Just an Idea...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
New York
I just had a thought about what another part to the Resident evil chronicles series could be...
Now since Re:UC was 0/1/3
and DSC: was 2/CV

I had a thought that maybe they could do

Resident Evil: Outbreak Chronicles
It could follow the events of the Outbreak chapters and explain its story abit better to us

and since there were allowed to be about 4 people at a time on online mode they could make it like a 4 player game even though it might be abit confusing with 4 cross hairs shootin around a tv screen
but its an idea isnt it?
Hmmm, well it is an idea...

I think Outbreak is noncanon. But I do think that if they want to run with the Chronicles series a bit longer, perhaps the Survivor series could use a makeover, so Survivor, maybe Survivor 2, and Dead Aim all in it. The Outbreaks could work, but there are alot of unknowns, like who was in which event, etc.
Yeah but thats what the editing is for and I think Survivor should be left alone forever. Dead aim they could do a version of and maybe put it on the chronicles list but Outbreak you could pick like from the characters and whatnot and it just starts from the beggining and goes through it its not a bad idea but its also not one of my greatests
There lies the issue with doing Outbreak though. Nothing is really set. You can choose from 8 characters on any given scenario. One can realistically decide who should be on which level, but then which levels would be chosen? Outbreak just seems a bit too complex and tricky to be applied to the Chronicles series.

As for Survivor, I think that would be the perfect candidate, as it is already in a first person mode, it has an amazing plot, one of my favorites. The graphics and voices were awful though, a rail shooter remake would be great.
yes but there is a purpose behind the chornicles series and that is two have two people to play as and unless they just do Survivor as like a sub chapter like they did with the 4th Survivor then but otherwise it could not really be put in but Capcom could figure out a way to do an Outbreak Chronicles like they go through each scenario but the characters that were in that scenario were the ones you play as
it isn't that bad of an idea, but Tyrant is right~~~
the game is too complex to be a first person rail shooter~~~

Though I think code veronica wouldn't be bad...unless it's in the darkside too =p~~~
yeah code veronica is a main chapter in darkside x3 and then theres a leon and krauser chapter
I don't think the Outbreaks are meant to be taken seriously. It was an experience, to place you in the shoes of someone lost in the chaos of Raccoon City. You can make choices, interact with other people, become infecte... it's meant to be a little bit more realistic than the other games.
It'd much better to make scenarios with about Survivor 1 and Dead Aim, with the addition of a new chapter (those are important and cannon stories. Survivor 1 shows the mass production of the T-103 and DA shows the T-G virus).
Wonder what the next one would be called though...think the next Resident Evil game would be like Dark Side?? or like a continued series of Resident Evil which is Resident Evil 6??~~~

And outbreak characters never made it out I think =p~~~
they all got blown up...~~~

So I agree with starting like dead aim or survivor for the next like arcade shooter~~~
Thank you Bruno.:)

@Tyrant, you said the Chronicles series revolves around a two player experience, I don't think that is what it is, if anything you could say that about RE5(which also cheapened the experience), but I played through UC the entire game by myself, and only later had the chance to play co-operatively.

I think the Survivor Series is a very important one, that most of the fans don't get the chance to play(because of how difficult they are to find) or they never even hear about them. But they certainly contain some of the most important things in the series, or at least Survivor does, with the whole Sheena Island Incident, which was also mentined at the beginning of RE0.
Now I get the whole idea that Survivor is a main game and I never said it wasnt all I meant was that every game they used had some sorta partner through it all and well Survivor there was no one to help you except those two kids but there not gonna like like a 5 or 13 year old a gun and say here come help me kill zombies, so like I said unless thats just a subchapter then I dont see why they could do it and right now because i revolves around mostly a cooperative experience at the least to say but Dead Aim they could do and you have to get my idea of why I say Outbreak only because each chapter you can pick maybe 1 out of 4 characters they give you for that certain mission which is all I said and despite the fact it was going through the scenarios I think it would still be a good idea for the game plus the Outbreak series needs to redeem itself after file 2 epically failed and did so bad that outbreak 3 has yet to come out because of it.

AND there is a new resident evil game coming out, Resident Evil Portable for psp is gonna be a whole new experience for the series new story new gameplay new EVERYTHING but thats all that was released no clue on who the character is and whatnot
Since Outbreak is non-canonical, it wouldn't work so well... however maybe some little references could be interesting. Similarly to Gaiden - maybe a little reference, like the name of the ship but not mentioning any of the events would be a really cool reference.

All they could do now is elaborate more on the current main series (pre- RE4 and 5) or work on RE4 and 5 ones.
Actually that is a good idea to use Gaiden, Because both Barry and Leon could be used in it you know? But you have to think about not the fact its a non cannon game but the fact that it can be used for the game it dosnt have to be exactly cannon characters only
I think they will produce a third game at some point, maybe after RE6 or just before. The games left to try out are: Outbreaks, dead aim, survivors, gaiden and RE5.
I think RE5 and gaiden wouldn't happen, but they could try their hand at the Outbreaks, maybe add more sub plots to the story, chuck in some key cast members, like Irons, Marvin etc to spice up the backstory, I just wouldn't want Capcom to mess the timeline or storyline that many fans are trying to figure out.