Member Appreciation Thread

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The King of Kings
Sep 4, 2013
Gotham City
So I've seen this kind of thread on another forum and just thought why not do it here? The rules are simple, just talk about a member or members on the forum that you really appreciate and why. Just think of this as an opportunity to tell certain members, friends or just someone whose work or posts you've noticed, how much you appreciate what they do.

Without a doubt, the member I most appreciate on this forum is @Jen. She's been an absolute friend to me since my first week joining the forum and has since been a pleasure to talk to. I honestly don't think there is anyone nicer or easier to get along with than her. The simplest way I could put this is if you don't like her, you're a piece of sh*t. :P
I would have to say I appreciate @AgentZero . Back when he first joined and was 12 years old, he went by a different name, and was annoying as hell, but bud, you've really grown to become cool, have some very interesting topics to share, and you're always willing to try and take part in any discussion, WITHOUT being a d*ck, but still managing to show that you are being serious. I'm glad you'e stuck around this long! I appreciate some other members quite a bit too, but we'll get to that after some others post!
I really appreciate a lot of people on here, so it's really hard to choose one. So, here goes: (This isn't in any order by the way)





@La Femme Fatale


@Magnolia Grandiflora




If your name isn't on this list, please don't take it like I don't appreciate you. These are people that I've had some form of conversation with, whether it be via inbox or in a post.

I was really tired when posting this, so I might have accidentally left out some people.
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I've been here a few years now, and seen various dramas and spoke to various people.

First time I spoke to @Jen it was to play a game of raid mode on the 3ds.
Since then we have played multiple games together, spoken to each other through different medais and became good friends. If it wasn't for this forum I wouldn't have made such a good friend, so my top appreciation goes to her.

Other members which I have had good conversations with and have appreciated include:

Hel has left quite the impression with me, she is friendly and is active around here. I never really spoke to her much at first except for the occasional forum reply, but I do appreciate that she has hung around for a large amount of time too.

Same as Hel, turo has stuck around for a while, isn't afraid to speak his mind and helps keep a discussion going.

One of the newest members here I have spoken with, and is a really active member. Also consistently kind gets on well with everyone as far as I've noticed.

Another member which has stuck around for a while, AgentZero is a cool guy and I like the small chats we have had.

@Steve Powell
Our fellow admin, I've seen some forums where admins are beasts and ban happy. Steve is pretty chilled and relaxed about things and genuinely wants what's best for the people in this forum.

Other notable members which I have either had in depth conversations with, who I have noticed around or who just like to contribute in general:


My memory is pretty bad so I know I have missed some people out, i'm sorry.
You guys are all awesome and make this forum.
I'm glad I donated to this place.
Lol I used to be on this forum since way back too but forgot my password lmao so now I'm incognito with a new avatar. Great post though! A lot of ppl on this site are great humans who are completely selfless and intelligent. Wish I could meet u all in real life. I look forward to being a pal to all of you on here and share our appreciation for the best game series ever!
I would have to say I appreciate @AgentZero . Back when he first joined and was 12 years old, he went by a different name, and was annoying as hell, but bud, you've really grown to become cool, have some very interesting topics to share, and you're always willing to try and take part in any discussion, WITHOUT being a d*ck, but still managing to show that you are being serious. I'm glad you'e stuck around this long! I appreciate some other members quite a bit too, but we'll get to that after some others post!
Thanks man. I know I used to be super annoying, after reading some of my old posts about a year ago I was like, "God how did people put up with me?" And most people didn't LOL. But thanks man. You're honestly probably my favorite person on this forum and have really helped me see through some things in my life.
I appreciate everyone on here and it's hard to pick few people but if I have to I'd say @Hel and @Fenris because they are my children so I have to appreciate them lol, we also joined all around the same time so I guess we bonded as newbies, you are both awesome! We just need to find Jörmungandr.

@Jen is probably the most friendly person on this forum and I'm glad that I met you because you always make me feel like I'm at home here :)

@Spikeyroxas we haven't spoken that much but I know you're an awesome guy because you like Kingdom Hearts xD you're also always the first person to post any new RE news on the forum

@KennedyKiller we always seem to disagree on everything about Resident Evil but you're always cool about it

@Steve Powell because you gave me a free copy of RE6 and you started this awesome site because you're awsome!

If you're not here I still apreciate you :) I would love to get to know some of you more
I appreciate @MissDomino and @Jay. While they may not be on here that much anymore, they will forever be my besties. MissDomino is one of the smartest, is the friendliest, one of the most understanding, and one of the most enjoyable people I've ever talked to and played games with in my entire life, I care a lot about her and I love her so much X3..............not like that, I mean in the sense that she is like an older sister to me. And Jay is one of the most enjoyable and smartest people that I've ever talked to when it comes to discussing about games and talking about them, and their lore sometimes, plus I do have to honor for our time playing Injustice: Gods Among Us, and kicking my butt at it, but also helping me improve on it.
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There are some awesome people that I have had the honour to get to know personally and they really are great friends. There isn't a specific order to these, I'm just listing them. :)

@President Evil

And there are also some people that have been amazingly supportive of me and replied when I've posted my troubles and I've really appreciated it. Thanks so much to:

@Magnolia Grandiflora
@La Femme Fatale

I've got to say, however, that I too appreciate everyone who hangs around here. Everybody makes this forum what it is and I love all of the discussions and conversations we all have. You are all incredible, I'm glad you're all here and I hope everyone sticks around for a long time to come. I look forward to getting to know you all more. :)
I appreciate everybody here. My list of the ones I appreciate most would be way too long. It would be easier to list the ones I appreciate least, because that's nobody (watch, somebody will make an account with the name Nobody).
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I appreciate everyone on here and it's hard to pick few people but if I have to I'd say @Hel and @Fenris because they are my children so I have to appreciate them lol, we also joined all around the same time so I guess we bonded as newbies, you are both awesome! We just need to find Jörmungandr.

@Jen is probably the most friendly person on this forum and I'm glad that I met you because you always make me feel like I'm at home here :)

@Spikeyroxas we haven't spoken that much but I know you're an awesome guy because you like Kingdom Hearts xD you're also always the first person to post any new RE news on the forum

@KennedyKiller we always seem to disagree on everything about Resident Evil but you're always cool about it

@Steve Powell because you gave me a free copy of RE6 and you started this awesome site because you're awsome!

If you're not here I still apreciate you :) I would love to get to know some of you more
We do disagree, but this place would be SO boring if everyone agreed on everything, and a good spirited debate is always a great thing within reason ;)