Resident Evil 2 (2019) Mr. X's missing attack

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
I have played RE2 Remake many times and I have yet to see Mr. X perform an attack in which he puts one fist in his hand, raises it above his head and slams it down. I have seen all his other attacks, (punch, leaping punch, choke slam and turning hook), but not this one. My fellow gamers have said he does perform this attack in game, but I have only seen it in the Model Gallery in the Extras section.

Please let me know how I can make Mr. X perform the overhead hammer fist move.
I have played RE2 Remake many times and I have yet to see Mr. X perform an attack in which he puts one fist in his hand, raises it above his head and slams it down. I have seen all his other attacks, (punch, leaping punch, choke slam and turning hook), but not this one. My fellow gamers have said he does perform this attack in game, but I have only seen it in the Model Gallery in the Extras section.

Please let me know how I can make Mr. X perform the overhead hammer fist move.
I don't know, just stand there and let him punch you until he perform the attack
I don't know, just stand there and let him punch you until he perform the attack

I've tried this. He will not perform the attack, no matter what I do. I did a test to determine if he would and this is what I came up with...

I let him hit me once, knocking me some distance away. He then followed up with his face grab attack and after I counter it, he hit me with a single punch again. I tried running at him this time to close the distance and instead of his face grab, he single punched me again. If there happens to be some distance between us, he does a leaping single punch.

The axehandle attack still wasn't executed. What kind of conditions do there need to be in order for X to do this move?
I've tried this. He will not perform the attack, no matter what I do. I did a test to determine if he would and this is what I came up with...

I let him hit me once, knocking me some distance away. He then followed up with his face grab attack and after I counter it, he hit me with a single punch again. I tried running at him this time to close the distance and instead of his face grab, he single punched me again. If there happens to be some distance between us, he does a leaping single punch.

The axehandle attack still wasn't executed. What kind of conditions do there need to be in order for X to do this move?
Don't know, he perform the hit on me sometimes, try to stai as close to him as possible, dodge the first punch and get close to him
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Don't know, he perform the hit on me sometimes, try to stai as close to him as possible, dodge the first punch and get close to him

I did it. Mr. X performs the axehandle attack if you dodge his first punch on danger health status and then stay within arms reach. It's a one-hit kill move that you can't survive, at least while playing on hardcore mode.
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I did it. Mr. X performs the axehandle attack if you dodge his first punch on danger mode and then stay within arms reach. It's a one-hit kill move that you cannot survive, at least while playing on hardcore mode.
glad you finally made it :)
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As a matter of fact, there could be another move that was left in the game files but never used. Mr X was exported from RE2 Remake and imported into Garry's Mod. He can perform a move that involves him lifting an entity up by the throat with one hand and then punching him or her in the head with the other.

Did the designer put this in or did Capcom intend for Mr X to use this move, thereby accidentally leaving it in the game files?
I don't care what moves Mr. X has. When it comes to battling him, I need only one move to defeat him..... and here it is.....

Btw, I don't really remember Mr. Ex-Lax doing this move. Watch him as he approaches the door. He does a kind of jump, swing and a miss.

But I have to admit, every time that guy saw me, he started after me like I owed him money or something. He actually kinda looks like a leg-breaker. The type of guy that says things like, "You got my boss' money? Well, you better get it, or you're gonna get it. Get it?".
Better a slow, dumb, easily outwitted leg breaker than lethal assassin hiding in the shadows waiting to one shot you flat footed.

Umbrella likes them big I suppose. ;-)
A assassin styled B.O.W would be pretty cool, I know nemisis n stuff are classed as assassins but I mean like a sneaky, smaller type class. Still strong but less bulky and huge. But like you said, not umbrellas style
Like a zombie ninja? Isn't that kind of like a Licker?

But more like an actual humanoid creature, that actually looks human, and can interact with humans, speak with them, and fool them into believing he/she/it is an actual human being. And then assassinate when ready to do so?
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well you could do something similar to a licker but more strategic & more of a boss type. Or a humanoid lookalike, either one would be really sick. Like jus something that stalks you the entire game, and the characters could be aware or unaware that it's following them, but hey don't know where. It could set some traps or sumn, idk? not very resident evil style but would be cool
What if one of the protagonists was kind of empathic, or psychic, and could sense that creature was around, but couldn't discern their exact whereabouts, and that sort of thing had to be left up to the others in the group?
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i could see that in a game, sort of like Natalia. There's so many choices though, they could make a really cool story around it, like maybe Chris or sumn got injected or kidnapped, n they made the bio weapon off his dna or something so he can sense it. (Or anyone) that would be sick.
A lot of classic horror opportunities too
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What if it were a shapeshifter, like a skin-walker, a supernatural, inter-dimensional being, that could be physically real, and, at the same time, transparent, like a ghost?
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