooperation with the other players will be of course a matter of life and death(literally!). For this you will be able to form parties up to five(?) people.
["But dude how can parties improve the cooperation?" you would rightfully ask. Well, communication is an important factor in MMOs. So let's say that you are surrounded by ten zombies. You can't simply type for help while you are aiming, neither you can speak to the microphone in areas where there are LOTS of other players. When you are on a party though the conversation becomes private to that five people and if(say if..) you find a safe area you can chat with the others. Your player can also "say" the basic in-game commands by pressing some buttons just like in Outbreak.]
But because it is somehow dull to wander here and there just to survive(in L4D you at least have a destination) REO adopts an experience system similar(not same) to the ones in the RPGs. As a result whenever (1)you kill a mutant you receive experience points(the stronger the mutant is the more ex.p. you get), (2)you accomplish a class-mission(see below) you get extra ex.p., (3)you die you lose the most ex.p., (4)you kill a team-mate you lose many ex.p, (5)you kill a player that is not in your party you lose ex.p but this want stop you to do so if he has some cool weapons to steal. (6)If another player kills you he instantly gets into your "revenge list" and the next time you meet him he will be marked allowing you to kill him and earn many ex.p. without getting yourself in his revenge list. As you can see the purpose of the exp. system is not to reach a maximum level after awful lot hours of gaming but the quick level-change of your character(either upwards or downwards) between five levels. It is obvious that the higher level you are you get better weapons, more bullets, more items, your aim increases e.t.c. You can also view your experience ranking of the server with the top 100(?) players belonging to the special level S.T.A.R.S (which can have its disadvantages...). Finally, when you do an action that gives you ex.p. the whole party benefits.
Having clarified the issues above, we can move on to other features of the gameplay. The infection rate (known from the Outbreak series) makes its appearance again! It starts from 0% and doesn’t have any increasing tendency. However, when a monster attacks us the percentage increases depending on the number and type of the attack. When it reaches 100% we die and after some time our character becomes a zombie controlled by the AI. To prevent this from happening we can find and use different types of anti-viruses which have different effects like permanent or temporary “freeze” of the percentage, steady decrease of the percentage and total cure from the virus.
There is of course the …traditional way to die from multiple wounds. The well-known (in RE) cardiograph also exists on the bottom left corner of the screen showing you your health status any time(Fine-Caution-Danger-Poisoned-Bleeding). Our allies in this occasion are the first aid kits and the herbs. In case, however, death occurs, you lose all of your acquired weapons and items (not your starting equipment) and re-spawn somewhere else instantly banned from your current party.
One good way to stay alive in REO is to barricade the buildings. How? Let’s say that a five people party arrives at the Raccoon Police Department after a long fight. Then another party comes and another and another e.t.c. When the “residents” of the RPD reach a specific number (50? 100?) the mutants stop spawning from the inside of the building and the players are called to kill the remaining ones. After that is done the building is considered “secured” and it gets attacked only from the outside. During this situation the players receive more ex. points and some bosses(from previous REs) appear… If the players hold on for much time(a day? a Week? a Month?), there will be a final attack whose any defense will be futile so that the players scatter all over the city and search for another refugee. To help the players find each other and form parties there will be flares.
Apart from this there are also other “events” in the game. For example something like the MMORPG raids. There are some places, like Spencer’s Mansion, which are locked to the players. Sometime they get unlocked and when a specific number of players (around 20) of fourth or fifth level reaches the starting area the raid begins and the place re-locks to the other players. At this point the game has a more survival horror approach with less action. The enemies are less but stronger(including bosses) and any player who dies automatically quits the raid. The goal is to reach a certain destination(most of the time -what else- a laboratory..) in order to get many ex.p and special items or weapons. There will also be some basic puzzles in order to halt the advance of the players.
After all this we have managed to reach the classes section! (Until now)There will be three classes in REO with each one having different weapons and class-mission: the RPD forces, the Umbrella Mercenaries and the Umbrella Scientists-Medics (or something like that). Let’s start from the third one which is the most unclear. Imagine it like a mixture of a scientist and an army doctor. It consists of the scientists of Raccoon city whom Umbrella left them die after the outbreak of the virus. Their occupation with the T and G viruses in the facilities has given them the capability -with the right materials- to create useful anti-viruses and thus they benefit from hospitals and laboratories. There more people they heal from the virus the more ex. p. they get (class mission). The Umbrella Mercenaries, on the other hand, are the mercenaries the company hired in order to either retrieve the virus samples from the scientists(violently if necessary) or to “collect live data from the mutants” like Nikolai said. For this, apart from their standard equipment the mercenaries also possess a camera(!) and small bottles to collect DNA samples from the mutants. They can later deposit their findings in some Umbrella machines (look like ATMs) which are scattered all over the city and depending on their ..collection they get the appropriate ex. p. (class mission). The higher level mercenaries might have the capability of air-dropping. Last but not least the RPD forces are the cops of Raccoon city who desperately try bring order to chaos! They receive extra ex. p. whenever they protect a civilian(controlled by the AI) and they bring him to a “secured” building (class mission). They benefit from police departments (access to specific rooms, exclusive weaponry). In some cases the game promotes class wars as well (PvP)…
Now we can say a few things about the enemies. The game includes a large variety of organisms mutated by the T virus! You want zombies? Crimson heads? Hunters? Chimeras? Lickers? Brain suckers? Cerberus? Crows? Plants? Tarantulas? As for the sharks I don’t think so except if there is a flood in Raccoon city! At this point I need to say that the hunters maintain their unique one-hit-KO ability of decapitation and that the tongue of the lickers has been lengthen slightly (similar to the smoker’s! xD) for gameplay purposes. In some occasions, like the hunter invasion or the chimera’s assault, one area will be overwhelmed by a specific type of monster. As it was said above there will be a lot of bosses like Mr.X, the snake, the crocodile, William, the giant worm… and a S.T.A.R.S level player will be in a really bad situation by the time Nemesis is set loose!(with or without his Bazooka!)
Don’t worry though! Because the RE weaponry is here strong, improved and most of all explosive! Apart from the familiar RE weapons(Berreta, colt python, shotgun, grenade launcher, bow gun, rocket launcher, assault rifle, machine gun, flamethrower, mine thrower, spark shot, rocket launcher e.t.c) there are also sniper rifles, SMGs, melee weapons and more! You will either start with your standard class weapons at every re-spawn or you will find some on your way. You will be able two carry up to three weapons at a time (one melee and any other two). The total weight of your weapons will affect your speed. One major problem here are the bullets. How you will be able to find bullets for the two weapons you carry in such a huge city when there are so many weapons. In fact you won’t! There will not be any stand-alone bullets. Each weapon will include a handful amount of bullets and when you run out of ammo you simply search for a new gun!

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Finally I would like to inform you that every player will be able to choose one ability between herb mixing and gunpowder mixing. With the first we are able to create herbs with stronger effects like improved healing, cure from bleeding or poison, temporary protection from the virus e.t.c. On the contrary, with the second one we are able to create ammo for our class weapons. For this reason gunpowder is the only item that we can keep after our death.

Edited: The existence of game masters is necessary. Their job is to maintain the balance between the players and the mutants in the areas of the city. Their skins and names will be taken from the characters of the previous games like Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker e.t.c


Polkka. lol
Agree, this would look like an awesome MMORPG!

Though, I'll gladly disagree on making it FPS. I won't exactly feel RE at FPS. I'll probably feel more pseudo-Counter Strike or L4D for that matter, seeing people just jumping around to dodge enemy attacks/bullets. D:

Also, there's still that case with death and respawn. So, if you get killed you lose all your items? If this was an RPG, and PK is completely enabled, then this factor would certainly drive away players. It's almost like Runescape, yet dying there is more harder, and PK is only available in selected servers. Here, you could die from the virus or just plainly die from the enemies, humans and B.O.W.'s alike.

The idea of barricading is a bit vague to me. I for one, would love to explore the whole city to an extent, and if somehow I'd like to, let's say for example, go visit RPD and somebody is already "occupying" the place since it's secured, then I wouldn't be able to go in. Again, another turn-off for players.

The classes also need more adjustments, and probably additions. The opposition of the Umbrella Mercenaries and Umbrella Scientists will definitely turn-off players wanting to play those classes, eventually leading them to pick what's left - RPD officers.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Thank you both for your good words! For now though i'll have to stick to the L4D mods about RE.

The idea of barricading is a bit vague to me. I for one, would love to explore the whole city to an extent, and if somehow I'd like to, let's say for example, go visit RPD and somebody is already "occupying" the place since it's secured, then I wouldn't be able to go in. Again, another turn-off for players.

I though that barricading buildings is the most natural thing to do. I mean in every zombie movie that's what the characters do! However, like I said, at one point you would be forced to abandon the building allowing you to explore the city till you find your next refuge. Also it's not the necessary thing to do provided that you have other players to help you. Finally, I really can't understand why you wouldn't be able to enter a building which is secured. There isn't a cap at the number of people(only a minimum starting number). You would be able to join them.

As for the rest, we could make the shots totally inaccurate when moving to avoid all this quake-style jumping! Add to this that most RE monsters are melee combatant. In fact you don't need to evade many things. The classes do need additions and adjustments. However i must say that the main enemy would be the mutants and not the other players. Think about it. The scientists are the only ones who can make the antivirus. They are like the RPG clerics. Everybody wants a healer! The reason I talked about rivalry was only to introduce each class and give some info. Also the inventory, in my opinion, would be of FPS style. You don't have room for let's say 5 weapons 50 healing items e.t.c. and thus killing another player wouldn't benefit you much. This whole oposition you mention would only occur in specific events which I have in mind.


Polkka. lol
^Oh, thanks. I thought a player couldn't get in a secured area, mainly because a party would probably want the place all to themselves. =/

Well, the PK would probably be ignored until you see some guy with a tempting event-only weapon... which would eventually lead a player to PK and then PK again, fighting over a single weapon.

Also, sadly, if this was an MMORPG, then it'll probably count more as an FPS MMO. Yeah, you can level, but what would levels be for when you can't even keep your weapons after your death? I really think the goal of an MMORPG is to be stronger, but would this mean this game would lead on strength with knuckles than expertise in guns? Cause it's obvious you'll have to start all over again when you die, though with your level still in tact. x_x

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Also, sadly, if this was an MMORPG, then it'll probably count more as an FPS MMO. Yeah, you can level, but what would levels be for when you can't even keep your weapons after your death? I really think the goal of an MMORPG is to be stronger, but would this mean this game would lead on strength with knuckles than expertise in guns? Cause it's obvious you'll have to start all over again when you die, though with your level still in tact. x_x

Hmm.. I think i didn't make it quite clear. I'll try to clarify this by giving an example. Let's say you are a level three mercenary. You start with a knife, a SIG Pro SP2009 and an assault rifle. Your assault rifle runs out of ammo so you drop it and you find a shotgun. Then you die. At your respawn you have a knife, a SIG Pro SP2009 AND an assault rifle. The shotgun you have found is lost.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member

There would be three different class wars. Umbrella Mercenaries vs Umbrella Scientists, Umbrella Mercenaries vs RPD Forces and Umbrella Scientists vs RPD Forces.

The first one was the easiest to think of so I'll present you this one. It lasts about one(?) day, it's between the scientists and the mercenaries and it takes place at the RE 2 facility. While you are playing you are informed that the class war has started. From this point and until the end of the event if you are a scientist there is a small chance that your next respawn will be at the facility and if you are a mercanary at the sewers. The goal of the mercenaries is to enter the facility, steal a g virus sample(each character can carry one sample at a time), reach the surface and deposit it to the Umbrella machines, while the scientists try to stop them. Mutated Birkin would be wandering to the sewers and the facility attacking anyone who stands on his way(prefferably the mercenaries carrying g-samples). During the event there is no ex.p. penalty whenever a mercenary kills a scientist or vice versa. At the end of the event there would be an ex.p. change to all the characters of these two classes according to how many samples reached the deposit machines.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Marksman;71481 said:
does he meen cavilian cops (regular officers) or trained mercenaries? o.0

Both actually. The raccoon police officers and the mercenaries of Umbrella. It is written, but who has the time to read all this bull****? Hahahaha! :lol:


Chosen Keyblade Wielder
I agree with others here. It sounds like an awesome idea. But there should also be other classes, like the umbrella Mercinaries(IS that what they are?)
Also, it might be better if you could also make it like...whats it called...WoW. (unless thats what you were talking about?)
more of an online adventure through Raccoon city, the mansion, and so on.
(just throwing ideas out)
also possibly have "homes" where you are safe from any enemy attacks(except for the occasional starving zombie)where you could rest, or keep weapons/items you cant hold.

this sounds really awesome, ive been thinking of the same idea for ever. those were just some ideas i thought of when i first thought of the REO idea.


Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Well, it was just a though, nothing more. I've already forgot what it says and that's why I have written it down! :p


The Lousy Architect
Absolutely love the idea, maybe you could add another base character archetype like Factioned Umbrella Corporate Killers... sort of an anti-umbrella union of tactical and strategic personell trying to bring down the regime

i do have one initial question tho about logging in, as an MMORPG i'm sure users wont constantly be logged in, is their a base or some sort of sanctuary to start or are they just thrown into the world of chaos...or is that the barracade you were talking about

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Capcomplicated;76522 said:
i do have one initial question tho about logging in, as an MMORPG i'm sure users wont constantly be logged in, is their a base or some sort of sanctuary to start or are they just thrown into the world of chaos...or is that the barracade you were talking about

First of all it would be a MMO*add genre of RE5 here* :p. Not an RPG!

Secondly.. I have the same question! :lol: The enemies are supposed to always be moving on the map. A builiding can be overran by them any time.. It depends on the players if an area can stay safe or not.

I suppose that when you log in you'll be placed in an area where there aren't any enemies since the whole map won't be full of them!


The Lousy Architect
Fallen91;76543 said:
First of all it would be a MMO*add genre of RE5 here* :p. Not an RPG!

Secondly.. I have the same question! :lol: The enemies are supposed to always be moving on the map. A builiding can be overran by them any time.. It depends on the players if an area can stay safe or not.

I suppose that when you log in you'll be placed in an area where there aren't any enemies since the whole map won't be covered by them!

Lol sorry force of habit:lol:

right on, i guess that would be taken care of much later in production

also would there be an item box for players who would like to leave items for other players or some kind of exchange system

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
Well, you can always exchange items with characters who are close to you.

As for the item box, there won't be any! xD You can't carry with you too many items or weapons. Whatever you don't want you leave it on the ground and someone else may find it. :)

I want it to be as realistic as possible.
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