Metal Evil Survives

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Stray Jedi
Jul 6, 2015
Evil returns to the mother base. While Capcom gives us a game that some claims to be like PT. Konami gives us Metal Gear Survive. Their own little Umbrella Corps. Cuz Wormholes son.

In all seriousness. This does look like it could be fun. It doesn't mess with the Metal Gear lore and it doesn't seem to be screwing around with the Snakes. I'm guessing it's using the Phantom Pain's engine and the gameplay will be the same.
I honestly think this game looks so dumb, and pointless
We have so much survival zombie based games, no Metal gear fan asked for Metal Gear Survive.
So yeah I'm a bit angry at Konami.
#F**k Konami.

It definitely makes no sense and no we don't need it. It's pointless, but it could be fun. I'm just happy that Konami is recognizing it as a spin-off and isn't... at least not yet.... touching the main lore or ****ing up Snake's story. I just want them to remake the original Metal Gear games and just remaster the original or deal with the Twin Snakes rights issue.

I would be down for rolling the clock back to WWII and playing with The Boss. Those are the only things that I think Konami could do without ****ing it up. Maybe explore Gray Fox but they need to be careful.
I honestly think this game looks so dumb, and pointless
We have so much survival zombie based games, no Metal gear fan asked for Metal Gear Survive.
So yeah I'm a bit angry at Konami.
#F**k Konami.

Funny you should say that, #F*ckKonami is now a viral HashTag following that joke of a reveal (yes, I said it).

And AlphaOmegaSin sums up my views on this disgrace (and Konami as a whole) better than I ever could myself:

Basicaly konami copyd the last of us people who attacks them looks like a clickrz pack!!! Lmfao ik that type of games konami trying to pull up again another faill congrats konami
Way to go Konami on how to treat the MGS franchise on the first game without Kojima... I was trying to give MGS a chance and not be to butthurt about Kojimas abscene.

After all:
I still liked the Tomb Raider Games after Toby Gard left.
I still liked the Resident Evil Games after Shinji Mikami left.
I still liked the Silent Hill Games after Team Silent left.

But this is really a step into the wrong direction. This is not what MGS is about. You can just tell that something is wrong with this game, without Kojima. I hope the MGS franchise gets some new and good game designers who can at least make ordinary MGS games, as long as Konami will keep it alive.
Funny you should say that, #F*ckKonami is now a viral HashTag following that joke of a reveal (yes, I said it).

And AlphaOmegaSin sums up my views on this disgrace (and Konami as a whole) better than I ever could myself:


OMG! I love AlphaOmegaSin!!

It definitely makes no sense and no we don't need it. It's pointless, but it could be fun. I'm just happy that Konami is recognizing it as a spin-off and isn't... at least not yet.... touching the main lore or ****ing up Snake's story. I just want them to remake the original Metal Gear games and just remaster the original or deal with the Twin Snakes rights issue.

I would be down for rolling the clock back to WWII and playing with The Boss. Those are the only things that I think Konami could do without ****ing it up. Maybe explore Gray Fox but they need to be careful.

I have no faith in Konami anymore. I'm pretty sure they'll F**k up any Metal Gear game. But as you said at least Metal gear survive is a spin off and not touching the main lore.
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I have no faith in Konami anymore. I'm pretty sure they'll F**k up any Metal Gear game. But as you said at least Metal gear survive is a spin off and not touching the main lore.

I think they would do fine with remakes xD I would like the original games remade and we could do with a remake of MGS2, Twin Snakes, and MGS3. Please don't make them open world. Leave them as is with updated graphics and physics. Thank you! (Of course they will **** that up.)

There is one scenario where I think Konami could really shine. I think an MGS6 is very possible if they roll the clock back to WWII and tell the story of the Boss and the birth of Ocelot. Other than that, there isn't much more they can do without ****ing up the story of the Snakes.
Hey, in terms of making new Metal Gear games, I always said that they should remake the original ones from the Nintendo, or Famicon, it will be like coming full circle, those games take place in 1995, and 1999, and its the classic showdown between Solid and Big Boss. I mean, if they already remade the original classic from PS1 to gamecube, Im sure they could totally reinvent the story that was done on the old Nintendo and famicon release.

Metal Gear definitely is worthy of a Top 5 video game franchise ever. Whenever I tell people about Resident Evil and how long its been around and how the story keeps evolving from the original 20 years ago, one other game I mention in terms of longevity is Metal Gear. Mario and Zelda also come to mind, but those storylines arent as linear. Ninja Gaiden is also up there, 3 old school Nintendo games and 3 great next gen games. I also dig Tomb Raider, the very first one came out around the same time Resident Evil 1 came out.
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Seeing as the biggest draw to Metal Gear for me has always been seeing what Kojima would do next (both in narrative and gameplay), I am not interested in this in the slightest. So now, both of my utmost favorite game series of all time are effectively done for me for the time being (RE and MGS).

It's a hell of a bummer.
Don't count on Konami doing anything memorable with the MGS name or any of their IPs from hereon out. Even if, by some divine miracle, they manage to pull their heads out of their GDMFin' asses and actually start LISTENING to their fans and start making console games again (again, don't get your hopes up), they've already fired all their creative minds: Kojima, Iragashi, Team Silent, etc. and a lot of their developers have since left them. Not only that, but all the devs they have left simply won't be allowed to make the kind of game they want because of their ****ty work conditions, so Konami won't be able to do jack **** with the MGSs, the CastleVanias, etc. anymore beside royally F them up.

Don't count on them selling their IPs to a company who actually GIVES a **** about the gaming industry and these great IPs, either, mark my words: it ain't happenin' unless they outright go bankrupt.

For all the stupid **** Capcom, Square-Enix, Sega, etc. have done, they've at least listened to their fans (RE2 and FF7 being remade, RE going back to Survival-Horror) and are slowly starting to turn things around and Sega at least still rides on the awesome Yakuza games this day and age. What exactly has Konami done since MGSV? Oh, right...
  • Sabotaged Kojima's work on MGSV due to some contrived "budgeting" nonsense.
  • Forced Kojima, the motherfuggin' MASTERMIND of the MGS series, out the door along with Koji Iragashi, the brains behind CV.
  • Announced they were abandoning all future AAA games (and pretty much their fans in the process) for mobile gaming and FRIGGIN' PACHINKO MACHINES!
  • Abruptly cancelled Silent Hills, arguably the most hyped SH game ever, and removed P.T. from the PS Store.
  • Had allegations come out of them treating their staff like ****.
  • Banned Kojima from the VGAs (talk about biting the hand that spoon fed you for 2 decades).
  • Desperately needing to hit it out of the park in order to win their fans back, goes and makes a new Metal Gear game: Metal Gear: Zombie Edition! LMAO, you can't make this **** up.
Anything else I'm missing from this **** list?

But yeah, it bears repeating: #F&cKonami!